Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3214: Doing things again

Chapter 3214

In the eyes of Huang Yulong, the act of waking up is simply bold.

Huang Yulong thinks he is also a courageous person, and the fact is true, ordinary people, how can they dare to openly speak outrageous remarks in the temple and confront Huang Xiao.

However, Huang Yulong discovered that compared with waking up, his courage is simply not worth mentioning.

The latter dared to break into the Five-Colored Sacred Mountain alone, which is simply a joke of his life!

"Isn't this the one who came to rescue my old friend when I saw that my old friend was in trouble?" Woke up with a smile, his face was arrogant and dry, as if he could go up to the sword mountain and down the fire for Huang Yulong.

The corners of Huang Yulong's mouth twitched a few times, and he quickly said with a straight face, "Huh! Don't get close to me, Luo Qing, I said last time, the day of goodbye is when we will fight."

"Have you said this?" Su Xing was shocked.

"Ahem! Of course." Huang Yulong didn't remember. He hadn't said it before, but those were not important. The important thing was that he needed to express an attitude of being a member of the Five Elements Shadow Clan and repelling outsiders.

"You are avenging revenge! I came here to save you with good intentions, and you still want to kill me." Su Xing looked disappointed.

"Don't come." Huang Yulong snorted coldly, "Luo Qing, stop acting in front of me. You save me. You are absolutely not at ease. You must have a plan."

"You are wronging a good person. If that's the case, then I will leave now, and by the way, reopen the restriction on this cliff cave. As for whether your Five Elements Shadow Clan will perish, it doesn't matter to me."

Wake up and leave after speaking. On the surface, there is no muddle-headedness, but in my heart I silently count, one, two, three...

Sure enough, as soon as he counted to three, Huang Yulong said: "Wait a moment, what did you just say, our Five Elements Shadow Clan will perish? Are you crazy!"

Awakening stopped and looked back at Huang Yulong: "This is actually the reason why I am looking for you today. You are not far away from the death of the Five Elements Shadow Race."

"Luo Qing, do you know what you are talking about?" Huang Yulong's face sank.

"Of course!" Su Xing's eyes were calm as water.

"Then tell me more clearly, I want to see who has the ability to destroy my Five Elements Shadow Clan." Huang Yulong snorted coldly.

"Naturally, people like Venerable Yansha."

Su Xing will have prepared the words long ago, and slowly said: "In fact, Venerable Yancha is not worried. Although he has the strength of the ninth-level peak of the Divine King Realm, there must be a strong person of the same level among your Five Elements Shadow Clan. "

"The ones that need the most attention are Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan."

"Their identity backgrounds are extraordinary. The elders of the clan hold great power in Xuantianzong and enter your Five Elements Shadow Realm this time, carrying extraordinary cards. That kind of hole cards are enough to destroy your Five Elements Shadow Clan."

"Huang Yulong, you have to know that compared to Xuan Tianzong, your Five Elements Shadow Clan is very small. If it were not for the guardian of a hundred thousand sand mountains, how could your Five Elements Shadow Clan exist safely to this day."

Huang Yulong fell into silence.

He is a wise man, and he knows something about Xuan Tianzong. In his eyes, Xuan Tianzong is a giant, a lofty sacred mountain, pressed on top of the five elements shadow clan.

And because of this, Huang Yulong understood that what Wake said was indeed very possible.

Especially after waking up and coming to the Five-Colored Sacred Mountain, it is probably because the situation is indeed very dangerous, so that he had to make the next move. Otherwise, who wants to put himself in danger?

After a long time, Huang Yulong raised his head again and looked to wake up: "What do you want me to do?"

Wake up: "The key to the matter lies in the senior level of your Five Elements Shadow Clan, especially your uncle and the five patriarchs. If they don't die, Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan's plans will naturally fail."

"If what I expected is good, Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan should have the same hole cards. For them, there is only one chance. If your uncle can survive, there will be no problem."

"I understand." Huang Yulong nodded, and soon said with a wry smile: "But now, my uncle and none of them are in the Five-Color Sacred Mountain, and even if they are there, they might not believe us!"

"Everything has to be done step by step." Su Xing said: "Let's find a way first and call your uncle and them back."

"How to shout?" Huang Yulong asked.


"What the hell?"


At night, dark clouds cover the sky.

The five-color sacred mountain, which was originally peaceful and peaceful, also became depressed and low, and seemed to be in danger of overturning.

In the sky and on the ground, people's shadows swept toward the five-color holy mountain at an extremely fast speed. From the aura of cultivation that spilled from them, it was not difficult to feel that they were all real masters.

Among them, the breath of five people is the most terrifying, it is the five patriarchs of the Five Elements Shadow Clan.

"Damn! Venerable Yancha dared to attack the five-color sacred mountain." Huang Xiao said angrily. Not long ago, he received a call from Huang Yulong and immediately notified the other four patriarchs, and then led the elite to rush back.

The five-color holy mountain cannot be missed.

This is the home of the Five Elements Shadow Clan.

Soon, the five-color sacred mountain appeared in the eyes of everyone. From the surface, the five-color sacred mountain was very quiet and did not suffer any damage.

"Huang Xiao, shouldn't it be your nephew who is pretending to pass the news again?" Jin Ying Patriarch said.

"What is it?" Huang Xiao's eyelids jumped, and he was very upset with the other party's statement, but he didn't say it, but said: "Yulong was imprisoned by me, and he couldn't open the restriction to send me a message."

"And if something didn't happen, no one would dare to release the jade dragon privately without my permission."

"So, something must have gone wrong."

Although Huang Xiao also knew that the patriarch Jinying questioned it because of Huang Yulong's previous remarks in the temple, he did a rational analysis.

Hearing that, the chiefs of Jinying, Muying, Shuiying, and Huoying all nodded slightly.

Huang Xiao's analysis is indeed reasonable.

During the exchange, several people quickly approached the five-color holy mountain. Soon, they discovered that the many bright and secret posts guarding the holy mountain were all safe and sound.

Huang Xiao looked complicated.

There was no problem with the five-color holy mountain, and he naturally felt happy.

But as soon as I thought, I was still vowing to analyze and justify Huang Yulong, and I felt some toothache, stomach pain, and heart and liver pain. This nephew is doing things again!

"Huang Yulong, get out of here, don't give me a reasonable explanation today, I will strip off your three layers of skin, and throw you into the oil pan for a year."

Huang Xiao's roar rolled across.

Inside the temple, Huang Yulong's body shivered.

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