Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3111: Blood Crow Blade

Chapter 3111: Blood Crow Blade

In the sky, Shentu Xionghu stared at his awakening, with a cruel smile on his face, and the strong power of the gods swarmed from his body like a tide.

In the palm of his hand, the light flicked, and a long **** knife emerged.

Around the long knife, countless black shadows flew around, exuding a particularly captivating atmosphere.

"It's the blood crow knife!"

"Shen Tuxiong is going to use the Blood Crow Sword directly? This is true!"

Exclamation sounded again all around.

Shen Tuxiong is a master swordsman, and his blood crow sword is even more fierce. Together with him, he killed an unknown number of kings. It is a real murderous sword in the eyes of people.

No one thought that Shen Tuxiong would just use the Blood Crow Sword as soon as he didn't make a move.


Shen Tuxiong didn't say any more, holding a knife in one hand, slashing towards the awakening.

Suddenly, a red and black intertwined knife light quickly emerged, which was tens of thousands of feet long, as if it was about to split the world in half, with a terrifying aura.

Along with it, there are countless chaotic and noisy screams.

The timid, even Liushen Wuzhu has been scared.

This is the scary thing about the blood crow sword. As soon as this fierce knife is released, countless blood crows fly out with it, bloodthirsty, cruel, and violent.

At this moment, awakening seemed to be shocked, standing still in place.

Compared with the huge sword light, his figure was very small, and he was quickly swallowed by the sword light.

But body size cannot be used to measure strength.

Just when many young people watching the battle felt that they would be hit hard by this knife when they woke up, an unexpected scene happened, and dense cracks appeared on the majestic knife light.

And the countless blood crows flying around the knife light turned into powder in an instant.

As if there was some terrifying power, they had all been wiped out.

Immediately afterwards, the huge light of the knife burst apart, like a mirror shattered. The countless light of the knife shattered, continued to split, and finally turned into dust.

When the light dissipated, everything was calm, and the awakened figure appeared, his expression calm, his eyes calm, his left hand still holding a fist posture, as if to tell everyone that everything just now was what he did.

Those with keen perception have already sensed that in the awakening surroundings, some of the breath of the laws of the gods have been squeezed out, and the world seems to be centered on him and dominated by him.

A sense of surprise appeared in Gu Zhe's eyes, "It turned out to be a physical god."

"This guy... is really hidden!"

"Is this his real hole card?"

"The flesh **** king can fight Gu Zhe? Can he defeat Shen Tuxiong?"

Many young people who watched the game still didn't have much hope for awakening after the accident. Shen Tuxiong didn't try his best with the knife just now, and it didn't explain anything if it was broken.

"It's interesting!" A bloodthirsty glow appeared in Shen Tuxiong's eyes. He seemed to lick his lips with excitement, as if he had encountered a very good prey.

"The law comes into my body, and all the ways follow me!"

Shen Tuxiong let out a deep cry, endless rays of light emerged from his body, and his body quickly enlarged. In an instant, he became a giant nine feet and nine feet tall. The burly and tall body seemed to contain explosive power.

He is not a pure human race, and the blood of a monster beast is still flowing in his body, but he is a half-orc.

At this moment, he aroused the blood power of the monster beast to reach his strongest fighting state.

"The flesh **** king? Then let's compare, whose power is stronger." Shen Tuxiong showed a cold and ferocious smile, the next moment, accompanied by a roar, his figure suddenly disappeared from the same place.


Like a meteorite falling from the sky, Shentu Xiong's sword merged into one, and he suddenly slashed towards awakening.

The power contained in this knife is far greater than before.

With this knife, it seemed that he was about to split his awakening in half, killing him in one fell swoop.

This knife was almost close to awakening, no more than a thousand feet.

He woke up and hunted, raised his eyes and looked directly at the sharply descending knife light. When the knife light was only half a foot away from him, he shot, simply and directly slammed out.


The moment the punch and the light of the sword collided, there was a strong wave of power spreading away, the wind was raging, the light flew by, and it soon spread to thousands of miles.

Both Su Xing and Shen Tuxiong were at the center of the power explosion, but neither of them was affected.

At a certain moment, the awakened figure suddenly disappeared.


In just an instant, there was an explosion sound, as if the void was torn apart by force.

Shen Tuxiong's eyes were electric, he felt an extremely dangerous aura, shuttled in the endless light, quickly approached him, and suddenly, he swept out with a knife.

At the same moment, the awakened figure appeared, carrying a punch from Tyrant and smashed.


It was another ferocious and unusual collision.

The **** light of the knife and Tyrant's fist strength, the needle tip against the wheat, collided like a comet.

But what was different from last time was that this time he was awakening and was actively attacking. The physical power he mobilized was even stronger and he displayed Huang Tuba Fist.

Therefore, just after the collision, Shen Tuxiong felt an unparalleled powerful force rushing toward him, and his body slipped backward uncontrollably.


The awakened figure disappeared from the same place.

He is a fighter born for battle, and he has an incomparable grasp of the battle opportunity. Taking advantage of Shen Tuxiong's unstable body, he launched an offensive again, quickly catching up with Shen Tuxiong, and again with an unparalleled punch.

Shen Tuxiong raised his sword to face the attack, he hadn't been completely defeated yet, he still had the power to fight back.

In the shocked eyes of the people, the two collided again. The difference was that Shen Tuxiong took a defensive position, tried to avoid the onslaught of awakening, and retreated with one blow.

He tried to distance himself and buy himself some breathing time.

It is a pity that Su Xing had already seen through his thoughts, even if he did not use space power to return to the Nine Transformations of the Void Realm, his figure was extremely flexible, and Shen Tuxiong couldn't get rid of it.

One punch, two punches, three punches...

Under the offensive that awakened like a squally rainstorm, Shen Tuxiong began to retreat steadily, and the appearance of defeat was revealed.


At this time, a cold shout sounded.

Gu Zhe spoke, and the strength of his awakening also surprised him. He didn't want Shen Tuxiong to be defeated and injured, but he wanted to end the battle early, so that he could still retain Shen Tuxiong's face.

Although Shen Tuxiong was unwilling, he began to retreat quickly.

He also knew that he was indeed not the opponent to wake up. The latter was obviously stronger than him in terms of strength, speed, or combat consciousness, and was a hidden master.

However, Gu Zhe and Shen Tuxiong did not decide many things. They wanted to end this battle, so you also need to ask Su Xing if he agrees!

"The emperor's power!"

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