Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3176: Leaf knife

Chapter 3176: Leaf Blade

Soon after, Yue Zhijun flew back again.

Although his head and face were disgraced, he didn't suffer any injuries. It seemed that the old man just wanted to teach him a little lesson, but even so, Yue Zhijun was frightened.

After returning, he became honest all at once.

Learning the appearance of Suwa, Xia Fuxiao, and Ji Bingyan, standing not far from the stone house, he dared not do anything more.

"Lao Yue, don't you want to help the old man clean? Why doesn't the stick stay there anymore? Speaking of not being able to do it, this is not very good!" Su Xing looked at Yue Zhijun with a smile.


Yue Zhijun's face went dark.

How can he fail to see that it is sincere to wake up, that is, deliberately which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted.

Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan also raised their mouths slightly. They had no contradiction with Yue Zhijun, but they couldn't talk about friendship. The latter was courteous and flat, which was a little fun.

At this time, the corners of Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan's eyes twitched slightly, and they found that Suddenly took a step forward and approached the old man.

However, instead of approaching rashly, he was separated by a distance and asked openly, "Old man, what is your last name?"

"There is a good show."

Yue Zhijun's eyes lit up.

Although he was very polite in his words, he was taught a lesson for his previous courtesy, not to mention the fact that he directly asked people's surnames.

It doesn't matter if it's an ordinary person.

But the point is, the subject of the question is an old senior who is obviously not very good!

This is so disrespectful.

Even Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan felt that Su Xing was a bit reckless to do so.

The best thing now is to stay quiet and wait quietly.

Before they came, they were greeted by the elders in the family. The senior in the stone house should not be offended.

Sure enough, the old man stopped sweeping the floor and raised his eyes to wake up.

"I'm coming."

"Hurry up and get this guy out. It's better to get hurt seriously."

Yue Zhijun kept mumbling in his heart.

But the next scene stunned him.

I saw the old man speak calmly: "My name is Ye."


Yue Zhijun was at a loss.

Why is the gap between people so big?

I was so diligent but learned a lesson. Wake up and asked the other party's surname directly, but got an answer?

Even Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan were puzzled.

What made Yue Zhijun even more shocked was that the old man actually handed the broom to Wake up: "You come and try?"

"No more."

Su Xing shook his head, and was about to say, since seniors like to do this, I won't get involved.

But he didn't want to. Before he could speak, Yue Zhijun ran up first, with a smile on his face: "Old predecessor, Luo Qing is not willing, just let me come!"

"it is good!"

The old man glanced at Yue Zhijun and threw the broom away.


Yue Zhijun, who was full of joy, his face changed drastically at the moment he caught the broom, and saw that the broom seemed to have an extremely terrifying weight. With the strength of Yue Zhijun's cultivation, he was directly pressed down.

He tried to struggle a few times and found that he couldn't get up at all.

"Old man, I was wrong."

Yue Zhijun looked at the old man in tears, begging with all his face.

"If you don't have that ability, don't try that ability."

The old man glanced at Yue Zhijun plainly, and the broom automatically flew back into his hand.


After Yue Zhijun got up, he immediately backed away, awkwardly wishing to find a hole to get in.

This flattery, it was shot on a horse's leg!

"Could it be that this guy had known that there was a problem with the broom, so he deliberately avoided it?" Yue Zhijun glanced suspiciously to wake up, secretly speculating.

He didn't doubt the relationship between awakening and the old man.

Including Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan, they didn't think about that.

Because if Awakening really has something to do with the elderly, you don't even need to participate in any internal sect assessment, you can directly enter the internal sect practice.

Not to mention, in order to get the order to ascend to the sky, he also participated in the Gu Clan's ascent meeting.

During this period of time, Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan both investigated the origins of awakening, not deliberately aiming at awakening, but habitually.

The children of these big races generally learn as much as possible about the people they care about.

It is not to say that you know yourself and the enemy in a hundred battles, but to guard against it.

Waking up to be innocent is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it also shows that he has no backing, only the Gu family behind him.

"Senior, can you tell me your name?"

At this time, Wake once again bowed his hand to the old man, but spoke in a voice transmission method.

"Leaf knife!"

The old man replied plainly.

Wake up bowed and retreated.

He felt a sense of familiarity from the old man, so he asked again and again, because he wanted to know if the old man was the one who played the sword intent of the sea.

The last name is correct, but unfortunately, the first name is not.

That person is called Ye Jianzhi.

Soon after, a few more teams arrived, and they were also preparing to enter the blood-colored sand sea. They were also disciples of the Xuantian sect, but they were awakened earlier than they were to get started.

"This entry-level disciple is so courageous!" One of the young men indifferently glanced at the four of Suwa, Xia Fuxiao, Ji Bingyan, and Yue Zhijun.

He seemed to have a sense of superiority.

After all, the entry time is earlier, which means that the cultivation level and combat power level are more advanced.

"It's a good thing to be courageous, but don't get all buried in the blood-colored sand sea, then it's a joke." Another Nei Zong disciple spoke with a strange look of Yin and Yang.

"I don't care about you, but first think about how to take care of yourself!"

Yue Zhijun himself was not a good-tempered person, and today he was deflated again and again. He didn't dare to be angry with Yedao, but it didn't mean that he could be mocked at will.

Obviously, this transferred all the anger to the few Nei Zong disciples who had just arrived.

"What's your name?" one of the Nei Zong disciples asked.

"Yue Zhijun, have you remembered your Lord Yue's name?" Yue Zhijun said indifferently, not afraid of the other party finding fault.

"Remember, let's see in Scarlet Shahai." The Nei Zong disciple was obviously not a good stubborn, and squinted at Yue Zhijun.

"Haha! This is a threat to me? How do you want to play, your grandfather Yue will be next to Nei Zong for several years, and it is not the trash of the disciple of the gods, so I am embarrassed to show off, oh!"

Yue Zhijun cursed arrogantly.

Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan didn't speak, but invisibly gave people a sense of superiority. Perhaps in their eyes, those old disciples didn't even have the qualifications to be squarely viewed by them.

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