Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3241: Ancient continent

Chapter 3241: Ancient Continent

The gray-robed old man, as a yin monarch, still reacted extremely fast.

At the moment of the crisis, he retreated decisively, avoiding dangerously and dangerously, assaulted by that scarlet tentacle.

Despite this, the gray-robed old man was also in a cold sweat. If he was caught by that **** tentacle, the consequences would be disastrous. It is estimated that he would become the food of the Lord of Darkness just like the Yin Lord who entered this place before.

At this time, Lin Mo, Blood Lord, and the rest of the group had successfully broken through the pontoon and stood on the vast mainland.

The gray-robed old man naturally wouldn't stay anymore, to fight against the scarlet tentacles.


The moment the gray-robed old man rushed out of the pontoon bridge, the entire pontoon bridge collapsed suddenly, and then the countless **** tentacles whizzed towards the mainland.

However, they are not really close.

In the abyss below, the Lord of Darkness also seemed to have stopped moving, and those pupils, like blood suns, stared at the people standing on the edge of the continent, choosing and devouring them.

People did not dare to gasp, their hands and feet stiff.

After a long time, the Lord of Darkness had re-entered into the black abyss below, and the pupils that looked like a blood sun gradually shrank and gradually moved away until they disappeared.

Only then did Yue Zhijun gasp, breathing fresh air.

Just now, he had a feeling of suffocation.

Huang Yulong and others are similar in appearance, and everyone feels like a life after disaster.

Su Xing glanced at the gray-robed old man, and secretly said a pity.

He was naturally happy to see that the gray-robed old man was swallowed by the Lord of Darkness, but the latter was the Yin Lord after all. The Lord of Darkness seemed to be very far away, and he escaped.

Looking back, the vast expanse of the continent is full of desolate and ancient atmosphere.

"You said... that Lord of Darkness, why didn't he rush into this continent and kill us?" Yue Zhijun murmured, this is also where everyone doubts.

Everyone couldn't help but looked towards awakening.

Although Ruxuejun had some guesses in his heart, he seemed to always want to hear his awakening opinions.

"There are probably only two reasons."

"First, the Lord of Darkness is inconvenient in itself, and it is too far away from this continent to be approached."

"Secondly, on this continent, there are also very terrifying existences, which are jealous by the Lord of Darkness, which makes him afraid to come close."

Wake up and speak calmly.

"It should be the first reason!" Huang Yulong smiled bitterly: "If it's the second one, then we are sending sheep into the mouth of a tiger."

Many people nodded deeply.

Everyone hopes that it is only the first reason, after all, if it is the second reason, then they basically have to explain all of them here, even the blood king is no exception.

"We have no retreat. No matter what the reason, we can only move forward." Su Xing said.

The pontoon has been destroyed by the Lord of Darkness. Even if they want to retreat, they can't do it. They will only bring out the Lord of Darkness again. Without the protection of the pontoon, they can't escape.

"This ghost place is too terrifying." The gray-robed old man couldn't help cursing. He was almost killed just now, and naturally there was a bit of depression in his heart, and he vented out accidentally.

"I advise you to curse less, this **** abyss is very evil." Su Xing stared at the gray-robed old man.


The latter shut up immediately.

He was naturally not afraid of waking up, but worried that what the waking up said had really happened.

In case he is hated by Da Hei Yuan Ji, it will be over.

"Why remind that old ghost?" He Tong stared dissatisfiedly and regained consciousness.

"I am worried that he will attract something bad and let us suffer together." Su Xing said.

"That's it!" He Tong nodded and said nothing.

Looking at it, at the end of the desolate and vast land, the mountains are like ink and the outline is majestic, as if the world is connected together, it is not difficult to imagine its majestic momentum, rare in the world.

"What should I do next?" Mr. Xue looked to wake up.

At this point, everyone will be awakened by the wisdom, deeply admired, invisibly, will follow his advice, even the gray-robed old man is the same.

Of course, in his heart, waking up is just a valuable blood food.

Once there is no value, it will be swallowed directly.

"The best way is to do nothing and don't touch anything here." Su Xing said.

"This is impossible." The gray-robed old man objected first.

The Blood Lord and Lin Mo didn't speak, but it was almost the same. They came to this great black abyss to find the fate of the world, and then took the opportunity to break free from the shackles of the dark forest and see the sun again.

Having reached this point, it is naturally impossible to give up.

Even if you die, you have to try it.

"Then try not to touch the corpse flowers and other things, and don't pick the sesame seeds but lose the watermelon." Wake up, he didn't make a concession, he also knew that it is impossible to let others give up the opportunity.

However, some small opportunities can be discarded, and try not to grow out of knots.


Mr. Xue nodded and agreed.

Lin Mo and the gray-robed old man didn't speak, and they acquiesced.

Su Xing raised his eyes, looked at the high mountain towering at the far end of the horizon, and said, "If there is a real chance here, it should be there!"

"Then let's go! Those **** evil spirits have already followed." The gray-robed old man dropped a word and was the first to rush out.

After he stayed before, he was almost killed by the Lord of Darkness.

Now, he never wanted to be the last.

Especially behind everyone, the evil spirits also came to the mainland. Looking around, the black was pressed, and the scalp was numb.

"Boy, what are you waiting for, hurry up and lead the way." The gray-robed old man walked a few steps and turned his head, ordering to wake up in an unquestionable tone.

Naturally, he will not really be the first to open the way.

After all, there is a free cannon fodder for awakening, so there is no need for nothing!


"Why didn't the Lord of Darkness eat him?"

He Tong stared at the gray-robed old man coldly.

"Don't be impulsive!"

Su Xing shook his head at He Tong, and then walked towards the front.

"Too bad!"

Huang Yulong and others felt aggrieved for awakening.

"Don't worry, Brother Yiluo's character will not suffer in vain. Sooner or later, that old ghost will pay a tragic price." Gu Shanying voiced to everyone.

"That's true." Yue Zhijun was the first to agree. He was completely empathetic, how about he hadn't awakened yet, just standing on the opposite side, as a result, he was now a prisoner.

Ji Bingyan and Xia Fuxiao are enough against the sky! Hasn't it escaped from the Five Elements Shadow Realm like a bereaved dog?

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