Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3341: Frog at the bottom of the well

Chapter 3341: Frog at the bottom of the well

Below, after Ji Wuxiang heard the words of Hongyue, his face became quite ugly.

Frankly speaking, he was a little hit.

Red Moon's understatement obviously did not treat Ji Wuxiang as an opponent, and it didn't matter whether he had to kill Ji Wuxiang himself.

"it is good!"

Yue Anshan smiled and nodded.

Anyway, the Yue Family and Ji Family had completely torn their skins to the point of incompatible with fire and water.

He doesn't need to think about the consequences after killing Ji Wuxiang, but instead can take the opportunity to weaken the strength of the Ji family and suppress the arrogance of the Ji family.

He is naturally why not for it.

Looking at Yue'an Mountain approaching step by step, Ji Wuxiang was frightened and angry.

He stared at Hongyue with a gloomy look, and shouted: "Hongyue, you think I don't know, do you deliberately put on a calm appearance? No one yet, dare not pay attention to my Ji Wuxiang. "

Hongyue turned around and looked down at Ji Wuxiang, and said: "You are very self-confident, and you have never put the world's arrogant in your eyes. You feel that you, the first arrogant of the Ji family, will surely dominate the East Spirit Nine Realms in the future."

"But, in my eyes, you are nothing but a frog at the bottom of a well."

"Don't say that in my Demon Sect, there are more than ten true Tianjiao, enough to easily overwhelm you, even in this Eastern Realm, there are people who can overwhelm you."

"Like Wanjun in the Wanxiang Tower, Weishan Lake in the Zhenwu Shenmen, can you be their opponent?"

Red Moon's words were plain, but every word was like a sword.

As her voice fell, Ji Wuxiang's expression changed again and again.

The Wanjun and Weishan Lake mentioned by Hongyue were the existences that Ji Wuxiang wanted to face the most, because he was defeated by those two when he was young.

It's just that Wanjun of the Wanxiang Tower and Weishan Lake of the Zhenwu Shenmen are all practicing in their respective sects and rarely come to the nine regions of East Spirit.

This made Ji Wuxiang's coercion increasingly heavier.

And in the Southern Sect of the Sky Demon, there are bound to be many true Tianjiao generations.

With the eyes of Hongyue, Ji Wuxiang really didn't pay attention to it.

"Yue'an Mountain, do you know the consequences of killing me."

Ji Wuxiang noticed that the murderous Yue'an Mountain was approaching step by step, and couldn't help but say.

Few people can face death head-on.

Ji Wuxiang seems to be strong and aloof on weekdays, but in the face of death, he will also be afraid and fearful.

He is actually more afraid of death than ordinary people.

Because he can enjoy life to the fullest, and he is unwilling to give up that wonderful taste, and he is unwilling to just disappear.


Yue Anshan said indifferently: "I also know that if you don't kill you today, then you will be letting the tiger go back to the mountain."


When the voice fell, Yue An Mountain had already moved.

His figure appeared in front of Ji Wuxiang in an instant, and then, a palm containing majestic power, slashed on Ji Wuxiang's heavenly spirit cover.

The latter suffered heavy losses and was dying, so there was no resistance.

Endless light shrouded this place, drowning everything.

When the light dissipated, Ji Wuxiang was no longer in the world.

The first arrogant of the Ji family’s last era, I am afraid that he never dreamed that coming to Renshui this time would be the end of his life.

The spread of this incident will inevitably cause a huge sensation.

Even at Yue An Mountain, the thought of Ji Wuxiang's monstrous anger, after the death of Ji Wuxiang, felt extremely pressured, and his eyes could not help but reveal a bit of solemnity.

"No matter how angry the Ji family is, in a short period of time, they will not attack Ren Waters again. Family Master Yue must seize the opportunity." Hongyue said calmly.

"Ji family will not make another move in a short time?" Yue Anshan was surprised, not understanding why Red Moon would be so determined, but when he thought of Red Moon's identity, he was already convinced by most.

"This time, I also want to thank the Yueshi for helping my Yue Family." Yue Anshan recovered and hurriedly thanked him.

"I don't mean to help the Yue family."

However, Hongyue did not appreciate it, but said plainly and directly: "I came to Monster Beast Swamp, one of which was to reach a cooperation with someone, and then I agreed to take the shot."


Hongyue glanced at the place where Ji Wuxiang died, and did not continue to say anything.

However, Yue'an Mountain is an old world, how can I fail to see the idea of ​​Red Moon.

"This season has no phase, it is really daring, even the unfathomable moon envoy dared to fight for the idea, really looking for death." Yue Anshan sneered in his heart.

I am afraid that no one in the world can think of it. The real cause of Ji Wuxiang's death is not the interests of the heavenly clan or the big righteousness, but just a trivial matter, for the most part.

So, don’t offend a woman if you offend anyone.

Especially those women who are as wise as a demon, but also terrifyingly powerful.

At this point, Awakening did much better than Ji Wuxiang.

Awakening would not advertise how clean he was, but he never tried to play with women, but gave true respect. This is probably the reason why he was thought of by many women.

"Has Yueshi reached a cooperation with Luo Qing?" Yue Anshan asked.

"Yeah!" Hongyue nodded, then said no more, turned and flew towards the monster swamp.

"Luo Qing's ability is really great! Actually let this moon envoy cooperate with him, is there something tricky between the two? Hehehe..."

Yue Anshan touched his chin with an inexplicable smile on his face.

If he wakes up here, he will naturally not agree with this idea. He and Hongyue are maintaining cooperation at the same time, but also, they may kill each other at any time!

Not to mention anything else, after many years, I saw the first side of the red moon again, didn't the other party almost give myself a big gift?

Furthermore, how could a woman like the red moon fall into love affairs with her children?

At least, Wake up doesn't believe it.

"It's important to do business first!"

Yue'an Mountain quickly flew towards the monster swamp.

Although Ji Wuxiang was dead, the battle in the monster swamp was not over yet.

Yue'an Mountain is now very fortunate that he believed in awakening, he believed in Yue Zhijun, after Yue Zhijun came in, he directly made a decision and quietly left Yueyang Tianhu.

I have to say that Yue'an Mountain's move has a gambling element.

In case the awakening inference is wrong, if the enemy directly attacks Yueyang Tianhu, then the Yue family will be over.

Fortunately, he was right.

"Dare to hurt my Yue family god, if the tiger doesn't show off his might, do you really treat my Yue family as a sick cat?" When Yue An Mountain rushed into the monster swamp, he immediately looked at Ning Kuo and others with fierce eyes.

In the next moment, the vigorous cultivation base of the second-order **** of Yue'an Mountain was fully released and rushed away.

As the master of the Yue family, Yue Anshan's cultivation strength can be said to be the best in the audience, even stronger than Ji Wuxiang. This shot is naturally a powerful force of thunder.

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