Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3266: Life and death

Chapter 3266 The Battle of Life and Death

Unlike Xia Sen, Ning Linchen stood up and no one would say anything.

He was a disciple from God, just like Suwaken, and there was no difference in status and status.

Although Ning Linchen's entry time was much earlier than waking up, Awakening is now the first new disciple, naturally extraordinary, so in everyone's opinion, his opponent should also be at a higher level.

"Luo Qing, if you dare not fight, then forget it." Ning Linchen smiled slightly.

"It's not very clever in its own radical technique, not to mention Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan have used it before." Su Xing shook his head: "Ning Linchen, don't you have a new method?"

"No matter the method is old or new, it just works." Ning Linchen said lightly.

"Since you insist on thinking about a battle, then I will stay with you to the end." Su Xing paused, and then said: "However, it's just a general discussion, it's meaningless."

"Oh? What do you want?" Ning Linchen raised his eyebrows.

"It's better to play a big game, how about life and death in the first battle?" The awakening voice was flat, but like a stone, it stirred up a thousand waves, and there was an uproar at the scene.

Even Xia Sen was surprised.

A battle will determine life and death, this is to fight a life and death battle with Ning Linchen.

In Xuan Tianzong, this is allowed.

When there are unresolvable contradictions among the disciples, they can agree in advance to fight a desperate battle in a fair environment, where the winner will live and the loser will die.

Afterwards, the relatives and friends of both parties were not held accountable.

Ning Linchen's eyelids twitched. He didn't expect that he would wake up to play such a big one.

"Why, don't you dare?" Su Xing glanced at Ning Linchen indifferently, and the corner of her mouth twitched slightly.

"War is war!"

At this moment, Ning Linchen naturally couldn't shrink back.

After all, he started this battle first, and if he shrinks at this time, he will undoubtedly become a laughing stock.

He Ning Linchen can't afford to lose that person.

"and also!"

Suddenly, Su Xing suddenly spoke again: "The person who loses will not only die on the spot, but the servants and female relatives around him will also be owned by the winner as a kind of victory."


Everyone looked shocked.

This is too big to play!

It is not only to determine life and death in a battle, but also to deprive the other party of everything and take it for himself.

This is tantamount to betting on everything.


Ning Linchen agreed with a calm face.

He naturally understood why such additional conditions were necessary for awakening. The latter's goal was Qin Qianqiu.

Since Da Wake and set off for the East Spirit Nine Regions, he began to face, Ning Linchen endlessly chased him down, and was surrounded by dangers several times, but was finally taken in by the Gu family.

However, Gu Yucheng was dead.

Gu Yucheng's death may not be directly related to his awakening, but there must be some connection.

In the heart of Su Xing, for this matter, there is actually a bit of guilt.

And all of this has nothing to do with Qin Qianqiu.

If it weren't for Qin Qianqiu, Awakening would not have had a conflict with Ning Linchen when they had never met, let alone a series of things that happened later.

"In that case, sign a life and death agreement!" Suked.

"Wait a minute." Ning Linchen said suddenly.

"What, do you regret it?" Su Xing said flatly.

"You think too much." Ning Linchen said with a cold face: "How can the battle of life and death start hastily? Naturally, you need to be prepared, lest you lose at that time, but the Gu family will not admit it."

"So, this battle will be held in three days."


Su Xing nodded and agreed.

In fact, he understood very well that what Ning Linchen said were all reasons. His real purpose was to use these three days to make careful preparations to ensure that this battle was foolproof.

After all, waking up to speak is a life-and-death battle, and Ning Linchen was also shocked.

"See you on the stage of life and death in three days."

"Remember, send all my'trophies' to Houshan."

Su Xing left a word, ignored everyone, and just bowed slightly towards the stone house where the old Ye Dao was, and left with the elders He Tong, Yan Feng, and Gu Chen.

"I'm impulsive!"

"Luo Qing, I know you are anxious to avenge the young master, but this is too impulsive!"

"Young Master is dead, now, you already represent the future hope of the Gu family, you can't afford to lose!"

On the way, Elder Gu Chen chattered and sighed repeatedly.

"Elder Gu, I know in my heart that nothing will happen." Su Xing smiled slightly.

"You... alas!" Elder Gu Chen didn't know what to say anymore. He was extremely regretful in his heart. He had known so long ago. What he said at the time had to stop the impulse to wake up.

It's a pity that the deal is now done.

Presumably, the news of a life-and-death battle between awakening and Ning Linchen will blow to the entire back mountain like a whirlwind. Now, it has to fight to the end.

Su wakes up knowing that Gu Chen is caring for him, but he is not impatient.

It's just that it's useless to explain anything now. After three days, when he killed Ning Linchen, Elder Gu Chen would naturally understand that since he dared to speak, he had full confidence.

"Oh! Luo Qing, I know your talent is extraordinary, and your current strength is also very outstanding, but the battle of life and death is different from the general discussion! Only life and death, regardless of means!"

Elder Gu Chen was right again.

In the back mountain, there are unwritten rules in the discussions among Nei Zong disciples, and they will not use hole cards or anything, otherwise they will be despised by everyone, and even if they win, no one will recognize them.

This is also the reason why Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan did not take out the secret treasure of their hole cards even if they were defeated.

But the life and death battle is different, the two sides will do everything.

After all, this is a battle that is about wealth and life, life is gone, and what fairness, reputation, etc. are there to talk about.

"So Ning Linchen needs these three days, just to make some preparations?" Yan Feng said.

"Of course, based on the background of the Ning family, Ning Linchen will inevitably give Ning Linchen a foolproof hole card." Gu Chen couldn't help but sigh again.

He was very optimistic about awakening, especially since awakening has crushed Ji Bingyan and Xia Fuxiao.

Such a talent, tied to the Gu family, is definitely a blessing to the Gu family.

I don't know, such a thing happened.

Gu Chen believed that even if this matter reached Gu Tianfeng's ears, the latter would definitely not want to see it. Waking up did this. To the Gu family today, waking up is many times more important than Gu Yucheng.

After the group returned to Diaolongyuan, they woke up and started a short retreat based on the need to adjust their breath, and finally got rid of the constant chatter of Elder Gu Chen.

In fact, Elder Gu Chen also hurriedly left after sending him back to Diaolong Garden.

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