Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3269: Eight-door blockade

Chapter 3269: Eight Doors Blocked

No one thinks that Ning Linchen's move is to retreat.

Everyone is paying attention to this battle, and their eyes are reluctant to blink, for fear of missing some wonderful moment, so they all have a panoramic view of the scene just now.

Ning Linchen was indeed forced back.

This means that he failed to fully defend the offensive of the awakening and fell into some disadvantages.

This seems very incredible.

"This Luo Qing is really a monster!"

"A person like him, if he does not fall, has a great chance of becoming a Daocheng disciple."

"I'm afraid it's not that easy. Luo Qing's background is still too weak. What's more, his personality that easily offends people is not pleasing."

"Indeed! Luo Qing is too upright. He has already offended the Xia family, the Ji family, and the Ning family."

People are discussing constantly.

But at the same time, his eyes will not leave the stage of life and death.

In the stage of life and death, Awakening was still attacking Ning Linchen.

He is a man who is born to be good at war. Once he has the initiative, the enemy will hardly have a chance to breathe. He will only face his endless offensive until he is killed in battle.

"Thunder Dragon strangling!"

Suddenly, accompanied by Ning Linchen, he burst out.

A terrifying thunder light rushed crazily from his body, and then a thunder dragon hovered and strangled out, making a sky-shaking roar.

The breath on Thunder Dragon did not belong to Ning Linchen.

In other words, Ning Linchen used a hole card, and the effect was quite good, tearing apart all the sword energy around him, temporarily preventing the offensive of Awakening.

He was not in a hurry to wake up, retreated thousands of miles away, and stood calmly.

He glanced at Ning Linchen and said lightly, "Is this the end of the warm-up?"

Previously, Ning Linchen wanted to fight with Xing Xing with his own strength, and his purpose was to defeat Xing Xing with his own strength, at least to make Xing Xing suffer some losses.

Never thought that the level of awakening combat power is extremely tyrannical.

As a result, Ning Linchen had to use a hole card to resolve his own crisis, otherwise, he would continue to be enveloped by the awakening offensive, and it would be difficult for him to guarantee that he would not lose.

And when he said the words "wake up", Ning Linchen felt very harsh, with a feeling of stealing chicken and not eating rice.


"Still early."

Naturally, Ning Linchen would not admit that his strength was not as good as waking up.

With his cold expression on his face, Ning Linchen's figure suddenly split into two, then two into four, and four into eight.

In a short time, eight Ning Linchens stood in the sky.

Su Xing's eyes couldn't help but congeal.

He opened his divine eyes, his perception was also released to the maximum, but he couldn't feel, which one was Ning Linchen's true body, only this discovery showed that Ning Linchen's magical skill was extremely extraordinary.

You should know that the ordinary avatar technique can be easily seen through with the rejuvenating eyesight.

"Eight doors are blocked!"

"It just happens to fit the Ning family's sacred door very well."

"This is one of the most terrifying magic arts of the Ning Family..."

Outside the stage of life and death, someone recognized Ning Linchen's magical technique.

Strictly speaking, this is no longer a pure magical technique. The Ning Family's eight-door blockade integrates the Ning Family's unique Heavenly Punishment profound power into it, which produces incredible effects.

Every Ning Linchen is a divine gate.

Because of this, even with awakened eyesight, Ning Linchen could not be seen through.

"Luo Qing, die!"

The eight Ning Linchen drank coldly at the same time, and then rushed to wake up together.

Waking up is not afraid, nor nervous.


Water flow emerged from his body, expanding at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, Awaken summoned the Tianque Broken Sword, using the technique of Void Imperial Sword to fight against the eight Ning Linchens.

The Tianque Broken Sword shuttled through the void, and every time it appeared, it was able to carry a fierce offensive, causing it to temporarily block Ning Linchen even with one enemy and eight.

Soon, a sea emerged out of thin air.

Awaken and stand on the sea, like an ancient sea god, slender and stalwart.


With a thought on his mind, Tianque Broken Sword flew back.

Ahead, eight Ning Linchen came together.


Wake up and speak coldly.

The sea water tumbling, and the sword aura whistled out, one after another, endlessly.

The nine swords of the sea are extraordinary.

With 10% of the starting hand, the level of awakened combat power can be taken to the next level.

The eight Ning Linchen shot together, no matter the deity or the clone, they all possess formidable strength. The most important thing is that no one can recognize which one is Ning Linchen's deity.

And if it can't hurt the deity, these eight blockade magic arts will be difficult to crack.


Suddenly, he woke up and found the right time, and with a single hand waved forward, Tianque's broken sword broke through the sea and rose from the water waves to the sky, passing one of them, Ning Linchen, through his chest.

This blow has been gaining momentum for a long time and is extremely sharp.

In the void, the figure of Ning Linchen who was hit disappeared, but the other seven Ning Linchen were still there.

Obviously, what Wake had hit just now was just a clone of Ning Linchen.

Despite this, people were shocked by the grace of the sword that was awakened just now.

The eight-door blockade is not only deceptive, but also a powerful offensive.

The eight Ning Linchen acted together, although the clones were not as strong as the deity, but it also allowed Ning Linchen's overall strength to increase substantially.

On the sea surface, Su Xing's eyes condensed.

He had just clearly noticed that the clone he had killed was stronger than the others, so he thought that it was Ning Linchen's real body.

But I don't want to, it's not.

On the contrary, at this moment, some of the other clones suddenly became stronger offensively.

"What is the reason?"

"Could it be that Ning Linchen's deity can be freely replaced with the clone?"

Even if he was awakened and knowledgeable, he was still amazed at the peculiarities of Ning Linchen's Eight Blockade Divine Art.

But only so.

It is impossible to shake his fighting spirit.

"Luo Qing, with your strength, you can't beat me at all."

Ning Linchen's voice sounded, confident, and with a gesture of victory.

Soon, beside him, there was light gathering, and the clone that had been beheaded before began to condense again.

This scene is a bit desperate.

Ning Linchen really seemed to be invincible.

"Can't it be destroyed?"

The cold light flickered in the awakened eyes.

Suddenly, he stepped forward, and the whole sea began to move forward.

On the sea, strong winds roared, and turbulent waves piled up. Soon, mountain-like water ridges emerged, rolling forward with terrifying aura.

The second style of the nine swords of the sea, water ridge and mountains.


Ning Linchen yelled and didn't back down.

Behind the eight figures of Ning Linchen, gates emerged one after another.

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