Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3030: The assimilation ability from the innate source

The third thousand and thirtieth chapter comes from the assimilation ability of innate Taoyuan

The majesty of the seventh-order **** king with a single blow can be described as shocking.

Although Long Shige had reacted extremely quickly, he still felt invisible, and the distance between him and the ancestor Long Kuan was quickly shortened.

What made Long Shige anxious was that Awakening did not respond at all. He couldn't help but yelled again: "Wake up, if you are eager and remember your previous hatred, then I am dead and you will not survive."

Unfortunately, there is still no response.

"Long Shige, in terms of strategy, you are less than one ten thousandth of that kid, so don't be ashamed here before you die." Long Kuan sarcastically said.

A huge dragon shadow quickly flew out of his body.


Long Ying galloped past, opening his mouth and biting towards Long Shige.

With this blow, Long Shige could no longer evade, and his body aura and all his retreats were all locked by the ancestor Long Kuan. In a critical moment, he could only fight with all his strength.

A huge roar rolled by, and in the light of the sky, Long Shige's figure was shaken out.

His face was pale as paper, the clothes of the second-grade and lower-grade god-given artifacts exploded, and blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth, already suffering a severe injury.

"Do you know how weak you are?" The figure of the ancestor Long Kuan slowly appeared beside Long Shige. Between his hands, he strangled Long Shige's throat, and then threw Long Shige at him. Twelve days of ghosts.

After doing all this, the ancestor Long Kuan looked around and searched for the awakened figure. Suddenly, his eyes condensed, and he found a figure on the stone steps south of the altar, climbing upwards. It was awakening. .


The ancestor Long Kuan uttered two words faintly, without worrying about waking up, and stepped towards the twelve-day ghost formation.

On the south altar, awakening naturally heard Long Shige's voice and saw everything clearly.

Although he was angry at what everyone in Dragon King Valley did before, he didn't want everyone in Dragon King Valley to die in the hands of ancestor Long Kuan, fools can see that ancestor Long Kuan brought everyone in Dragon King Valley here to slaughter them. , There must be a big conspiracy.

However, when he thought of the huge power gap between himself and Long Kuan ancestor, he still ignored Long Shige when he woke up.

Even if he took the shot, he was just losing his life with Long Shige.

For the current plan, I can only trust He Tong's judgment, and hope that little girl liar can be more reliable.

In other words, the reason why He Tong knew the true origin of Long Kuan's ancestor was not because she had wisdom when she was in the womb and knew everything that happened outside, but the information she learned from the giant flame bear.

Just now, when the ancestor Long Kuan looked at him, he woke up in a cold sweat.

This was mainly because he didn't expect this altar to be so weird. Once he stood on the stone steps, his void retreat would automatically lose its effect, causing him to be exposed directly.

Fortunately, the ancestor Long Kuan ignored himself.

"Is it because I think I exist like an ant, so I don't bother to pay attention to it?" Su Xing muttered to himself, but soon he realized that his idea was wrong.

Anyway, he is also the arrogant of the Nine Tribulations, with a boundless future, and the ancestor Long Kuan will not completely ignore it.

The real reason is that this altar is too weird.

When Wake boarded the second stone step, an inexplicable feeling of heart palpitations suddenly appeared, and then the surrounding fire rose, placing him in the sea of ​​fire, and there was a feeling that his body and soul were incinerated together.

This altar is not easy to reach the top!

The ancestor Long Kuan slaughtered everyone in the Dragon King Valley just to climb the altar. He knew the altar very well and believed that he would die in the process of climbing to the summit.

At this time, everyone in the Dragon King Valley, from the valley lord Long Shige to the ordinary **** king, had already been killed.

The twelve-day ghosts flew around the ancestor Long Kuan, rolling up a large amount of blood from the corpse, and as the ancestor Long Kuan climbed up the steps, with each step taken, a lot of blood of the gods would appear at the feet of the ancestor Long Kuan.

That is a **** road poured out by the blood of the **** king.

The ancestor Long Kuan actually opened the way with the blood of the **** king, and walked extremely steadily at every step. Even though the fire appeared around him, he could not hurt him at all.

"He Tong, what the **** is going on?" Su Xing said with a sullen face, how can he fail to see that he was put on a side by He Tong, and the latter did not explain the matter about this altar.

"Xiantian Daoyuan is in the palace at the top of the altar. Under the nurturing of Xian Daoyuan, the entire altar contains its innate mighty power, which is the flame around you."

"If you want to climb to the top of the altar, you must withstand the attack of innate power."

"Generally speaking, this kind of attack is called'assimilation ability', because Xiantian Daoyuan itself does not have any means of attack and killing. It will not repel any objects, only assimilate."

"It's like the Dao of Heaven is shrouded in heaven and earth, everywhere, Xiantian Daoyuan will assimilate everything around it into a part of it, so it is difficult to deal with this assimilation ability with ordinary methods."

He Tong saw the signs of anger when he woke up, so he explained it honestly.

"...Why didn't you say it earlier?" Su Xing said with a black face.

"This... what I said earlier, I'm afraid you won't agree to the summit!" He Tong said.

"Haha!" Su Xing smiled coldly. This grudge was written down first, the little girl liar, even he dared to calculate, let's take a look!

The raging fire kept infiltrating the body of the awakening, and the divine power of the cultivation base could hardly resist.

This assimilation ability is indeed very difficult.

No wonder even the ancestor Longkuan needs to deal with it cautiously.

"The ancestor Long Kuan's body is evil spirit resentment. After killing, he can collect other people's resentment and turn it into his own use, and to a certain extent, he can resist the assimilation ability of Innate Daoyuan."

He Tong saw the confusion of awakening and took the initiative to explain.

"Didn't you already have that giant flame bear in your body? Can't you still resist the assimilation ability here?" Su Xing endured quite painful, couldn't help but ask.

He Tong said before that it was not convenient for her to show up, but now she wakes up and realizes it.

The so-called inconvenience, I am afraid, is worried about the assimilation ability of Innate Daoyuan.

"Because I have a bear in my body, I can't even show up. Otherwise, under the assimilation ability of the bear and the innate Daoyuan, I will be assimilated in an instant." He Tong said.

"What about after reaching the top? Every time I climb a step, the assimilation ability of Innate Daoyuan will become stronger, and the assimilation ability at the top will only be more amazing, right? How do you respond when then?" Su Xing asked.

"No need to deal with it, when I get there, I will start a Nirvana... Then you will understand." He Tong said.

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