Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3354: Causal line

Chapter 3354: Causality


Xia Sen also felt quite surprised that he suddenly changed his attitude towards awakening.

But soon, he also laughed, "In that case, Junior Brother Luo, we need to'support' each other a lot on our way!"

Both of them are smiling.

However, they all seem to be smiling and not smiling.

So as long as people with a bit more old-fashioned eyesight can see some clues.

Luo Qingxue was naturally aware of it, and looked at Yan Chongtian suspiciously, and said, "Sect Master Yan, are there any contradictions between the two disciples in your sect?"


Yan Zhongtian nodded.

Some time ago, although Xuan Tianzong did not intervene in the chaotic situation of the nine regions of East Spirit, Xuan Tianzong would still have some attention and understanding, which naturally included the death of Ji Wuxiang, Ji Bingyan, and Xia Fuxiao.

Yan Chongtian understands the contradiction between Su Xing and Xia and Ji.

Seeing Su Xia walking with Xia Sen, I naturally knew that there was some tricky inside. I am afraid that the two of them would separate life and death in the forbidden area.

"Luo Goddess, speaking of it, that disciple's name is somewhat similar to yours, he is Luo Qing."

Yan Chongtian smiled seemingly unintentionally.


Luo Qingxue showed a hint of curiosity.

"It's not surprising that people with the same name are there. After all, there are a lot of people, but if the names are somewhat similar, it won't matter.

Hua Yunkong shook his head and smiled at Luo Qingxue again: "Luo Goddess, the time is almost up, why don't we set off too!"


Luo Qingxue nodded.

She also knew that what Hua Yunkong said was indeed reasonable.

The same name is nothing unusual.

However, she always had a special sense of familiarity when she looked at her waking back.

But she didn't show it.

With her status, her every move will be followed by countless people. If she rushes to wake up, it is not a good thing for the latter.

That was just an ordinary inner sect disciple of Xuantianzong.

Luo Qingxue didn't want to cause any trouble to the other party because of her appearance.


"That disciple named Luo Qing seems to be unpredictable this time!"

"Should I help him?"

With Luo Qingxue's eyesight, he could tell at a glance that Xia Sen's men and horses were far stronger than the awakened ones, including not only many of the gods of the Xia family, but also the elders of Xia Hou.

On the other hand, only Gong Kun is a god.


Luo Qingxue hid in the jade hands in his sleeves, light flickering lightly, turning into very thin silk threads, drilling into the void space and disappearing.

"In this way, you can at least stop the killing for him once!"

Luo Qingxue said heartily.

Those very thin threads are the threads of cause and effect.

Luo Qingxue's master is the ancestor of Qinglian Daoist, who controls the mysterious and unpredictable avenue of cause and effect.

Luo Qingxue has practiced for many years, possessing the Chaos Phoenix Heart of the God of Good Fortune, and the careful teaching of the Qinglian Taoist ancestor. Naturally, he has extremely high attainments on the path of cause and effect.

Now, she has understood the true meaning of the law of cause and effect.

When shot, it is very concealed.

The avenue of cause and effect is itself a very mysterious and strange existence.

As a result, Yan Chongtian, Xia Hou, and even Wake himself did not notice anything abnormal, let alone what Luo Qingxue did.

I'm afraid Dao Ancestor Qinglian didn't even dream of it.

Luo Qingxue, who has been cultivating by her side, will wake up when she travels for the first time this time.

The first time I used the avenue of cause and effect was also because of awakening.

This causal cycle is really elusive.

Soon after, there was no one outside the forbidden area except Yan Chongtian.

Everyone entered the forbidden area, competing for opportunities.

"What the **** is there in the ultimate place?" Yan Zhongtian muttered to himself, his figure turned into a ray of light, disappeared, and he didn't know where he went.

Behind the sky is a vast expanse of open space.

At the end of the sky and the earth, there are four distinct auras.

The first breath was bloody, and it was where the **** sand sea was.

The second breath was misty and full of mysterious smell.

In the third place, there is a huge dragon energy billowing in the sky, with extraordinary style and majestic endlessness.

The fourth place is extremely desolate, expressing the meaning of ancient vicissitudes.

They correspond to the four forbidden areas before.

"Which way Junior Brother Luo is going to choose?" Xia Senpi smiled and stared at awakening.

"It seems that Senior Brother Xia is not ready to do it immediately?" Su Xing said.

"What's the hurry?" Xia Sen said indifferently: "Let Junior Brother Luo feel the fear of death first, and then it's not too late to start!"

"Then go and see inside the ghost town! For Brother Xia and Elder Xia, it should be a good place to bury the bones. At least, there are many undead with you, and you won’t feel that alone."

Wake up and said lightly.


Xia Sen laughed: "Luo Qing, your joke is quite interesting."

He didn't care at all.

Just wake up with so many people around, not enough to watch.

As for the summer, he looked majestic, but he never cared about waking up from beginning to end, and more, he paid attention to the forbidden area after fusion.

In his eyes, it is estimated that Awakening is already a dead person.

So he will not care about the words and opinions of the dead.

Wangshan is running to death!

The forbidden area after the fusion has indeed become very different, and the interior area is extremely vast.

After waking up a group of people, flying for a long time, finally arrived, the entrance of the ghost capital of mist.

Ahead, the fog diffused, revealing a terrible feeling.

As if taking a step forward, you will be in hell.

Su Xing didn't know where the Xia family originally planned to choose, but now, he has come here with him.


Waking up without any hesitation, he strode directly into the sea of ​​fog.

Hundreds of members of the Xia family, led by Xia Hou and Xia Sen, followed Wake up.

Suwaken probably also learned why Xia Sen was not in a hurry to kill him.

This is for him to act as cannon fodder.

He didn't say a word, only a cold light flashed in his eyes.

In the foggy sea, the visibility is very low.

The soul thought is completely isolated, it is difficult to play a role.

The land under my feet was a bit damp. After walking for about a long time, an expanse of water appeared in front of him, and the group stopped temporarily.

No one knows whether there is any danger in the waters.

Even in summer, he showed a cautious look.

"Junior Brother Luo, looking at this situation, it seems that you have to go out!" Xia Sen sneered, and then said: "Of course, you can also refuse. This water bank is used to bury bones, which is not bad."

This is a naked threat.

At this moment, in the foggy sea on the water, a ship full of decadent aura slowly approached.

At the bow, a boatman is paddling.

He was wearing a hood and black sackcloth, and his voice was hoarse: "How many guest officers, are you going to the other side?"

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