Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3106: A group of female hooligans!

Chapter 3106 A group of female hooligans!

"Qi Xuan, don't you want to spit blood!" Nangong Qing's face was slightly dark, and she was already calling Qi Xuan's name directly, instead of the fake sister Xuan'er.

"If Xuan'er misunderstood, then apologize for my sister." Qi Xuan said calmly: "If Xuan'er did not misunderstand, it doesn't matter whether my sister wants to make things difficult for Luo Qing or me."

"Your status is the highest, and we won't have any complaints."

"You can endure the fight, and the scolding is also accepted."

As a ray of light flashed, Gu Yucheng's figure also appeared outside the palace. He glanced at Nangong Qing and said, "Luo Qing has an elegant and unique body and has already cultivated to the beginning of his life. Yu Chijin has no precautions. , Will be severely hit by a blow, and this end has nothing to do with any conspiracy."

This sentence seems to be explaining the reason for the whole thing, but more, it is still explaining for Qi Xuan.

In other words, in this matter, Gu Yucheng was on Qi Xuan's side.

"Husband, I didn't misunderstand the meaning of sister Xuan'er, it's just that Wei Chijin was seriously injured and was in a hurry. This is..."

"I understand!" Gu Yucheng nodded and said: "Competitions, injuries are inevitable, don't mind too much, let someone carry Yu Chijin down to recover from his injuries!"

"Liu He, go!" Nangong Qing ordered.

Soon, Liu He took away Yu Chijin who had fallen into a coma. He was also a sixth-order **** king, but he was unconscious, showing how serious his injuries were.

This is naturally because awakening finally made up for that kick.

"Luo Qing, with your background, it is really rare to be able to cultivate a body technique to the Beginning Void Realm. You are indeed qualified to participate in the competition of the ascending order." Gu Yucheng said.

"Thank you!" Wake arched his hands.

For his plan, Gong Kun did not see through.

He was indeed deliberately concealing his strength, but he did not act too mediocre. That would be counterproductive, so he deliberately used the Nine Changes of the Divine Cicada to let Gu Yucheng see some of his extraordinary.

"Yeah! Go outside and wait first! Xuan'er and Qing'er stay." Gu Yucheng waved his hands, seeing this, including waking up, the people on both sides left one after another.

"Brother, awesome! I knew you could definitely defeat that kid Yuchijin." Outside Gu Shenfeng, Gao Gao said with a smile. Except for him, everyone around Qi Xuan was also in a happy mood.

This battle seemed to be nothing, but it frustrated Nangongqing's spirit and damaged its majesty.

And Qi Xuan and her confidants will naturally have a feeling of exuberance.

"You kid quickly talk about how to cultivate to the Returning Void Realm?" Gao Shan laughed, and the others cast curious glances.

Even among the young people of the Nine Regions of East Spirit, there are not many people who have cultivated a magic technique to the Void Realm of Returning Beginning.

"This... occasionally has an epiphany, and I succeeded in practicing without knowing it." Su Xing smiled slightly.

"Awesome! Luo Ge'er is young and talented, and he will become so prosperous in the future, don't forget us."

"Hehe! Is there no need for Luo Ge'er to be a close-knit **** the bed?"

Qi Xuan's group of personal maids began to jokingly wake up.

Awakening himself is handsome in appearance, and he is highly regarded by Qi Xuan. He is regarded as a younger brother, and he has outstanding talents. Moreover, he has no pretensions and is easy-going, which naturally easily arouses the favor of others.

Everyone now belongs to the same camp, rides the same boat, and knows each other quickly, without much scruples.

After waking up, the feeling was great, and as expected, if the women played hooligans, there was nothing for men.

"I said you guys, if anyone can take down Brother Luo, I will prepare a generous gift for you when I drink a wedding wine in Gaoshan." Gaoshan feared that the world would not be chaotic, and fanned the flames.

"Mountain King, you pit me..." Su Xing's mouth twitched one after another.

"Huh! Man, there really isn't a good thing, and those little waves of hoofs are even more hateful!"

Inside the Chaos Pond, He Tong observed this scene and cursed there.

"You little kid, what do you know!" Gong Kun was a little speechless, the girl with a big fart, who would she show to her all day long...

"Shut up, if I didn't wake up, would I be what I am now?" He Tong felt annoyed when he thought of this. When she swallowed the power of the Sun Daoyuan, she could have taken the opportunity to become a face Beautiful woman's.

The next moment, the Chaos Pool was suddenly completely closed, cutting off the connection with the outside world.

"Huh! Man, are you guilty?" He Tong sneered.

Outside, I wake up and feel that my ears are at least half clean. Isn't it good to stay quietly in the Chaos Pool? What are the old accounts? Do you still want to beat yourself?

About half an hour later, Qi Xuan and Nangong Qing flew out of Gushen Peak one after another.

When I wake up and see Qi Xuan, it is like seeing a savior. The offensive of a group of female hooligans around him has become more intense, and if this continues, he can't stand it!

"What are you talking about?" Qi Xuan asked curiously.

"Little madam, look at the little stars in Qiulan's eyes. Isn't it obvious?" Gao Shan smiled.

"That's it! Qiulan, you guys have to cheer! If anyone can win Luo Qing, I will host the wedding for you personally!" Qi Xuan said with a smile.

"Hehe! With the words of the master, we have no scruples!"

"I'm going to warm up Brother Luo's bed tonight."


Wake up in despair, with a look of lovelessness on his face, he finally knows why these maids of Qiulan are so bold, and their feelings are not right on the beam and crooked by the beam!

Compared with the joyous atmosphere of Awakening, the expressions of Nangongqing and others were a little gloomy.

Although Yuchijin was awakened and defeated, it was indeed not a big deal, but Nangong Qing herself was a person who couldn't tolerate sand in her eyes. What's more, she had been steady and stable all these years and couldn't bear such a boring loss.

"Luo Qing, Qi Xuan, you won't be proud of it for too long." Nangong Jing squinted at Wake, Qi Xuan and his group, leaving behind, his eyes were cold.

"Madam, what should we do?" Mo Spider asked.

"Didn't Luo Qing have the qualifications to compete for the Ascendant Order? Then attack him at the Ascendant Conference. I want him to pay a tragic price in front of countless people and lose face." Nangong Qing gritted his teeth. Tao.

The ascension meeting she said was prepared for the ascension order.

All competitors will participate in the ascent to the heavens, then compete, fiercely, and screen, and finally decide who will get the order to go to the Xuantianzong.

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