Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3352: This woman should only be in the sky

Chapter 3352 This woman should only be in heaven

"Why see?"

Su Xing looked at Gong Kun curiously, wondering why the latter was so sure.

"It's easy!"

"With the identity of the old man Canghe, showing up for no apparent reason must have something to do. It is impossible to really just see the Jiulong Taoist and the Heavenly Sword Sovereign."

Gong Kun paused, then shook his head: "However, I just don't know what Old Man Canghe is plotting."

"It stands to reason that no matter how strong the old man Canghe is, he would not dare to forcibly enter the Xuantian Sect."

This is what everyone does not understand.

Old Canghe seemed to have really left.

Yan Feng shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter, what that kind of existence really wants to do is not something we can stop. The sky is falling, and there is a tall man."

Soon after, the group also flew into the Tongtian Shenshan and successfully arrived at Houshan.

This time, Xuan Tianzong, although the back mountain was opened, only part of the area was opened so that the gods could reach the entrance of the forbidden area. As for the many important places of the inner sect, outsiders were still prohibited from entering.

For example, the practice places of the disciples of Nei Zong are in the area and so on.

It's just that the most lively area today is naturally the area where the forbidden area is located. As for other places, it is deserted and there are almost no people.

When the group of people awakened and arrived at the entrance of the forbidden area, there was already a sea of ​​people.

Moreover, more people are coming in a steady stream.

It didn't seem too crowded.

The back mountain is vast and vast, even if it accommodates billions of people, there is no problem at all.

Looking up, over the rolling mountains in front, a sky curtain connects the sky and the earth. There are many pictures on the sky curtain, but it looks rather vague.

Vaguely, awakening could recognize the scene of the blood-colored sand sea.

The sky is the entrance to the forbidden area.

After passing through the sky, they will appear in the forbidden area.

It's just that no one has acted rashly yet, because there is a terrible restraining force on the sky, which rushes past, and it is likely to be wiped out in an instant.

Those who have the confidence to break into the forbidden land are at least the king of gods.

Everyone can be stable.

Although I am looking forward to the opportunity, I am not really anxious.

Everyone knows that the forbidden land must be opened today.

Waking up in the crowd, searching for the whereabouts of the red moon, but there was no gain.

He was not in a hurry.

After all, Red Moon is the moon envoy of the Demon Sect, and now he still needs to hide his identity, it is impossible to be like Wanjun, Wei Shanhu and others. Once he appears on the stage, it will cause a huge sensation.

"Look, here it comes."

At a certain moment, someone exclaimed.

Everyone looked up and saw that on the supreme sky, the divine light fell like silk, and then a group of figures appeared one after another, among which there were many well-known figures.

Such as Xia Sen, Lei Zhenying, Situ Lan and so on.

They are all Dao Cheng disciples of Xuan Tianzong, and each of them has extraordinary cultivation strength, and all have entered the list of heavenly kings, and they are famous beings on the list.

To get rid of them, there are still many great elders of Xuan Tianzong.

Such as Elder Xuan Qi, Elder Xia Hou, etc., each of them is a powerful god, with mighty power!

Compared to any party present, Xuan Tianzong is obviously stronger in terms of overall strength.

This is normal.

After all, Xuan Tianzong is the home court.

They are determined to win the opportunity for the forbidden land.

However, the most eye-catching is the three figures at the forefront.

They were a pair of young men and women, and Yan Chongtian, the master of Xuan Tianzong.

Yan Chongtian looked like a middle-aged man. When he was young, he should have been a handsome man. Even now, he still feels handsome and handsome, and his cultivation is even more difficult to see through.

He scanned the audience calmly.

Even Wanjun and Wei Shanhu need to bow their heads in front of Yan Zhongtian.

Yan Chongtian is the real overlord of the Eastern Realm today.

Wan Jun and Wei Shanhu, in front of him, were still a little bit immature.

As usual, after Yan Chongtian, a dragon that sees the head and does not see the end, appears, it will definitely attract everyone's attention, but at this moment, there are many eyes that are not on him.

Rather, they looked at the young couple beside him in unison.

Especially that woman.

She wins the snow with a white dress, her facial features are exquisite and picturesque, and her hair falls randomly behind her, soft as a waterfall.

She has a flawless appearance and a slender figure.

She hardly has any shortcomings.

People will find it hard to extricate themselves as long as they take a look.

Its plain is like spring plum blossoms, its tranquility is like pine growing empty valleys, its beauty is like rosy clouds reflecting orange pond...

Especially in her body, that kind of empty valley and orchid temperament.

Fenghua is peerless, stunning and unparalleled!

Her appearance seemed to brighten the vast expanse of the entire back mountain.

Baihua will be overshadowed in front of it.

The stars in the sky seem to shine only for her.


Wake up in a daze.

Compared to when he was in the Lower Realm, Luo Qingxue has changed.

She has changed too much.

The appearance becomes more beautiful and moving, and the temperament becomes more unparalleled.

Regained control of the throbbing of my heart.

Luo Qingxue was wiped out by Qinglian Daozu and had no causal relationship with him anymore.

And at this moment, the identity gap between the two is too big.

Rushing to recognize each other is definitely not a good thing for him and Yu Luo Qingxue.

If things get to Qinglian Daozu's ears, then it will be troublesome.

"Who is that goddess! It's so beautiful."

"Yes! It's worth seeing the supreme demeanor of the goddess, even if you die in the forbidden ground this time."

Below, numerous whispering voices sounded.

No one is making a lot of noise, just because they don't want to offend the beautiful lady.

At this time, Wan Jun stepped out of the crowd and said with a smile: "I have long heard that Xuantianzong has come to a peerless goddess. When I saw it today, it was indeed well-deserved."

"At Wanjun in the Lower Vientiane Tower, I saw the Lady Luo Goddess."

After that, Wan Jun saluted Luo Qingxue, looking personable.

"Hello! I have also heard of you, I hope you can get the chance this time, go further, and cultivate into the innate divine body." Luo Qingxue smiled lightly, neither being polite nor overly eager.

"Then let the goddess auspicious words."

The smile on Wanjun's face grew stronger.

Obviously, Luo Qingxue had heard of him and blessed him, which made him very happy.

"I saw the Lady of Luoshen in Weishan Lake, the gate of the Real Martial God."

Wei Shanhu followed closely, politely.

"Like Wanjun, you have already cultivated into a pseudo-divine body. This time there is a great opportunity to go further." Luo Qingxue smiled slightly and also gave a blessing.

On weekdays, she has always been gentle and polite.

After coming to Xuan Tianzong, I don't know why I feel inexplicably at ease, and my mood is more beautiful than usual, so I say a lot more than usual.

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