Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3365: The death of summer

Chapter 3365: The Death of Summer

The dragon's body is nearly ten thousand miles long.

It's like an extremely majestic mountain, lying across the vast land.

Not only blocked the passage of the Xia family, but also exuded a murderous intent and extreme terror.

Including Xia Hou, everyone in the Xia family felt a strong sense of oppression from the dragon.

However, behind the Xia family, four white-clothed ghost exorcists, amidst the screaming sound, blasted and killed, and ghost hands, ghost knives, etc. quickly appeared, penetrating the void.

Fringe back and forth.

Everyone in the Xia family suddenly fell into a deadlock.

The dragon is also good.

Whatever the ghost exorcist in white.

Their offensive is not only extremely powerful, but also extremely fast.

As a result, in just one face, many Xia family masters fell, their bodies exploded, their souls were wiped out, and even the screams were too late.

The world was like a huge killing machine, harvesting the lives of everyone in the Xia family.

Xia Hou, as well as the more than ten gods of the Xia family, tried their best to resist, but it was in vain. They couldn't help the rest of the Xia family at all, and they were already overwhelmed by themselves.

At this moment, the Xia family is falling into an endless abyss step by step.

Can't stop it.

This kind of great horror and desperation caused the minds of many Xia family masters to begin to collapse.

However, this will only speed up their death progress.

This battle lasted for about a quarter of an hour, and most of the Xia family masters had died, and even the more than ten gods of the Xia family had died.

Most of the rest were seriously injured.

"Your Excellency wants immortal matter, I'll give it to you." Xiahou roared, with a strong unwillingness in his heart, but he knew very well that he could no longer keep immortal matter.

However, the black-robed man was unmoved: "It's too late."


In summer, he was frightened and trembling with anger.

"The Xia family's death has been decided. If I kill you, I can still get undead matter." The black robe man said indifferently.

The fierce fighting continues.

The white-clothed exorcists are "envious of evil like hatred" and have an endless posture of death.

As long as the black-robed people don't give in and open their way to the Xia family, they won't have a chance to survive.

However, the black-robed man had already offended the Xia family, and had the idea of ​​killing them all, and would not give the Xia family a chance to escape, and had a chance to avenge afterwards.

Cut the grass to get rid of the roots!

Soon, the other gods began to die.

And Xia Sen, with a look of despair, was swallowed by the dragon.

"Grandfather save me!"

Xia Sen yelled, his voice getting smaller and smaller.

But until his voice disappeared, he was unable to rescue him in the summer.

It is not Xia Xian who is unwilling to save, in fact, he is already powerless.

By Xia Hou's side, there were only two wounded Xia Family Gods, and all the others were killed.

And the two injured Xia Family Gods, obviously it is difficult to provide him with much help.

It is equivalent to saying that Xia Hou needs to rely on his own strength to fight against the black-robed man and the four white-clothed ghost exorcists. This is simply impossible.

"Two, help me leave!"

Xia Hou said to the two remaining Xia Family Gods.

The two men couldn't help showing a look of despair, how could they not understand the meaning of this sentence in summer.

This is for them to sacrifice themselves to fulfill the summer season.

"it is good!"

Soon, the two gods of the Xia Family showed their firmness.

They know very well that even if it doesn't make it through the summer, it is hard to escape death today. Those who died before are lessons for the past.

In this case, it is not decisive.

The gods exist, and the mood is indeed extraordinary.

Even in desperation, there is no panic Liushen Wuzhu.


With the terrifying divine power raging, the bodies of the remaining two gods in the Xia family swelled up quickly.

This is actually going to blew up directly.

How terrifying is the power of God's self-destruction?

It's hard to imagine.

Then, one of the two Xia family gods rushed to the four ghost exorcists in white, and the other rushed to the terrifying dragon that the black-robed men had evolved.



Accompanied by two sky-shaking noises, the two Xia Family Gods blew themselves up.

The terrifying light rushed out of their bodies, and drowned everything nearby, including the nearly ten thousand li-long dragon, including the four white-clothed ghost exorcists, all of which were affected.

The power of God's self-destruction is too great, and the coverage is extremely wide.

Therefore, it is very difficult to avoid completely.

This is also the reason why very few people die in the confrontation between gods and monarchs, because no one wants to push the other party into a hurry and burn the jade.

Obviously, today's situation cannot be based on common sense.

The black-robed people and those in white-clothed exorcists are not normal people, and it is difficult to recover together with murderous intentions.


Seeing this in the summer, his body rose into the air, trying to escape at this time.

But at this moment, above the sky, a terrifying force pressed down and directly sent Xiahou Zhenfei out, and, by coincidence, flew in the direction of awakening.

"Be careful!"

The expressions of Gong Kun and others changed.

The centipede is dead but not stiff.

No one wants to get too close to the summer.

Especially, the latter has just lost the elite family player at this moment, which is the moment of incomparable rage.

However, everyone’s worry is a bit redundant this time.

It was dying in Xia Xia, and with a bang, it fell on the ground in front of awakening, and his body was completely **** and he had no ability to be aggressive.

Awakening stepped out, standing in front of Xia Hou, looking down at the other person, and said: "The black-robed man has been invited by me to cut off the life of your Xia family."

"You are looking for!"

Xia Xiao was so angry that he couldn't help spouting a big mouthful of blood.

However, even if he knew that the culprit was awakening, he could no longer retaliate.

"Send you on the road!"

Awakening expression was indifferent, and he pointed to Xiahou's eyebrows.


A fierce sword gas shot out, directly piercing Xia Hou's head, crushing his god.

The dignified elder of Xuan Tianzong, the real high-level figure of the Xia family, fell.

"Boy, if you kill me, you won't be able to live anymore. Xuan Tianzong will know that I died by someone's hands. The murder of the elder is a capital crime..."

Xia Xiao’s dying voice echoed between the heaven and the earth.

The expressions of Gong Kun, Yue Zhijun and others changed.

What Xia Hou said is likely to be true. As the great elder of Xuan Tianzong, his status is extraordinary. It is possible that Xuan Tianzong left some means on him.

"Boy, impulsive!"

"We can completely let the black-robed people do it and keep themselves out of the matter."

Gong Kun said helplessly.

"It's ok!"

Awakening indifferently shook his head.

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