Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3314: The Demon Comes

Chapter 3314: Demon Sect descends

Sometimes the enemy knows each other best.

If he wakes up, he has only guessed the identity of Hongyue after a brief period of confusion.

Just like the red moon, she came to the East Spirit Nine Realms, and in her heart she was silently paying attention to the Tianjiao generation here, looking for that possibility, and soon she locked the awakening of the pseudonym "Luo Qing".

Although there is no evidence, it proves that "Luo Qing" is awakening.

However, Hongyue has that special intuition.

So she quietly entered Zuyang Mountain and quietly controlled Gu Shanying, but unfortunately she had been in a state of retreat when she woke up, and Hongyue could not further confirm his identity.

Until this time, Hongyue finally had a chance.

Today, Xing Xing even said her real name in person. Hongyue no longer had any doubts, and tried to let Xing relax his vigilance in a lingering manner, and then hit him hard.

In the end, as for whether to kill or slash, it all depends on the heart of the red moon.

However, she was still a little anxious after all, which caused her flaws to be exposed and was detected by her awakening.

In fact, Hongyue cannot be blamed for this.

A normal man, who would refuse a beauty like Taniyama Sakura?

It can only be said that Hongyue is not particularly transparent about the relationship between men and women. This is probably the only weakness in her body.

"Hongyue, if you want to fight with me, write down a war, or make an appointment for a time and place, I will accompany you to the end, we will fight for life and death, fair and just, how?"

Su Xing said with a calm face.

Hongyue calmly glanced at awakening. With this look, he had already seen through the thoughts of awakening, and said lightly: "Do you want me to release Gushan Ying?"

"Shan Ying has nothing to do with this matter." Su Xing said.

He didn't hide it, in front of the red moon, he couldn't hide it at all.

"Then what if I want to kill her?" Hongyue's voice showed a hint of coldness.

"Then I swear, in my lifetime, I will surely step down on the Southern Sect of the Heavenly Demon." Awaken spoke calmly, paused, and then said: "But if you release Gu Shanying, I will count as a debt to you."

"You threaten, seem to be a little weak?" Hongyue smiled, and said: "However, I have some interest in your favor."


A red halo rushed out of Gu Shanying's body, turning into a graceful figure.

It's a bit illusory, but it's still hard to conceal, that kind of majestic temperament.

The red moon is beautiful, so beautiful that it is suffocating.

She is also very dangerous, equally dangerous to suffocating.

Few people dared to face her gaze squarely, and few people dared to appreciate her beauty and supremacy.


Tianque Broken Sword penetrated down.

Su Xing not only dared to look directly at the red moon, dare to admire her beauty frankly, but also dared to shoot a sword at her.

However, this sword did not hurt Hongyue.

Hongyue just stretched out a crystal-clear jade hand to block the edge of the Tianque Broken Sword, and then Feng Qingyun watched awakening indifferently: "When did you learn to turn back?"

"I owe you favor, and it has nothing to do with whether you will be shot or not." Su Xing said lightly.

Hongyue secretly controlled Gu Shanying and almost killed him. He was naturally angry. Once he had the opportunity, he would shoot with thunder, but Hongyue was obviously prepared.

She didn't have the slightest surprise for the awakening sword, and she was able to deal with it calmly.

"The water in the pool in Renshui area has become more and more muddy. If you want to keep the Yue family, it is a very difficult thing, so you can do it for yourself."

Hongyue left a word, the already illusory figure, turned into a crimson mist, and instantly disappeared out of thin air.

She didn't seem to stay and have the idea of ​​waking up.

"Does the space fluctuate?"

Su Xing looked at the place where the red moon disappeared out of thin air, causing some spatial ripples, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

He has always known that Red Moon’s Heavenly Demon Neon Dress Dance is extremely extraordinary, but he did not expect that it could affect the power of space, which was somewhat beyond his expectation.

Awakening has no intention of hunting down.

The one who left just now was definitely not the deity of Red Moon.

Not only does it have no meaning to chase and kill, but it doesn't necessarily catch up.

Awakening took Gu Shanying onto the bed, and after careful examination, she found that Gu Shanying was not a serious problem, but was temporarily unconscious, and she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"What secret technique is this?" Su Xing frowned.

Red Moon's control of Gu Shanying's method is somewhat similar to Puppet Dan. It is hidden deep in Gu Shanying's body. It will not be revealed at ordinary times, even Gu Shanying himself does not know it.

Once it broke out, Gushan Ying could be controlled instantly.

Because of this, I didn't notice the slightest clue before waking up, because Gu Shan Ying at that time was originally herself and was not controlled by the red moon.

Su Xing shook his head and didn't continue to think deeply.

The Southern Heavenly Demon Sect inherited many magical and secret resources from the Heavenly Demon Sect back then, and the Red Moon method was strange and unpredictable, which was normal.

"What the **** did the people of the Demon Sect show up for?"

"Does the chaotic situation of the East Spirit Nine Regions have anything to do with them?"

Rejuvenating brows furrowed, eyes deep.

Originally, he thought that in the situation of the East Spirit Nine Regions, the person behind the scenes was the Xia Family or the Ji Family, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

Red Moon must not have come to the Nine Regions of East Spirit alone.

What she represents is the Southern Sect of Heaven Demon.

However, why does Red Moon travel thousands of miles to the nine regions of East Spirit? Just to disrupt the situation here? This is simply a thankless thing, and it doesn't make sense.

I woke up and thought for a night, but didn't find the answer I wanted.

Early in the morning, Gu Shan Ying woke up leisurely.

When she found out that she was lying on the waking bed in the waking room, two red clouds appeared on her cheeks, and she was a little bit shy not to look up to see waking up.

However, she still subconsciously probed her body.

While he was involuntarily relieved, he seemed to be a little bit disappointed and felt complicated.

"Woke up?"

Awakening looks the same.

Mainly what he was thinking at the moment was whether there would be any huge conspiracy brewing after the arrival of the red moon.


Gu Shanying nodded lightly, hesitated for a moment, or asked: "Brother Luo, I...what's wrong with me?"

"Someone has secretly controlled you and wants to use you to deal with me..." Wake explained briefly, and saw Gu Shanying's confused look, smiled: "I will call everyone here, let's give a detailed explanation together! "


Gu Shanying obviously hadn't digested it yet, and the news that she was controlled by others was ignorant.

When I woke up and opened the door, I found that in the courtyard outside, Gong Kun, Yan Feng, He Tong, Kui Si and others were all sitting around a stone table. At this moment, they all looked over.

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