Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3330: Tianjiao of the last era

Chapter 3330: Tianjiao of the Last Era

The palaces are clustered and magnificent.

Qionglou Yuyu, carved beams and painted buildings.

It is like a heavenly palace, exuding a sacred and majestic atmosphere.

This is an industry of the Ji family in Tianhe Water City, called "Kirin Garden".

The bodies of Ji Bowen and others have been brought here quickly.

Tao Yi and his friends, because they found the body, were unable to leave for the time being, they were brought back by the Ji family.

Each of them did not dare to gasp, quietly, nervous and nervous.

The atmosphere of the entire Kylin Garden is very depressing.

For the Ji family, this is undoubtedly a big blow and a big blow.

This is especially true for the Zheng family and the Shen family.

Every **** is extremely difficult to cultivate. It is the mainstay of the middle and third-rate Celestial Clan, and is the top combat power. Losing one is unbearable for the Celestial Clan.

With the addition of the previous He Biyun, Ji Family and the five Celestial Alliance forces, they have already lost four gods.

This is enough to shake the morale of the military.

In the magnificent palace, in addition to the Ji family and horses, there are three stalwart figures standing. They are the masters of the Zheng family, He family, and Shen family, Zheng Huacheng, He Gang, and Shen Qian.

The faces of these three people are also quite ugly.

There was a terrible anger in their hearts, especially when they stared at the corpses of those Demon Sect monks, the anger was even more intense.

Suddenly, a terrible pressure fell.

Tao Yi and his friends couldn't bear it at first, they knelt in the corner with a few plops, shivering.

Zheng Huacheng, He Gang, and Shen Qian turned around and looked at the gate of the palace.

There, a rather young figure, about 30 years old, stepped in.

On him, there is an indescribable coercion.

Even Zheng Huacheng, He Gang, and Shen Qian felt a great deal of pressure, let alone other people. It is no wonder Tao Yi and his friends could not help kneeling.

"Ji Wuxiang!"

Zheng Huacheng subconsciously whispered.

He Gang and Shen Qian beside him also had their eyes flickering.

They didn't expect that the Ji family would send this person down. It seemed that the Ji family was really angry this time.

Shen Qian, He Gang, and Zheng Huacheng all saluted Ji Wuxiang one after another.

It stands to reason that with their identities, it doesn't have to be this way. After all, they all exist as the heads of the family. In fact, when Ji Bowen was there, the three of Shen and Qian would not be so formal.

However, seasons are no different.

Compared to the salute of the three of Shen and Qian, Ji Wu just nodded slightly, and did not respond in return, but said straightforwardly: "Three, have you found anything?"

"Patriarch Ji, please see."

The three of Shen and Qian turned sideways and let Ji Wuxiang inspect the injuries of Ji Bowen and others, as well as the bodies of those Demon Sect monks.


Ji Wuxiang's palm flickered, and the divine power penetrated into the bodies of many corpses for exploration.

After a while, he retracted his palm.

His brows frowned slightly.

"The other party has dealt with all the traces. Even the battlefield last night, we went to investigate it before, and it was also nothing." Shen Gan said while standing beside Ji Wuxiang.

"Patriarch Ji thinks that this is the work of the Demon Sect?" He Gang asked.

"On the surface, it is." Ji Wuxiang said calmly. He didn't seem to have finished all his words. He didn't know the other meaning, what it was.

Ji Wuxiang tilted his head to look at Tao Yi and others in the corner.

"They are a group of ordinary gods who found the body..."


Zheng Huacheng hadn't finished explaining, Ji Wuxiang had already taken action, and saw Tao Yi and the others burst into a cloud of blood, and then set fire to the void, extinguishing the ashes of their bones.

The hall fell silent.

Although Zheng Huacheng and others didn't care about Tao Yi and their lives, Ji Wuxiang's murder without warning made many people feel chills.

"I've heard it a long time ago. The first day of the Ji family is bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty, and it really is true..." Shen Qian's heart rose in fear. No matter who it is, working with people like Ji Wuxiang will be afraid.

No one can guess what Ji Wuxiang is thinking.

More importantly, Ji Wuxiang's strength is quite terrifying. Regardless of his age, he is much younger than Shen and Qian's trio. However, Shen and Qian's trio don't even have the courage to play with Ji Wuxiang.

"Don't disclose the matter here." Ji Wuxiang said flatly.

"But... the rumors are already flying in the sky outside." Shen Qian said helplessly.

"The rumors are just rumors after all, just don't care about them." Ji Wuxiang said calmly, his meaning is very simple, Ji, Shen, Zheng, He Jijia, don't come forward to say anything, don't let the rumors sit down.

"Good!" Shen Gan nodded.

"Help me contact the demon sect's moon envoy and ask her to come and collect the body of the demon cultivator." Ji Wuxiang said again.

"I'll do it." He Gang left a word and left quickly.

Ji Wuxiang didn't leave the hall, but stood with his hands behind, standing in front of the corpses of Ji Bowen and others, as if waiting for something quietly.

"Patriarch Ji, will the moon envoy appear?" Shen Gan said with some worry: "That moon envoy is not easy to deal with, except for the first meeting, he barely showed up behind."

"Come or not, it's her business, invitation or not, it's our business." Ji Wuxiang said calmly.

About three hours later, He Gang returned.

"The moon messenger is here."

He said to Ji Wuxiang, Shen Qian and others.

At this time, including Ji Wuxiang, also turned and looked at the door of the hall.

There, a red moon in a red dress was walking towards it.

She is tall, not inferior to a man, but she has the slender and graceful woman, just adding a bit of heroism.

The facial features are like the most perfect masterpiece of the Creator, the skin is like fat, and the face is like lotus.

Especially those eyes are clear and deep.

Ji Wuxiang looked at the red moon, his eyes flickered slightly. This was the first time he saw the red moon, and a strong possessiveness suddenly rose in his heart.

It seemed that a voice kept telling him that the woman should belong to him.

"I have seen Lord Moon Envoy."

Shen Qian, He Gang, and Zheng Huacheng saluted one after another.

Ji Wuxiang stood still, his eyes looking at Hongyue were full of aggression.

Hongyue's indifferent eyes were even more indifferent than usual. How smart she was, how could she not see that the possessiveness overflowing from Ji Wuxiang's eyes.

"For a long time, I heard that Yueshi Peerless Wushuang, when I saw it today, I was really shocked." Ji Wuxiang took the lead to speak, breaking the calm, revealing a rather evil smile.

Hongyue just glanced at him calmly, but did not speak for the time being.

Ignored Ji Wuxiang's praise.

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