Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3109: Cha Junxian

Chapter 3109: Defeat Cha Junxian

There were three people who stopped the awakening with Yu Chijin.

Since they can walk into this area full of peaks, they obviously have the qualifications to participate in the ascent to the sky. Besides, they must have an unusual relationship with Nangong Qing.

Or to put it more directly, these are all Nangongqing people.

Waking up was not surprised at this.

He had long known that Nangong Qing would not let it go, and the best chance of revenge in the near future was naturally the Climbing Tournament. In front of countless people, he left a painful lesson for himself.

Can Qi Xuan lose face again, wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?

Su Xing glanced at the provocative person, but didn't care. The few people on the other side looked at me and said flatly, "Nangong Qing will send you a few to deal with me?"

"Shut up! How dare you call the lady's name directly, this is disrespectful." Yu Chijin shouted coldly.

"She is your master and not mine. What can't you say directly?" Su Xing said calmly.

"You're looking for death!" The attitude of waking up undoubtedly made the few people including Yu Chijin furious, and their expressions were extremely gloomy.

Waking up didn't care, it was not six months ago.

As the ascending conference is about to be held, then there is no need to deliberately hide his strength, anyway, in order to compete for the ascending order, he may also try his best at that time.

Once the order to ascend to the sky is obtained, the status and status will inevitably rise.

After all, that was equivalent to getting the ticket to become a disciple of Xuantianzong's inner sect, and the senior officials of the Gu family would treat him three points, and Nangong Qing hated him no matter what.

Therefore, if Yuchijin and the others dare to do something and wake up, they will be taught a painful lesson before the start of the ascent to the sky, or even more simply, directly prevent them from participating in the ascent.

At this time, a group of figures appeared among the peaks.

Although this area is not small, as far as the King of God is concerned, everyone will be aware of anything that happens in the first place, not to mention that there will be conflicts and fights.

However, no one stood up to stop this conflict.

More often than not, everyone is watching from a distance with a mindset of watching the excitement.

"Who is that kid? With a strange face, how could there be a conflict with Yuchijin?"

"Who knows, but Yuchijin and the others are all of Mrs. Nangong's people. They have a strong backing, and each of them has a good level of cultivation. I'm afraid that kid will suffer a big loss."

"Boy with terrible luck! Before the ascent to the sky, he was targeted, so he might not be able to participate in the ascent."

"Then it depends on Yuchi Jin and the others. Will they be cruel?"

The vast majority of people are not optimistic about waking up, and they don't think that an unknown kid who can make waves will probably become one of countless cannon fodder.

It can also be said to be a stepping stone for others.

"Kid, remember, I was Cha Junxian who stepped you under your feet." With a cold shout, a person next to Yu Chijin rushed out quickly.

The vigorous cultivation base aura exudes, and the power of the **** king rushes out of his body, setting him off the tall and stalwart.

Cha Junxian's strength is no different from that of Yuchijin. The two often discussed in private, winning each other, but compared with Yuchijin, Cha Junxian's speed is much ahead.


Cha Junxian moved instantly.

With him as the center, the wind was raging, and a huge tornado was born quickly, connecting the sky from the ground, like a huge wind dragon, with great momentum.

Cha Junxian had a very profound understanding of the laws of the wind system, and he had already reached the level of will.

"Boy, I don't know how you can fight me when you can't succeed in a sneak attack?" Cha Junxian's cold voice came from the tornado.

He had learned some information about awakening from Yuchijin a long time ago.

He dared to take action, naturally, he was confident. He was ahead of Yuchijin in the field of speed, which could just be used to restrain his awakening. Even if his speed was slightly slower than awakening, it would be impossible for the latter to sneak attack on him.

When the voice fell, Cha Junxian had already launched an offensive.

The huge tornado, carrying the sound of rolling thunder, quickly approached awakening, forming a crushing momentum.

But this is just a superficial phenomenon.

In fact, this level of attack can't even speed up his awakening heartbeat a little, and can't make his blood start to thrive. It will inevitably feel like a child's play.


A dazzling light surging in the palm of his awakened palm.

The Eight Desolate Ancient God Seal was displayed by him.

This third-rank heavenly conferred magic technique can be said to have huge potential and extremely powerful power, but the requirements for the realm of cultivation are also too high. Recently, after waking up, he did not deliberately study it.

Therefore, among his many methods, the Eight Desolation Ancient God Seals are not so conspicuous.

But this does not mean that Cha Junxian and his like can be resisted.


At the moment when the huge tornado struck, he awoke and raised his hand and slapped it out. His clothes were hunting and his hair was flying, but his expression was plain as water.

In an instant, tyrannical forces spread out.

Many young competitors who watched the game appeared completely opposite to their imagination.

The tornado did not crush and awaken, but cracked inch by inch, just like a real dragon was crushed by a person to all the bones of the whole body, and fell apart in the sky.

However, Cha Junxian's reaction to Su was not slow, and he had left the tornado early.

It was just this blow, although it did not hurt him, but it also made him furious, because he noticed that the power of awakening was not as weak as Yu Chijin described it, but very powerful.

Suddenly, a strong sense of crisis pulled Cha Junxian back from his absence, and he swept to the side without thinking, trying to break away from the dangerous breath.

His speed is indeed extremely fast, and in an instant he moved horizontally for thousands of miles.

However, it is still too late.

Waking up faster than him, he displayed the four-pointed **** seal from the ancient **** seal of the Eight Desolations, and the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu emerged and directly trapped Cha Junxian inside.

This battle has been settled so far.

With the roar of thunder, the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu quickly attacked, and Cha Junxian had nowhere to escape. Under the siege of the four spirits of heaven and earth, he was quickly hit hard and vomited blood.

"Stop! I...I admit defeat."

Cha Junxian called out anxiously.

Although he was full of unwillingness in his heart, he was still more fearful, and he felt like he was falling into **** when he was surrounded by the four directions of gods.

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