Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3350: Light and darkness

Chapter 3350 Light and Darkness

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

This is the second time that Hongyue used "Your Goddess" to tease him.

In order to avoid being ridiculed, after talking about the business, wake up and leave.

Juechen drank the wine, glanced at the location where Wake left, and said rather unhappily: "Boss, we have so much contact with Wake, I am afraid that we will be soft when we kill!"

"Why do you have to kill him?" Hongyue said lightly.

"No... don't kill?" Juechen even suspected that he had heard it wrong.

They and Wake, they formed Liangzi when they came from the Northern God Realm, and Hongyue came to the Nine Regions of the East Spirit, and once again secretly controlled Gu Shanying and set an ambush for Wake.

Now, why not kill it?

"I set an ambush before because I didn't know much about the current awakening, but now, I find that the situation is different." Hongyue explained through Juechen's thoughts.

"What's the difference?" Juechen puzzled.

"Awakening is no longer part of the innate dojo, and it is not the absolute opposite of us." Hongyue said.

"But... the contradiction between him and us has not been resolved!" Juechen was a little anxious, and said: "Besides, Awakening has always been an attitude of eliminating evil with respect to demonic cultivation."

"You are wrong." Hongyue shook her head and said, "The demons who wake up and kill are all people he thinks are damned. He won't kill the demons just as they are treated equally."

"But he won't join the Demon Sect." Juechen sighed: "Boss, Awakening is not a person who is willing to sit down. He is easy-going on the surface, but in his heart he is actually more proud than anyone else."

"Why must he join the Demon Sect?" Hongyue shook her head.

"Boss, you didn't think that way..." Juechen was even more puzzled. While in the North God Realm, Hongyue had invited Rejuvenation to join the Demon Sect on several occasions, but was rejected by the latter.

"That was before." Hongyue shook his head indifferently: "At this moment, at that moment, our awakening is changing, and our thinking needs to be changed."

"It doesn't really matter whether he joins the Demon Sect or not."

"Sometimes, what we need is often just a partnership, such as this time."

Juechen was silent for a while.

He was naturally convinced by the arrangement and ideas of the red moon.

However, he does not believe that the two sides can continue to cooperate.

Juechen sighed: "Boss, wake up and us are not the same after all! He has light in his heart, and we are in the dark, one black and one white, and we will eventually face the opposite."

He was worried.

Worried about waking up completely.

At that time, even the red moon will not be able to wake up, and even, will be awakened and suppressed.

That would really be a problem for raising tigers.

"Huahua Fajun, Tianyingshu and others have now joined Old Can Village."

"Then awakening itself has drifted away from the edge of light and darkness."

After the red moon said, no more words.

There are some things that she did not say.

In this world, there is never absolute light or absolute darkness.

Those great figures above the light, perhaps their other side is already dark and decayed.

The seven days are naturally very short.

But wake up and not idle.

Eliminating the need to understand the forbidden area after fusion in more detail through many aspects, he was still trying to comprehend the bead left by Bai Yunfei during these seven days.

Inside the beads, there is Bai Yunfei's heart sword.

Awakening put his mind into the beads and found that what was displayed in the beads was actually Bai Yunfei's life experience.

From when he fell to the ground, to start practicing.

Successfully entered Fengwu Fudi, showing his extraordinary talent and so on.

Everything about the Demon Sect was very vague and unreal.

"The high priest of the Northern Sect of the Sky Demon is really extraordinary..." Su Xing was surprised, being able to erase his own existence from the memory of others, this is not an ordinary method.

In the impression of awakening, there is only Luo Qingxue's master, Qinglian Daozu once did it.

And the memory of Demon Sect has nothing to do with the cultivation of Heart Sword.

This does not affect, wake up to understand the heart sword.

It's just that he is still in a state of confusion for the time being, and he doesn't understand what Bai Yunfei's memories have to do with Xinjian.

In itself, the cultivation of Heart Sword depends on fate and understanding.

Bai Yunfei's ability to comprehend the Heart Sword has something to do with his own comprehension, but it is more fate.

In terms of awakening, compared with Bai Yunfei, it is only higher but not lower.

However, he still can't really comprehend Heart Sword now.

This can only show that fate has not yet arrived.

It is a pity to wake up. If he can comprehend the Heart Sword before entering the forbidden area, then his strength will definitely usher in a substantial increase.

This kind of thing can't be forced.

Without the heart sword, there are other ways to improve strength when awakening.

Seven days passed quickly.

On this day, Suwa and his group set off and returned to the back mountain of Xuantianzong.

And because the forbidden area was opened today, Xuantianzong's Houshan, made an exception today and opened to the outside world. In addition to Awakening and his party, there were many other figures who flew to Tongtian Mountain.

Looking across the sky, the divine light swept across the sky quickly, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

Among them, some people are born extraordinary and naturally attract a lot of attention.

"Look at it, Jiulong pulls the cart. Could that be the'Nine-Dragon Taoist'?" someone exclaimed.

I saw in the mighty sky, nine black dragons, pulling a magnificent chariot, heading towards the heavenly sacred mountain, majestic and majestic.

The nine-headed black dragon was not a flesh and blood creature, but a spirit.

Jiulong pull cart itself is an extraordinary god-given artifact.

The Jiulong Taoist sitting on the chariot was even more a god-sovereign and powerful man. His reputation was so loud that many people recognized it immediately.


A huge sword broke through the void and chased up to the Jiulong Taoist at an extremely fast speed.

"Wow! That is Heavenly Sword Sovereign."

"His breath is so powerful, he is not inferior to the Jiulong Taoist at all."

"His kendo realm is too high and deep, it is said that he has understood the true meaning of kendo law."

Another famous **** appeared, which attracted countless exclamations.

The prince, no matter where he goes, will cause a sensation, being aloof, representing power and majesty.

And even the gods were attracted by this opportunity in the forbidden area, let alone other people.

Similar to the existence of Jiulong Taoist and Tianjue Sword Sovereign, within an hour before and after, more than ten people appeared.

Although they have no background, most of them are solitary and casual cultivators, but the strength of each person is quite terrible, which makes people admire and admire.

At this time, the vast divine light shone in all directions, and the phantom of a huge building appeared in the sky.

"Vientiane Tower!"

"Wanjun is here."

In an instant, the world fell into silence.

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