Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3328: Hongyue's confidence and confidence

Chapter 3328: Red Moon's Confidence and Confidence

Awakening didn't care about the anger hidden under Hongyue's peaceful and peerless face.

Anyway, the agreement between the two was only to kill Bai Yunfei.

He didn't say it was impossible to touch other people.

Besides, he and Hongyue have always been in a hostile relationship, but the other side has tried to attack him many times?

Not to mention anything else, the few days ago, she had secretly controlled Gu Shan Ying and almost made a mistake...

Today, it's even a "reciprocity exchange".

Wake up roughly guessed it. The reason for Hongyue's appearance was mostly secretly following her. I wanted to see the battle between Wake up and Bai Yunfei. Unexpectedly, Wake up gave her a "surprise."

"I'll tell you later."

After a long time, Hongyue spoke unhurriedly.

Su Xing frowned and said, "I are also the moon envoy of the Southern Sect of the Sky Demon anyway. Your status and status are extraordinary, so you won't be untrustworthy, right?"

Hongyue said indifferently: "I didn't say that after you killed Bai Yunfei, I will immediately complete the transaction with you."


The corners of Su Xing's mouth twitched.

Sure enough, the witch is the witch.

No matter how indifferent and arrogant the appearance is, he will still be deceitful, and he actually played a word game with himself, is it energetic?

"Aren't you afraid that I would force you to speak?"

"You, high above moon envoy, once you fall into my hands, what will happen to you?"

Wake up with a wicked smile.

"I am looking forward!"

The red moon was indifferent, and the wind was light.

"It looks like, do you think that you have the confidence to fight against so many of us?" Su Xing pressed harder, and as his voice fell, Yue Qing and Yue Zi, the two elders of the Yue family, also wanted to cooperate quite well.

The vigorous God King's pressure emerged from their bodies, swarming towards the red moon.

This is an attempt to overwhelm the red moon with momentum.

It's a pity that the red moon's expression is as calm as water, as if he can't notice any pressure.

"You can give it a try." Hongyue calmly stared at her to wake up, and then said: "If I fall into your hands and you want to do anything, I will not resist."


Zhou Daoyuan took a deep breath.

Then he stared at Wake, and said, "Luo Qing, we men can't persuade you about this matter! Don't worry, we will leave the matter of catching this girl to us. Big Brother Zhou will do it for you."


The awakened heart is beating abruptly.

He also didn't expect that the Red Moon Society would suddenly say this kind of particularly obvious suggestion.

What does it mean that you want to do anything, you will not resist?

Or do you still resist some?

In fact, I really like the process from not needing to needing it!

Su Xing shook his head abruptly, shook off the mess of thoughts in his mind, took a deep breath, stared at Hongyue and said, "It looks like you are very confident!"

"I am not He Biyun, He Peng, nor Ji Bowen..." Hongyue said calmly.

Obviously, with her wisdom, she has guessed everything now.

Waking up is not surprising.

"The old man wants to see, you little girl, what is your capital?" Yue Qing's eyes narrowed slightly. With his status and status, he would be suspected of bullying Hongyue.

However, Hongyue is a witch, which cannot be argued with common sense.

Moreover, her tone was relaxed and calm, and the invisibly arrogant and calm meaning made Yue Qing very uncomfortable.

"You can't do it alone!"

"All of you can go together."

What was shocking was that Hongyue had no fear in the face of Yue Qing.

Even rants.

Her expression was calm and indifferent, giving people a feeling of extreme confidence.

Such courage is simply ashamed of all men in the world.


Yue Qing's face sank, and when he raised his hand, he slapped Hongyue with a palm.

The dignified king shot, suddenly, the situation changed.

A seemingly simple palm, but it contains terrible coercion, stirring the situation, the heaven and the earth are in chaos.

However, Hongyue remained indifferent.

But when that horrible palm strength came to her, she waved her hand flatly.


In an instant, the palm strength scattered and cracked, and the world returned to peace.

The scene was quiet for an instant.

Everyone, including Awakening, was shocked by the light wave of Hongyue's hand.

Although Yue Qing didn't make a full shot just now, he is a god, even if he just breathes out, his power is terrifying to death, let alone a palm?

How could the red moon be resolved with a wave of light fluttering?

The red moon at this moment suddenly gave people an unfathomable feeling.

Including Yue Qing, the ten gods of the Yue family all looked solemn, as if they were approaching an enemy.

However, Hongyue showed no signs of continuing the confrontation. She looked to wake up, and said: "You want to rescue the Yue family. You just killed the three of Ji Bowen, but it is not enough. Presumably the Ji family will soon send a more powerful **** to come. ."

"Then, how about Mozong's help?" Su Xing smiled.

"Yes!" Unexpectedly, Hongyue nodded her head, but soon she said again: "If you can capture me, I promised to let the Demon Sect help."


The corners of his mouth twitch when he wakes up.

Just because Hongyue waved her hand just now, it blocked Yue Qing's strength, how could he capture her alive?

Hongyue didn't say much any more, she glanced plainly to wake up, then her body turned into a crimson mist, and then disappeared out of thin air.

"What a delicate body..."

Yue Qing and others opened their eyes wide and were shocked.

Even with the eyesight of these gods, they could not see clearly how the red moon disappeared, and the exquisite body technique of the other party was simply unheard of.

"Big Brother Zhou, let's go back too!"

Waking up a little depressed.

He originally thought that the red moon was just the strength to survive the sky, so he would have the confidence to catch up in a short time, but if the red moon's combat power level was the best among the gods.

Well, even if you regained self-confidence and talents, there is no way to catch up with the opponent in three to five years.

Su Xing began to understand He Tong's feelings.

Could this be a report for a report?

Su Xing shook his head. He wasn't really discouraged yet. He possessed a source of good fortune, and now he has successfully cultivated the Nine Heavens Divine Body to the congenital small level. In terms of Taoism, he has also shaped the heart of Xiao Zhou Tian and so on.

His talent can't be inferior to Red Moon.

All he lacks is time.

Yue Qing took a look and regained consciousness, hesitated, then patted his shoulder and said: "Luo Qing, the power that the little girl has just used may not belong to her."

"Doesn't belong to her?" Su wakes up for a moment.

"It's mostly so, I'm not completely sure, I should be able to confirm it next time there is a machine conversation." Yue Qing said.

Su Xing looked at the other party with a serious look and nodded slightly.

If this is the case, it makes sense.

Think about it too, no matter how enchanting Hongyue is, it would be difficult for Hongyue to have the power to stand alone against the ten great gods, which is too incredible.

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