Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3356: Upside down

Chapter 3356: The universe is reversed

No one can give an answer.

If the old man is just making up stories.

So, his ability to compose stories is a bit too bad.

However, it happens that this kind of leaky language gives people a sense of reality.

Because reality is not a story in a book.

The story can be perfect, but reality is absurd, and there are many problems in itself.

"Old man, do you know what's on the other shore?" Su Xing asked humbly again.

"I don't know!" The old man shook his head and said, "That's where the dead can go. How dare I dare to set foot in, every time I just glanced far away and left."

"However, I have heard some legends."

"It seems that the deepest part of the other shore is the place of bliss."

"It is said that when everyone goes to the other side, they will see a ‘Wang Heart Monument’, which can illuminate their own life. At the same time, it is also equivalent to letting oneself reminisce about his life, and then he will have no worries."

Reawakening frowned.

The other side should be the so-called "underworld".

It is where people go after death.

Frankly speaking, Su Xing would rather face the dangers of trespassing in the blood-colored sand sea than trespassing into this misty ghost capital.

There seems to be no danger here.

But everything that has been encountered so far is too weird.

It feels like you are walking towards the abyss of death step by step.

"Old guy, don't pretend to be fools anymore, let me see your true colors!"

Suddenly, Xia Sen yelled coldly, and the probe grabbed the old man.

He was also very annoying, trying to break this strange atmosphere at this moment.

Xia Sen shot very quickly. Over the years, his cultivation base has also been advancing by leaps and bounds. Now, he has already ranked among the heavenly kings, and he can even compete with the gods.

The old man seemed to be just an ordinary person, unable to resist.


The robe and cloak of the old man were torn off in an instant.

Then, a thick bone was exposed in front of everyone.


Many people subconsciously took a breath.

In fact, everyone has not seen any scenes.

Everyone present, whether it was He Tong who awakened around them, or the many masters of the Xia family, had experienced a lot of wind and rain and killed many people.

A bone, shouldn't make them feel confused.

Mainly because the current environment is too weird.

However, the old man who has always regarded himself as a living person is actually just a bone, which is quite visually impactful.

Even Xia Sen was shocked.

But soon, a fierce light flickered in his eyes: "Sure enough, you are a pretender, give me death."


Xia Sen made his second shot.

The distance between the two parties is too close, and awakening cannot be stopped.

Not to mention, there was Xia Hou staring at him eagerly.

Xia Sen's palm fell, and the white-boned old man was wiped out in ashes.

I thought that everything would end here.

However, the next scene happened, but it made people feel chills.

On the bow of the ship, the figure of the old man appeared out of thin air, another bone.

But he didn't feel anything at all.

He just stared at Xia Sen angrily and said, "You little devil, not only impolite, but also so vicious, you will definitely go to **** if you go to the other side."

Xia Sen looked shocked and didn't care about the old man's angry words, but said: " did you come alive again?"

"I've been alive!"

The old man obviously didn't like Xia Sen anymore, and said with a cold face: "If it weren't for my family's ancestral amulet, it was really possible that you, a little devil, would have succeeded."

While speaking, he raised the skeleton hand.

It seems to be holding something in his hand.

However, in the vision of Awakening and the others, the skeleton was empty in his hands, with nothing.

And the old man didn't even notice his boneless body.

He still feels that he is a big living person, and that they are the dead if they wake up.

"Don't do it."

Seeing that Xia Sen was about to be fierce again when he woke up, he shouted coldly.

"Can you stop me?" Xia Sen didn't care.

"If you don't want a big deal, it's better to listen to me." Su Xing said coldly.

"Xia Sen, there is no need to have trouble with the boatman." Xia Hou also said something, he should also feel that in such a strange environment, it is better not to act rashly.

"Okay!" Xia Sen gave up. He took a look at his awakening and said, "Did you find something?"

"The world he sees in his eyes should be different from ours." Su Xing did not hide it. He believed that he should have noticed it in the summer.

"What does this mean?"

Many people still feel puzzled.

Su Xing bowed to the old man and said, "Old man, is there fog on the sea of ​​Forgotten River?"

"Boy, what's the problem with you?"

"The sky is full and the moon is high, the sea is calm and the waves are calm, you can see it all!"

The old man glanced weirdly to wake up.

However, his attitude is quite easy-going. Obviously, his sense of awakening is really good.

At this moment, everyone on the ship was silent.

Obviously, the awakening guess is correct.

What the old man saw in his eyes was not the same as everyone else.

At this moment, it was clearly misty and visibility was extremely low. Where was the full moon hanging high.

Next, waking up again tried to inquire about some useful information on the old man by tapping on the side.

However, the old people know only a little.

In this way, time passed by minute by minute.

I don't know how long it has passed, the fog on the sea in front of the boat has become much thinner, and a round moon like a silver plate hangs above the sky, pouring down a hazy frosty moonlight.

"Look, you have reached the other side."

A strong man in the Xia family spoke.

People looked at it, and as expected, a vague outline of a continent appeared in the field of vision.

"It's dawn!"

"The sun today is quite dazzling."

"Young man, the sun will burn you, so after you go ashore, you'd better find a place to hide first, and wait until night to continue on your way!"

The old man pointed to the front and said.

The full moon in everyone's eyes was actually a big sun in his eyes.

Yin and Yang eyes are different.

Day and night, the universe, as if invisible, was turned upside down.

"Thank you senior for reminding!"

Wake up and thank you politely, without explaining anything.

People always believe that the world in their eyes is difficult for outsiders to convince.

The same is true for the elderly, so are they.

Who sees the world as the most real?

Or is the world in everyone's eyes actually false?

Wake up did not continue to think deeply, thinking about this question is extremely scary.

"You're welcome!"

"I wish you a good journey and live in a rich family in the next life."

The old man waved his hand and said goodbye to the awakened group ashore.

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