Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3258: Great increase in combat power

Chapter 3258: Fighting Power Increases

Before entering the blood-colored sand sea, the awakened cultivation realm had not broken into the fifth stage of the **** king realm.

Now, it has directly reached the late stage of the fifth stage of the God King Realm.

This continuous breakthrough has undoubtedly greatly improved his combat effectiveness.

In addition, Xuan Huang Shenguang has both offensive and defensive magical effects.

Nowadays, even if you don't use the geographical advantage to use the power of Heaven's Solution Technique and wake up your own combat power level, you have reached the ninth-level peak of the Divine King Realm.

If it weren't for the big master who started to cross the trilemma, he would basically not be his opponent.

And these are just improvements on the surface.

The real gain from this trip was the successful cultivation of the Jiutian Divine Polar Body to the innate level. Now, the Nine Heaven Divine Polar Body is truly the innate divine body.

The only fly in the ointment is that awakening cannot stimulate the two qi of Xuan Huang.

He could feel that the terrifying power contained in the two qi of Xuan Huang, once activated, must have a very terrifying power, even the gods can be killed directly.

"Congratulations to the young patriarch, for successfully shaping the innate divine body." Bai Muzhi flew over.

"I have to thank Senior Bai." Wake handed his hands. When he was practicing, he didn't have no perception of everything outside. He knew that in order to help him shape the innate divine body, Bai Muzhi took out a lot of Taoism.

"Cultivation resources are nothing more than things outside of the body. If they can help the young patriarch, it is considered to be the best use." Bai Muzhi smiled slightly and said: "Young patriarch, your friends are also about to leave."

"Especially that little girl, the harvest is not small."

Rejuvenating gaze penetrated the space and looked at a vast lake below. Vaguely, he could perceive that He Tong's breath of power seemed to have been greatly improved.

He was not surprised.

"Senior White, how can the Five Elements Shadow Clan leave the Five Elements Shadow Realm?" Su Xing raised another question, which he kept in mind.

"They can leave at any time." Bai Muzhi saw Su Xing with a confused face and explained with a smile: "The Five Elements Shadow Race is actually the first level to guard the dark forest."

"At the same time, they are bound by the Lord of Darkness."

"Now that the Lord of Darkness is dead, the Five Elements Shadow Race naturally has no restrictions. If they want to leave, they can do it anytime."


When Bai Muzhi said this, he couldn't help but pause.

Su Xing understood what Bai Muzhi meant: "Once the Five Elements Shadow Clan leaves with fanfare, it is equivalent to announcing the death of the Lord of Darkness. At that time, the situation of Senior White may be detected by the Haotian Dao Sect?"

"That's it." Shiraki nodded.

"It's better to let me discuss this matter with the Five Elements Shadow Race." Su Xing said.

"Then please ask the young patriarch." Bai Muzhi said.

Next, after the two exchanged again, they woke up and left the space, chose a lake at will, and decorated it with foreigners.

Not long after, He Tong was the first to announce the end of the retreat.

Compared with before, her power aura has been greatly improved, causing great fluctuations, causing the neighboring Yanfeng to show fear after completing the breakthrough and exit.

You know, Yanfeng originally possessed the strength of the late stage ninth stage of the Divine King Realm. After breaking through this time again, its strength reached the level of the ninth stage of the Divine King Realm.

"This girl... is a bit outrageous!"

Yan Feng looked at He Tong and couldn't help but sigh.

A few hours later, Gu Shanying, Yue Zhijun, Huang Yulong and others left the customs one after another.

Among them, Gu Shanying's breath was the most condensed. When she left the customs, a vague vision appeared around her. It was a towering willow tree, but it soon disappeared and disappeared.

"Is it still a bit short?" Su Xing murmured.

He could perceive that Gu Shanying's flower spirit divine body had once again made great progress compared to before, but it was still a bit short of becoming a true innate divine body.

Taniyama Sakura did not feel regret.

In fact, it was only a matter of time before she created a true innate body.

This time, absorbing Dao Guo's power has helped her greatly.

And even if she hadn't shaped a true innate divine body, her talents, strength, etc., were already stronger than before, and they were different.

The promotion of Yue Zhijun and Huang Yulong is also great.

The talents of these two people are quite extraordinary.

What excites the two most is that they have created a pseudo-innate divine body. Although there is still some gap compared with Gu Shanying's flower spirit divine body, it is also a great improvement compared to the original.

In terms of qualifications, they will definitely not lose to Ji Bingyan and Xia Fuxiao now.

What is lacking is the cultivation of Taoism, divine art and so on.

In general, everyone has had different gains this time, and they are all satisfied.

"Boss Luo, why don't we leave here?" Lan Yi suggested: "When I was practicing before, I felt an indescribable sense of oppression. This place is still too dangerous."

"I also felt the oppression, as if the sky was about to collapse."

"me too!"

Luo Lang and others also spoke.

In fact, the oppression they felt came from the awakening pre-existing weather phenomenon, although Baimuzhi used great mana to cover most of the oppression of the vision.

However, Xuan Huang Erqi is too extraordinary.

There was still coercion leaking out, and it was sensed by Lan Yi and others.

"Then leave!"

When I wake up to see other people, most of them have the intention to leave, and they nodded in agreement.

In fact, even if everyone didn't speak, he was going to find a reason to leave. Now it's like this, just saving trouble.

After waking up, he took a group of people and "find" the exit that Bai Muzhi had arranged in advance. When he walked out of the cave, he just came to the edge of the ancient continent.

In front, a pontoon bridge appeared.

Seeing the pontoon bridge, everyone naturally shined.

"Great, I didn't expect there is a pontoon bridge here. We should be able to leave safely now." Huang Yulong and others were very excited.

"Let me say a few, have you forgotten something? Don't you think about it, are you looking for a way out for the Five Elements Shadow Clan?" Yue Zhijun said.

"Hey! You don't know this! After our retreat, we found that the invisible restraint in the body disappeared actively, so there is a way out." Huang Yulong smiled.

"There is such a thing?" Yue Zhijun couldn't help being taken aback.

"I suspect that this has something to do with the chance we got this time." Lan Yi speculated.

A group of people walked onto the pontoon.

Wake was at the very end, and he looked back at the ancient continent, his eyes showing deep respect.

Although I have not been in contact with Shiraki Chi for a long time, they are like relatives, trusting each other, and now they are separated, it is inevitable that there is some resentment in their hearts.

In the void, Bai Muzhi smiled in relief.

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