Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3146: Shinto Mountain

Chapter 3146: Shendao Mountain

Before seeing Gu Yucheng's body, everyone had more or less hope in their hearts.

Maybe the natal soul lamp went out for other reasons?

Maybe Gu Yucheng is still alive? Even if there is still a breath left! With Gu's ability, he can definitely find the magic medicine to heal him and pull him back from the ghost gate.

But at this moment, all hopes were broken.

All hope is disillusioned, no miracle happens.

Gu Yucheng, the successor of the Gu family, really fell.

The atmosphere in Xueyuan Cave is depressed and low, and everyone's heart seems to be blocked by a big rock.

In front of the ice coffin, Qi Xuan, who was extremely sad, had passed out in a coma.

He woke up and couldn't bear it. He checked Qi Xuan's condition and found that there was no life worry. He was a little relieved. He looked at Gaoshan and said: "Shan King, Sister Xuan will temporarily take care of you."

"Don't worry! As long as I have a breath, the little lady will be fine." Gao Shan said.

Su Xing looked at Gu Tianfeng, who understood what he meant, and the two left Xueyuan Cave together and met the old Beiqi family.

"Old Beiqi, I think you should have some understanding of the situation at that time, can you tell us in detail?" Gu Tianfeng arched his hands towards the old Beiqi.

"Xuanyin Snow Mountain is not too far from Xuanyin Snow Mountain. Between our Snow Demon clan and the Gu family, we have been in peace for many years. Gu Yucheng has outstanding talents and is the successor of the Gu family. We don’t want him to fall on Xuanyin Snow Mountain. So as not to destroy the friendship between the two families."

The Beiqi old man paused and sighed: "Unfortunately, when Gu Yucheng arrived near the snow cave, he was already dying. He was dying and he was holding on with one breath."

"When we wanted to help, we suddenly discovered that at some point, everyone was poisoned by the Fire Vein Extreme Yang Poison."

Gu Tianfeng said with a cold face: "What a precise layout, it turns out that your Snow Demon clan has also been calculated. This is not intended to give Yucheng a way to survive."

Su Xing asked: "Elder Beiqi, do you see clearly the appearance of those murderers? Or do you know the magical skills that you performed?"

The old Bei Qi said: "I only know that one of the young people is named Ning Linchen, and the rest have no clues."

"Ning Linchen!" Gu Tianfeng narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "What a Ning family, who stretched out his hand so long, is it really weak for me to be bullied?"

"In this way, we need to find Ning Linchen." Su Xing said.

"Don't worry! I have sent out the message and searched for Ning Linchen's whereabouts in the entire Azure Dragon Region. He could not escape with his wings." Gu Tianfeng said coldly.

Hearing this, I felt relieved to wake up a lot.

If Gu Tianfeng gave the order, it was using the energy of the entire Gu family to search for Ning Linchen. The Azure Dragon Region was originally Gu family's territory, so it was really not difficult for them to find someone.

Because of this, Su Xing always had a question in his mind, what exactly did Ning Linchen think.

To kill Gu Yucheng requires a careful layout, and it is extremely difficult to retreat afterwards. But what is the purpose of doing all this?

There doesn't seem to be any particularly big contradiction between him and Gu Yucheng, why take such a risk?

Is it because of yourself?

Su Xing shook his head. If it was really because of him, Ning Linchen's goal should be him, not Gu Yucheng. Even if Gu Yucheng was killed, it would not have much effect on him.

It seems that this question can only be known when Ning Linchen is found.

After a short while, the group took Gu Yucheng's body and left the snow cave.

"Brother Luo Qing, let's see you in a while!" Bei Xuening stood on a snowy peak and waved to wake up, with a happy smile on her delicate and pretty face.

"Fairy!" Gu Shanying couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

After leaving the Xuanyin Snow Mountain straight and returning to the Yeming Mountains, time seemed to slow down, and the entire Yeming Mountains were covered by a layer of clouds because of Gu Yucheng's death.

Gu Yucheng also has a residence in the Yeming Mountains.

After Gu Yucheng's body was transported back to his residence, the mourning hall was set up. Qi Xuan stayed in the mourning hall forever. After waking up these days, he did not practice much, and accompanied Gao Shan by his side.

"Wake up brother, you will participate in the examination of Xuan Tianzong soon, so hurry up and practice!" Qi Xuan said.

"Sister Xuan, no matter how talented I am, I can't make any significant improvement in these ten days. All I need to do now is to adjust my state and let myself perform stably at that time." Su Xing said.


"Brother Luo is right, young lady, you don't have to worry about our affairs." Gao Shan said.

"Sister Xuan, don't worry, I will definitely be able to enter the Xuantian Sect by then." Su Xing said confidently and calmly.

"Okay!" Qi Xuan said no more, this younger brother always surprises her, and has never been disappointed.

A few days later, Gu Tianfeng awakened through a voice message and asked him to come out.

"We have found Ning Linchen, and we will pass now." Gu Tianfeng said straightforwardly.

"Okay." Su Xing nodded, Gu Tianfeng, as the head of the family, was indeed very efficient, and he discovered Ning Linchen so quickly.

Once discovered, Ning Linchen will never get away. It is useless even if the Ning family sends a strong man. The entire Gu clan is now looking for the murderer to kill Gu Yucheng. Whoever dares to stop it must be ready to welcome him. Gu's angry preparation.

Shendao Mountain is located hundreds of millions of miles west of Xuanhuang City.

This is an unknown place where only a small school is practicing.

But today, the surrounding area of ​​Shinto Mountain has become extremely lively. At least thousands of **** kings have appeared in the sky, and some of them have an incredibly powerful and profound aura of cultivation.

Those people are basically the high-level Gu family, including Gu Hongyi.

In contrast, the inside of Shinto Mountain is extremely quiet.

At a certain moment, above the Shendao Mountain, the space was distorted, ripples and waves appeared in circles, and then the figure of Awakening and Gu Tianfeng stepped out.

Although Gu Tianfeng was a god, he was the best at waking up.

Especially this time, in order to reach the Shinto Mountain earlier, he even opened the Void Black Hole, and if he opened the Void Black Hole with his current cultivation level, he would not suffer severe damage, it was just rather weak.

"See Patriarch!"

The **** kings in the surrounding sky saluted after seeing Gu Tianfeng.

"Everyone, free!"

Gu Tianfeng waved his hand, and then his eyes fell on the Shinto Mountain.

At the same time, a young and handsome figure stepped out of the Shinto Mountains.

He was dressed in white, spotlessly clean, with a faint smile on his mouth. It was Ning Linchen. He looked at Gu Tianfeng and said, "Patriarch Gu, the efficiency of your Gu family in finding people is not very good. It is quite late than I expected. Three days."

"Oh? So, are you not going to escape?" Gu Tianfeng said.

"Killing Gu's successor in the Azure Dragon Region, how easy is it to escape." Ning Linchen said calmly.

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