Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3264: Crushing

The third thousand two hundred and sixty-four chapters crush

The Xia family's line is a double master.

There is Xia Sen before and Xia Fuxiao behind.

But compared with Xia Sen, Xia Fuxiao was still too immature, at best, it could only be regarded as a rosy appearance, and Xia Sen was already a radiant existence.

No one thought that Xia Sen would show up.

You know, as usual, even the disciples of the gods, it is difficult to see Xia Sen, the latter can be described as the existence of Shenlong like the head and the end, only hearing the name, not seeing him.

But thinking about it carefully, Xia Sen was still very concerned about Xia Fuxiao's younger brother.

Today, Xia Fuxiao was openly battling with Awakening, and Xia Sen came to the battle, but it was understandable.

People couldn't help but look to wake up.

The appearance of Xia Sen should be invisible, bringing great pressure to awakening, right?

However, Xia Sen didn't say anything. He didn't even look at awakening. Instead, he looked in the direction of the stone house and bowed towards the leaf knife.

"Senior Brother Xia Sen didn't put Luo Qing in his eyes at all!"

"Isn't this normal?"

"With the identity and strength of Senior Brother Xia Sen, who can enter the eyes of his law, the entire Eastern Boundary is one of the few, so what is Luo Qing?"

The discussion kept going around.

Although today's battle has not yet begun, it is already attracting attention.

Finally, half an hour passed, Xia Fuxiao ended his healing.


Xia Fuxiao looked in the direction of Xia Sen.

"Let go for a fight, don't lose the reputation of the Xia family." Xia Sen said calmly.

"it is good!"

Xia Fuxiao clenched his fists tightly, and then, his gaze turned to look like electricity, awakening from a thousand miles away.

At the same time, Ji Bingyan also woke up from the state of adjusting his breath.

The scene instantly became silent.

Everyone backed back with great tacit understanding, standing in the distant sky watching the battle.

The atmosphere was tense, and the void instantly solidified.

"Wake up, since you insist on fighting with the two of us, you will be done for you today." Xia Fuxiao said coldly, it was clear that they were forced to wake up and had to fight.

Until now, the words have been reversed.

"Xia family, is there so much nonsense?"

Su Xing disdain to explain anything.

Up to now, only one battle will be the winner.

The winner is king, the loser loses.

On the vast ground, the three of Xia Fuxiao, Xia Fuxiao, and Ji Bingyan stood in a triangle shape. Invisibly, Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan locked the breath of awakening.

Soon, in Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan's body, there was divine light spilling out.

The aura of the two also rose rapidly at this moment.

In contrast, awakening was as calm as a deep pond, no matter how strong the aura of Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan, he was also indifferent and not affected by half.


At a certain moment, it was accompanied by two thunderous explosions on the ground.

The figures of Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan rose into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, countless ancient characters rushed out of Xia Fuxiao's body, and at the location of Ji Bingyan, the sky was fierce and the earth was quickly frozen.

These two people do not take action.

One shot turned out to be full.

This, it is clear that I am not prepared to give the slightest chance to wake up, but to wake up in one fell swoop with the momentum of thunder.

Only in this way can it give the heaviest blow to awakening.

Only then could it be revealed that the two of them had extraordinary talents and strengths, as well as the unshakable status of Tianjiao and noble son.

"Words are like knives!"

Xia Fuxiao spoke slowly.

The ancient characters gathered in front of him, and a magic knife emerged, tearing the void, and quickly awakening.

On the other side, two diametrically opposed forces, ice and fire, quickly converged and rolled forward. Among them, ice, fire, clouds and thunder were surging, and the scene was astonishing.


Awakening glanced lightly, Xia Fuxiao's sword-like offensive, and a sword light whizzed out between the waves, destroying the divine sword into powder with a force of destruction.

Then, he made a sword with one hand, pointing towards the direction of the previous season Bingyan.

Suddenly, there was endless sword energy, which turned into a wave and swarmed out, forcibly tore a huge gap in the scene of ice, fire, clouds and thunder.

The simple two styles not only stopped the offensive of Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan.

What's more, they were shocked.

The countless people at the scene were equally shocked.

Experts will know if there is any.

Before, those who questioned the strength of awakening, at this moment all closed their mouths.

Although the confrontation has just begun, the posture of awakening with such a light weight is extremely extraordinary. Everyone can see that he has not tried his best.

"Words are like magic soldiers!"

Xia Fuxiao let out a deep cry, and more ancient characters than before flew out of him.

In the next moment, the heavenly soldiers emerged.

Before, he used this style to try to defeat Yue Zhijun in one fell swoop, but unfortunately he met He Tong, and he slashed the Mantian God Soldier with a single knife, and he was also injured and defeated.


Awakening just glanced calmly, Xia Fuxiao's direction.

Then, when the words were uttered, a sharp sword light emerged from the sky above Xia Fuxiao's head. The sword light fell like a nine-day Milky Way. In an instant, all the gods were shattered.

Immediately after that, the sword light suppressed, and Xia Fuxiao's figure fell directly from midair.

There was a boom.

The ground was smashed out of a huge pit, smoke and dust rose up, and Xia Fuxiao didn't know his life or death.

People looked at this scene with almost incredible eyes.

Xia Fuxiao lost like this?

It ended in a disastrous defeat?

Everyone has no idea what to say.

Awakening is too strong, his strength is obviously much stronger than Xia Fuxiao, causing the latter to be unable to turn any waves in front of him, and directly suppresses it with his hand.

"It's your turn."

Wake up and looked at Ji Bingyan plainly.

Then, the Tianque Broken Sword flew out of the void, carrying an unparalleled sword light, and went straight to Ji Bingyan.

"Ice and fire are one!"

Ji Bingyan said in a deep voice.

With him as the center, the two scents of ice and fire converged at an extremely fast speed. In the end, a large sphere with a radius of hundreds of miles was formed, which enveloped him.

Thunder and fire rushed, lightning shuttled.

However, that day, Que Broken Sword split open, and only one face tore open a gap in the ice and fire sphere.

"Since you like to hide your strength, just keep hiding it!"

"Anyway, it's useless if you expose it."

"Although you and I are both at the level of the ninth-tier peak of the Divine King Realm, there is a big difference between them."

The voice of awakening sounded slowly.

In an instant, the Tianque Broken Sword slashed countless times, and that huge sphere of ice and fire was quickly riddled with holes, and then collapsed.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Bingyan's figure was directly shaken out.

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