Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3261: The defeated Xia Fuxiao

Chapter 3261: The defeated Xia Fuxiao

Between heaven and earth, the arrogant voice of Yue Zhijun echoed.

Many people were surprised and could not believe it.

Yue Zhijun cursed Xia Fuxiao, leaving many people speechless, thinking that he might have taken the wrong medicine today, or that he was in the blood-colored sand sea and received some special stimulation that made him so abnormal.

When Xia Fuxiao took the shot, everyone felt that Yue Zhijun's end was miserable.

But didn't want to, Yue Zhijun actually broke Xia Fuxiao's offensive with a single blow.

Although Xia Fuxiao hadn't made a full shot yet, it was shocking enough. That was Xia Fuxiao, how many of the new Nei Sect disciples could catch his blow?

But now, Yue Zhijun is not only doing a good job, but also with great momentum.

"you wanna die!"

Xia Fuxiao was angry like a mad lion, and the ancient characters quickly flew out of him.

"Words are like knives!"

Xia Fuxiao gave a cold voice.

In an instant, those ancient characters gathered together at a very fast speed and turned into a huge Heavenly Sword, headed down towards the Lord of Yue.

This knife is extremely terrifying.

The fluctuation of power contained in it is even better than unknown before.

A touch of solemnity also appeared in Yue Zhijun's face. His whole body was full of bright golden light, and the golden trident swept out at an extremely fast speed.


Accompanied by the sky-shaking roar, Yue Zhijun's figure was shaken back several steps.

However, he finally blocked Xia Fuxiao's blow.

This surprised people even more.

You know, Xia Fuxiao is trying his best this time!

Although Yue Zhijun suffered a small loss, it is not difficult to see that his level of combat power is not much different from Xia Fuxiao.

"Yue Zhijun must have got some special chance in the **** sand sea."

"Absolutely, otherwise, how could he be Xia Fuxiao's opponent."

People talked a lot.

Today’s play is too exciting and always unexpected.

"Words are like swords!"

Xia Fuxiao drank coldly again.

Those ancient characters exuding brilliant light quickly gathered, and soon turned into a giant sword, tearing the void and slashing towards Monarch Yue.

"When I am afraid that you will not succeed?" Yue Zhijun was not afraid, and shouted loudly, the power of the **** in his body exploded, holding the golden trident in both hands, and suddenly slashed out.

Large tracts of golden light shed like the Milky Way down for nine days.

After a while, the blow from both sides dissipated.

At this moment, Yue Zhijun not only retreated hundreds of miles, but blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Having said that, he still has a strong fighting spirit, and obviously still has the power to fight again.

"Words are like magic soldiers!"

Xia Fuxiao continued to cast the spell, countless ancient characters flew out of his body, transformed into many **** soldiers, swords, spears, swords and halberds flying all over the sky, the momentum was more terrifying than before.

Obviously, he was ready to suppress Yue Zhijun in one go.

Seeing that when the sky full of **** soldiers was about to fall, a Hokage crossed Yue Zhijun at an extremely fast speed, and slammed out of the sky with a palm.


The endless fire cloud swept up, with the potential to burn the sky and boil the sea.

With one blow, the gods all over the sky were shattered.

People looked over in astonishment and found that only a little girl was making a move. There was terrible power surging in her petite body.

Even Xia Fuxiao's eyes were fixed.

"Xiao Yueyue, you can withdraw! Leave it to me here." He Tong said indifferently.

"Okay!" Yue Zhijun did not reluctantly, let alone worry about anything, He Tong's terrifying power had been shown once on the way back.

At that time, Yue Zhijun was stunned.

"Boss, why is my crow mouth suddenly not working?"

Yue Zhijun returned to Su Xing and asked with a puzzled look.


Unexpectedly, Yue Zhijun was still struggling with this matter, thought about it, and said: "It may be that your tone and body movements have not been practiced in place. You just need to practice more in the future."

"That's it!"

Yue Zhijun nodded, thinking hard, feeling that what he was saying was reasonable.

Ahead, the space seems to be frozen.

Standing in the void, He Tong looked at Xia Fuxiao with an indifferent expression, and finally glanced at Ji Bingyan again: "I don't want to bully the small by the big, you two, go directly together!"


People looked at He Tong's petite figure, speechless for a while.

Isn't this little girl misunderstanding the four words "to bully the small"?

"Huh! It's not big, but the tone is quite big." Xia Fuxiao snorted coldly. Obviously he would not join Ji Bingyan to deal with He Tong. That way, even if he wins, his reputation is not good.

"Then don't talk nonsense, try to pick me up first."

He Tong simply didn't bother to say more, put his hands together, and suddenly cut forward.

This action was not complicated, but the moment He Tong shot it, there was a terrible sword aura flying around her, and when the sword suddenly appeared, the thunder suddenly appeared.

In front of the stone house, Ye Dao, who was indifferent to everything, was now looking at He Tong seriously.

"Not bad!"

Ye Dao, who has always had eyes higher than the top, spoke softly and commented.

He Tong's knife skills still seemed very immature in his eyes, but Ye Dao's attention was paid to the momentum when He Tong swung the knife.

Moreover, He Tong practiced his sword skills, after all, the time was still short.

Being able to have this achievement is already extremely impressive.

In the void, Xia Fuxiao looked at the surging light of the sword, feeling great pressure, his figure retreated again and again, but no matter where he retreated, it seemed that he couldn't avoid it, the chase of that sword.

"So strong!"

At this moment, Xia Fuxiao finally realized the power of He Tong.

I finally understood that the latter's use of the big to bully the small meant that it was actually the strength gap between the two sides.

Not far away, Ji Bingyan, who was watching the game, also showed solemnity.

He did not choose to help Xia Fuxiao, because even if he did, he might not be able to stop He Zhu's knife.

"Is the level of the ninth-tier peak of the Divine King Realm?"

"Luo Qing's side is really capable people."

Ji Bingyan said to himself in a deep voice.

It was not in the Five Elements Shadow Realm at this time. The power of the dead men around them could be borrowed, and the cards on their bodies would not be used to compete for battle. What both sides competed is their own combat power.

And even though Xia Fuxiao was still enchanting enough, his own combat power level was only capable of entering the late stage of the ninth stage of the Divine King Realm. Compared with He Tong, there was a huge gap.


Accompanied by a dull boom.

The shield formed by the ancient characters in Xia Fuxiao's sword light pierced and slashed on his chest.

Even though Xia Fuxiao was wearing a defensive garment, he was still struck by lightning, and his whole body flew out toward the rear, and even the blood of God was spilled in the sky, miserable.

People looked at this scene and couldn't help but stunned.

Xia Fuxiao lost?

And it was a complete failure?

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