Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3243: Daoshi

Chapter 3243 Dao Stone

It wasn't until the group of people was awakened and the top grade **** crystals were divided up, that the gray-robed old man was completely recovered.

The reason why he hasn't acted, in fact, wanted to see if there was any danger, but he waited until now and didn't even see the shadow of the danger.

The eyes of the gray-robed old man shone brightly.

He was considering whether or not to take a shot to **** the superb crystals on the body of the wake and others, which are good things, and most of them will be used in the future.

However, in the end, the gray-robed old man dismissed the idea of ​​doing it immediately.

It is still useful to wake up and wait for someone to keep it.

As for the Supreme God Crystal, putting it on them for the time being is the same, it is tantamount to helping him keep it.

"Boy, how do you know that there is no danger here?" The gray-robed old man stared at Wake and asked.

"This is my business, it has nothing to do with you." Naturally, Su Xing would not tell the secret, otherwise he would lose the value of use, so he refused the gray-robed old man.

"Your kid is looking for death." The gray-robed old man's face turned cold.

"Why don't you kill me now?" Su Xing said without fear.

"Are you confident?" The gray-robed old man narrowed his eyes: "Little devil, you really think that I can't do anything with you? I can kill your friends if I don't kill you."

"Do you like it or not to see the appearance of a friend dying in front of you? That taste, but it's very good."

Awakening calmly stared at the gray-robed old man: "If any of them dies, I can guarantee that you will not get the chance here, and you will stay here forever."

"The taste of burning jade and stone is also very good."

The gray-robed old man did not expect that his awakening attitude was so strong that he suddenly burst out with a murderous intent. How could he be threatened by an ant?


At this time, a cold shout sounded.

Mr. Xue stared at the gray-robed old man with a cold face: "Put away your killing intent and focus on the overall situation."

Lin Mo also said, "Old gray man, don't be impulsive."

The gray-robed old man looked at Blood Lord and Lin Mo with an ugly expression. The single Blood Lord made him very jealous. If the two joined hands, he would not even have the hope of escape.

"Huh! Lucky for you kid."

In the end, the gray-robed old man chose to compromise, but he coldly swept his eyes to wake up.

The two sides are basically torn apart.

But Xuejun and Lin Mo were not aggressive after seeing the gray robe old man compromise.

They also don't want to push the gray-robed old man in a hurry. On this dangerous ancient continent, it's best not to break out a battle at the Yinjun level, so as not to alarm some terrible existence.

"It's a pity, it's a pity."

"Just fight it!"

"You said, how does that kid know that there is no danger in the place? Is he really able to avoid bad luck? Prophet? Strange, really strange."

The evil spirits in the back kept communicating.

Naturally, they were most willing to see that the Blood Lord, Lin Mo, and the gray-robed old man broke out in a battle, but they didn't get what they wanted.

In addition, they are also a million puzzled about the ability to wake up and avoid evil, but they don't know that the reason lies in their own body.

Before, when I came to the weed area when I woke up, I didn't feel the evil spirits' killing intent.

He suddenly realized that these weed areas were not dangerous.

"It doesn't seem to be particularly tight in terms of time?" Su Xing's heart moved, and he had a new plan. Since he can use the evil spirits' killing intent to know where there is danger and where there is no danger on this ancient continent.

So why not use it?

What's the point of being in a hurry.

Who doesn't want to have both fish and bear paws?

Sesame and watermelon, I want to wake up.

Thinking of this, waking up is to act directly. His walking route is in a zigzag shape. Since he was not walking in a straight line before, he always needed to avoid many dangerous places, so this time, no one doubted anything. .


"What's that? It's so rich and powerful."

"It's Taoism."

When passing through a rocky forest again, Wake didn't avoid it anymore, but rushed in directly.

Looking from the outside, the chaotic stone forest is ordinary and unremarkable, only huge stones stand irregularly on the ground, and the surface of the stones is covered with dust.

However, when Awakening swept away the dust on a stone block, a strong atmosphere of the avenue emerged immediately, and more than a hundred words were recorded on the whole stone block.

Every word is a word of Tao.

You know, before Xia Fuxiao took out a piece of golden paper with only ten numbers on it, it exploded with terrible power. Now, how extraordinary is this big stone with more than one hundred words?

This can simply be called a "dao stone".

Although it is difficult to use the power of the Taoist stone without special sacrifices, the magical use of Taoism is endless. It is also excellent for practicing and enlightening Taoism.


Awakening did not hesitate to put away this Taoist stone.

He Tong, Gu Shanying, Huang Yulong and others also walked into the chaotic stone forest one after another and quickly swept away the dust on many stones.

However, not all stones are engraved with Taoism.

The vast majority of the stones are really ordinary and strange, and there are still a few with Taoism characters, like the Taoist stone with more than one hundred characters inscribed just now, it is unique.

Having said that, everyone has gained one after another.

Among them, Gu Shanying and He Tong each got a Taoist stone with several crosses.

"Old gray man, hold your mind."

"They are just carrying the training resources for us."

Outside the stone forest, Lin Mo glanced at the gray-robed old man who was about to move, and spoke calmly.

"……it is good!"

The gray-robed old man nodded.

He inadvertently glanced at Mr. Blood, whose eyes were empty, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

The gray-robed old man was not surprised either. Among the three Yin princes, the blood prince is the most special existence. Counting it, the blood prince has the shortest time to become the yin prince, but she is the latecomer.

In terms of combat power, the Blood Lord is the strongest among the three of them. Even the gray-robed old man and Lin Mo don't know how strong it is. It seems that they can't force the Blood Lord to make a full shot.

Aside from the strength, the origin of the Blood Lord is also the most mysterious.

Because even Blood Monarch herself didn't know her origin, she lost her memories during her lifetime.

Therefore, Mr. Blood is often in a daze, giving people a feeling of loneliness and depression. She is trying to find the memories of her previous life.

"Familiar feeling."

Mr. Xue suddenly murmured. She looked at the Dao stones in the chaotic stone forest, as if thinking of something. It seemed that she had been here before, and it seemed that those Dao stones had something to do with her.

"Luo Qing, show me your Taoist stone."

The Blood Lord suddenly stepped out and appeared beside Wake.

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