Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3378: Ten tricks are ten tricks

Chapter 3378 said that ten strokes are ten strokes

The Jiulong Taoists and others have a good understanding of the strength of the Heavenly Sword Sovereign.

With a big sword, the sword spirit rushed into the sky.

The realm of Kendo realized the true meaning of the law.

His cultivation base is in the second level of the gods, almost the best in the same realm.

However, he was awake and slapped severely?

In the beginning, the Jiulong Taoists and others even suspected that Tianjue Sword Master was acting.

But it didn't feel like soon.

Taoist Tianjue spouted blood springs from his mouth, there was no need to act, right?


"Tianjue, are you okay?"

Jiulong Taoist asked.

Sword Master Tianjue is rolling his eyes, are you blind? I'm okay, I can't see it!

Taoist Jiulong smiled awkwardly, knowing that he had this problem, and it hurt the dignity of Tianjue Sword Sovereign.

At this time, the expressions of Jiulong Taoist and others became solemn.

They looked away.

That Xuan Tianzong disciple was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

"Boy, are you kidding?"

The Jiulong Taoist looked cold, watching to wake up.


"That Daoist Nine Snake, did people make Old Su ten tricks? That's just one trick. How come it's fraudulent?"

He Tong said with a smile.

"My name is Jiulong Taoist."

The Kowloon Taoist corrected the Tao.

"Know it!"

"Taoist Nine Snake."

"It's Kowloon."

"Yes, right, Nine Snake!"


Daoist in Nine-Dragon could see it, that little girl who was carved and jade-cut was completely deliberate.

He was too lazy to argue.

When he was interrupted by He Tong, Jiulong Taoists almost forgot what he should do.

But it doesn't matter, because Awakening has already shot again.

And he said slowly: "Since I have said ten moves, I can't say nothing. The remaining nine moves, Heavenly Sword Sovereign can't bear, let you pick them up!"


As the voice sounded, huge handprints emerged from the sky.

The next moment, the handprint rumblingly fell.

The Jiulong Taoist and others were shocked to discover that they couldn't escape at all, the offensive of the Void Hand.

It seemed that no matter where he fled, the hand of the void would chase and kill him.

As a last resort, the Jiulong Taoists and others had to let go and fight the hand of the void.

However, the result was dismal.

In the successive screams, the Jiulong Taoists and others were all suppressed by awakening, and one by one, they followed in the footsteps of the Heavenly Sword Sovereign and fell to the ground one after another, spouting blood.

Awakened and stood up, with a calm expression on his face: "I am the most trustworthy person. Ten tricks are over. Now, we can fight fairly."


These two words gave Jiulong Taoist, Tianjue Sword Lord and others a great excitement.

One by one couldn't help but vomiting blood again.

They have all been injured like this, how can they be fair?

Than vomiting blood?

See who vomited the blood farthest and vomited the most?


"Everyone seems to be surrendering!"

Awakening seemed to be unable to see through the thoughts of Tian Jue Jianjun and the others, and said: "In this case, those who lose, but they have to hand over all their storage bags!"

Soon, Jiulong Taoist, Tian Jue Jianjun and others discovered that their storage bags were flying.

They want to stop, but they are powerless.

"My wealth, my cultivation resources."

"My immortal matter!"

Someone wailed in pain.

Unfortunately, it can't change the ending.

All day long, there will always be times when you are blinded by the geese.

"Then thank you for your generosity."

After waking up to check, the other party's storage bag couldn't help but the corner of his mouth hooked, showing a satisfied smile.

Worthy of being a group of second-tier gods, their wealth is just rich!

The immortal matter is the second place, and the total amount is only a few thousand jin, and it is no longer in the eyes of awakening.

However, the piles of cultivation resources and Hunyuan Tianjing in the storage bag are extraordinary.

If he had such a big harvest a few more times, he would wake up and estimate that when he was promoted to the prince, the training resources needed should be almost enough.

Awakening did not kill Jiulong Taoist, Tianjue Sword Lord and others.

One is because the other party did not kill him.

Second, these people are all under the tutelage of the "Old Canghe".

Awakening is not certain, killing Tian Jue Jianjun and others will attract the attention of Old Man Canghe, thus putting himself in a very dangerous situation.

Soon after, the group awoke and came to a high-rise compound.

The immortal matter here has been taken away, and all the ghosts inside have been killed. It is still safe for the time being.

In addition, Juechen began to arrange formations, which gave this high-rise compound a sense of solidity.

Everyone found a room and began to practice.

But when he woke up, he left quietly.

"Boss, the guy who wakes up is gone, he secretly left, there must be some secret, do we want to follow up and see?" Juechen sent a message to Hongyue.

"Do you think you can keep up with him?" Hongyue asked back.

"Uh! This...I can't do it, but you can do it, boss!" Juechen was choked.

"Since he knows that his departure can't hide from you who set up the formation, he will definitely be prepared. If he rashly follows up, it makes no sense." Hongyue said calmly.


Juechen shook his head helplessly.

"Don't think about other things, concentrate on refining immortal matter. Your understanding is amazing, but in terms of physique, you have always been weak. If you don't make up for it, you can only struggle in the mud puddle after all."

Red Moon warned.


Juechen calmed down.

on the street.

Wake up while walking, feeling the fluctuations in the space behind him.

After a while, he shook his head and muttered to himself: "It's quite clever that he didn't keep up. It should be Hongyue's decision, right?"

Just as Red Moon had expected, waking up to know his departure, couldn't hide it from Juechen.

Therefore, he deliberately slowed down and prepared himself.

After walking for a full hour, the awakening is completely certain, no one is following him, and then suddenly speeding up, the figure flashes and disappears into the street out of thin air.

Soon after, he came to the ruins where the palace was located.

"It should be here."

Wake up and take down the Wangxin Stele. At this time, there are waves of ripples on the surface of the Wangxin Stele.

"I'm afraid Yan Chongtian didn't expect that the man in the Dagon service blew himself up not only to die with him, but also to bury the secret under the palace!"

Su Xing muttered to herself.

If it hadn't been for the abnormal movement on the Wangxin Monument, he would not have noticed the clue.

This is a windfall.

Of course, even if there is no Wangxin Monument, there will be an action to wake up.

He must see the members of the void survivors in the ghost capital of the fog.

It's just that if there is no Wangxinbei to show the way, it will be very troublesome to find it.

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