Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3231: Yin Shen

Chapter 3231 Yin God

Although the danger did not come, there was an invisible threat that wandered around everyone, causing everyone to be more vigilant and afraid to be careless.

Possibly, fighting will break out at any time.

The awakened expression walked calmly in the forefront, with more than 20 purple thunder fruits. He meant that everyone was evenly divided, but almost no one liked it.

Most of the identities present are of extraordinary origin.

Needless to say, Yue Zhijun, their old Yue family is also a Celestial Clan with a solid foundation. As a leader of the younger generation, he can almost eat the sacred medicine.

In his daily practice, he uses the most profound treasure, and the lowest one must be the magic medicine of the middle sage grade.

The Five Elements Shadow Realm is rich in resources, and Huang Yulong and others are also rich in wealth.

Although Yan Feng is a prisoner, the Scarlet Desert has always had opportunities, and he naturally has a lot of wealth over the years.

But I have to say that the heaven, material and earth treasures in the Central Basin are indeed very rich. After a short period of time, the group has already encountered several kinds of sacred medicines, and they are numerous.

However, every time after picking the magic medicine, there will be a slight sound nearby.

This makes everyone more cautious.

"Look, what is that?" Luo Lang suddenly whispered, and everyone followed his guidance, leaning against a corpse under a towering tree.

The flesh and blood are gone, I don't know if it is rotten or eaten by something, leaving only a white bone.

And the divine substance in the bones has almost disappeared, diffused with the breath of death and decay.

A group of people stepped forward to check.

"It's Elder Lan Yu." Huang Yulong glanced at Lan Yi. The "Elder Lan Yu" in his mouth was Lan Yi's great-grandfather. Ten years ago, he broke into the Central Basin alone and never came back.

Unexpectedly, he died here.

With a bang, Lan Yi knelt before the bones.

Everyone fell silent.

Everyone can understand Lan Yi's mood. After ten years of not seeing each other, when we see each other, life and death are already separated.

After a while, Lan Yi stood up and prepared to collect Elder Lan Yu's corpse. If he could walk out of the Central Basin alive, he would bury Elder Lan Yu in the five-color holy mountain, and the fallen leaves would return to their roots and their souls to their hometown.

But just as Lan Yi's hands were about to approach the corpse of Elder Lan Yu, a cold light suddenly flew out of the corpse and rushed towards Lan Yi.

The change happened too quickly.

Lan Yi didn't expect such a thing to happen.

They had checked the corpse before, and they had not encountered this situation.


At this critical moment, a sharp sword light suddenly cut out, colliding with the cold light, blocking the killing for Lan Yi.

With a bang, a powerful force erupted from the two rays of light.

One sharp and fierce, another eerie and rotten, set off waves, the aftermath spread in all directions, the big trees hundreds of kilometers around instantly turned into dust, and the corpse of Elder Lan Yu was also wiped out.

When everything calmed down, Lan Yi realized that he was already wet with sweat.

Although he regretted that Elder Lan Yu's body was destroyed, he also knew that he was awakening to save himself. He looked at the awakening and said gratefully: "Thank you."

"You are welcome." Su Xing shook his head, staring at the figure floating in the air in front of him.

Like a person but not a person, like a beast and not a beast.

The opponent grew up with three heads and six arms, but his body was illusory, exuding a kind of cold coercion, and an extremely special cold force behind him condensed into eight light wheels.

The ninth chakra is also looming.

Judging from its posture, it should not be long before the ninth light wheel can be condensed.

"What is this?" Yue Zhijun exclaimed.

"If you expect it to be correct, your Excellency is the legendary'Yin God'?" Su Xing said with sharp eyes.

Yin Shen is a special creature born after the death of a god.

Strictly speaking, they should not be regarded as beings, but "dead".

Just like after death, there is a chance that a person will become a ghost.

Yin Shen is the ghost after God's death.

The conditions for the birth of the Yin God are very harsh, so it is very rare since ancient times. Because the Yin God has no entity and is extremely hostile, it is very difficult to deal with.

Basically locked by them, it is difficult to escape hunting.

Suwaken never expected that there would be such a thing in this central basin. He also learned some information about Yinshen while reading ancient books occasionally.

As for the light wheel behind Yin Shen, it represents its strength.

Condensing a light wheel is equivalent to the first-order **** king, and the eight light wheels are naturally the eighth-order **** king.

"Tsk tsk, your kid is very knowledgeable."

"But so what? When you came to the dark forest, you are destined to come back and forth."

The Yin God with three heads and six arms spoke.

Its name for the Central Basin is different from Su Xing et al. It is called "Dark Forest".

There are not only eight light wheels behind it, but the ninth light wheel is also about to condense, which shows that its strength has reached the peak of the eighth stage of the **** king realm, and is very close to the ninth stage of the **** king realm.

"You dare to be arrogant with the strength of a Tier 8 God King?" He Tong couldn't stand it anymore, and a large number of fire clouds rushed out between his wave of hands, pressing against the three-headed six-armed Yin God.

The opponent noticed He Tong's power, and did not insist on this move, but quickly swept back.

"Since it's here, don't leave."

At this moment, an indifferent voice rang from behind the three-headed and six-armed Yin God. When it turned its head, it saw a sharp sword light attack.


The sword light passed through his chest, and the body of Yin Shen with three heads and six arms burst suddenly.

However, it did not die.

It is a dead spirit, without flesh and blood, only a soul body, only gray-white rays of light converge, and the three-headed six-armed Yin God resurfaced.

But compared to before, its breath has languished a lot.

Obviously, the sword that awakened had caused considerable damage to it.


The three-headed and six-armed Yin God did not linger, and rushed towards the ground below at a very fast speed, trying to escape through the earth.

But for some reason, the earth became so hard at this moment that he couldn't blend into it.

"Playing in front of our Earth Shadow Demon Race, who are you looking down on?"

Huang Yulong stepped out with a smug look. Under his feet, the earth-yellow energy continuously spread and merged into the earth, causing the earth with a radius of thousands of miles to be controlled by him.


A willow branch flew out, taking advantage of the anger of the three-headed and six-armed Yin God, successfully bound it.

The three-headed six-armed Yin God tried to break free, but it was shocked that this willow branch was extremely strange, as if it had a natural restraint effect on its power.

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