Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3247: Shiraki Branch

Chapter 3247: White Wood Branches

The cave is extremely quiet.

Su Xing and Xue Jun looked at each other, they were all wondering why the other party was safe.

However, there is confusion in their eyes.

It seems that even they themselves don't understand why.

"What should I do now?" Lord Blood broke the calm.

"I don't know." Su Xing spread his hands and smiled bitterly: "Such a weird thing, even the blood king can't see the clue, how can I understand the reason?"

"You weren't so humble before." Blood Jundao.

"Before that I was forced to be helpless." Su Xing shook his head and said: "Being driven by your three Yin lords with a knife, I can only survive the struggle."

"I heard grievances from your words." Blood Jundao.

"Isn't you resentful if you change to be the Blood Lord?" Su Xing did not deny that no one would be willing to be forced to be cannon fodder.

"So just now, did you really want to take the opportunity to kill the old man gray? However, with your strength, that sword can't kill him." Xue Jun said flatly.

"Always try it." Su Xing said.

"So, do you want to kill me too?" Mr. Xue finally asked the most critical question. The atmosphere in the cave solidified in an instant, as if the temperature had dropped to freezing point.

"Mr. Blood is serious, with your strength, how can I be disadvantaged to you?" Suxing said.

"What I am asking is, do you want to kill me, not if you can, don't change the subject." Mr. Xue continued to ask.

"No!" Su Xing vetoed: "I didn't feel the killing intent from Lord Blood. Naturally, I wouldn't have any thoughts about Lord Blood. I would compare my heart to my heart!"

"It's a good sentence to compare the heart to the heart." The Blood Lord paused, stared at his awakening, and said: "But you are cunning and cunning. You can't believe what you say.


The corners of Su Xing's mouth twitched.

Since you don't believe what I said, why bother to ask?

Also, where do you see that I am more cunning? How is Jun Nai Liang Ren? It's still the kind of innocence.

After thinking about it for a while, Awaken still gave up the argument.

In case of annoyance to the blood king, the consequences seem to be very serious.

"You don't seem to worry about your friends anymore?" The Blood Lord said again.

"Why!" Su Xing smiled bitterly: "What's the use of worrying blindly, it won't solve any problems. I'm just thinking about what should I do now."

The Blood Lord did not fully believe in the words to wake up, but said: "Then have you thought of any way?"

"Go ahead..."

As soon as the voice fell, white rays of light appeared on his awakened body. He looked at Mr. Xue with some helplessness: "It seems that I can't go anymore."


The Blood Lord appeared by the side of the awakening in an instant.

However, when her hand passed through the white light, the awakened figure had disappeared, and this hand grabbed an empty space.

In Xuejun's cold eyes, ripples appeared.

In the huge cave, she was the only one left. She disappeared even after waking up, and was taken away in a strange way.

Mr. Blood didn't feel lonely.

She is used to being alone and won't feel much.

However, even the awakening disappeared, still causing her mind to fluctuate.

The strength of awakening is not in her eyes, but walking along the way, it has shown amazing wisdom, and has become everyone's backbone invisibly.

Now, even the blood of the Lord has a little bit of it in his heart, and he has lost the sense of mastery.

But she quickly adjusted her mood and continued to move forward.

These are the last words left after awakening.


The white light makes the stinger unable to open his eyes.

When the light gradually dissipated and when he woke up and opened his eyes, he found that he was standing in a palace made of white jade, surrounded by pure whiteness and sacredness.

In front of him, there was an old woman with gray hair standing, with a kind face, her pupils as deep as an abyss, and her breath gave people a feeling of vastness like a starry sky.

Even when the Lord of Darkness appeared, the aura was not so terrifying.

However, there is no fear when he wakes up, but there is a sense of joy that finally saw the results after hard work.

"Does the old man recognize the too virtual spirit ring?" Su Xing took the lead to break the calm, raising his left hand by the way, completely exposing the too virtual spirit ring that he had worn before.

Since the old woman awakened and appeared, her eyes had not left the ethereal ring.

"Who are you?" The old woman finally asked.

"Tantai Qianqing, Qianyuan seniors, they habitually call me the young patriarch." Su Xing shook his head, and said with some regret: "It's a pity that I have seen too few times with my mother."


The old woman lifted up.

Some incredulously stared at Wake up.


"In the eyebrows, she looks a lot like the empress."

"Especially the jealous temperament on her body is very similar to the empress."

There was a plop.

After the old woman muttered, she knelt down in excitement, and said to her awakening: "Bai Muzhi, see the young patriarch."

"Senior White, please get up soon." Su Xing hurriedly stretched out his hands and helped the old woman up.

"Thank you, Young Patriarch." The old woman slowly got up and asked with some curiosity: "How did the Young Patriarch know that the old body is related to the Void Bereaved?"

"It's just confirmed..." Su Xing explained again.

At the beginning, He Tong, Gu Shanying and others disappeared. He was indeed very nervous and even angry, but later, as he stabbed the gray-robed old man with a sword, although he did not succeed, it was in an instant that he felt the rich spatial fluctuations. .

That kind of spatial fluctuation is very special. Awakening once felt the same breath from the body of Tantai.

He suddenly had a bold guess in his mind.

"So that's the case!" The old woman suddenly realized, looking at the Taixu Linghuan in Wake's hand, said: "Actually, after seeing the Taixu Linghuan of the young patriarch, the old body is also suspicious."

"Senior White, take the liberty to ask, aren't you the survivor of the void?" Su Xing asked.

The Xukong surname is Tantai, but Bai Muzhi is Bai.

"This... I should also be considered a member of the Void Bereaved Clan." Bai Muzhi explained with a smile: "I am the daughter-in-law of Void Bereaved Clan, and my husband is Tantai Ganqing."


Su Xing's eyes widened.

"Is it a coincidence?"

Shiraki smiled, not surprised by his awakening performance.

"It's a coincidence indeed."

"Unexpectedly, Senior White and Senior Qian Qing are actually a couple of gods and goddesses."

Wake up with a smile.

"Clean him... okay?"

Bai Muzhi asked nervously.

"very good!"

After waking up for a while, he still didn't tell the specific situation of Tantai Ganqing, lest Bai Muzhi be particularly worried.

"Senior White, how are my friends?"

"No problem!" Bai Muzhi smiled. She was worried about the content of the conversation with Awakening. She was heard by other people, and then deliberately "swept away" other people. After all, everything related to the void leftover clan is top secret.

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