Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3392: Kowloon Baoshan

Chapter 3392: Jiulong Baoshan

In the sky.

The group looked at the stone tortoise, who was screaming in pain, but was unharmed, all with a look of consternation.

Although everyone knew before that the stone tortoise had a strong defensive power, but there was no specific concept. At this moment, it was a shocking discovery. This stone tortoise was simply invincible.

At least, with the strength of everyone at the moment, I am afraid I can't help Shigui.

It is difficult to threaten its lives.

So, why should this guy choose to surrender?

What is it afraid of?

What's so terrible about its defensive ability?

"Boss Su, stop fighting, it hurts a bit!"

Shi Gui flew back and saw a group of people looking at him, and said with some doubts: "What are you looking at?"

"No no!"

"Ah! Look at the sky is white and round!"

"Look at that mountain, it's firm and round."

A group of people hurriedly changed the subject.

Stone turtle nodded, as if in his eyes, the sky was really white and round. It didn't want to expose its slow response, and it was acting as a ghost drifting along with the crowd.

I don't know it at all, in everyone's eyes, it is already the No. 1 silly life of Tianzi.

In the ultimate place full of dangers, there is an invincible stone turtle, which is a great guarantee for everyone's life.

It's fierce and dangerous. It's perfectly possible for the stone turtle to explore the way first!

"You guys are good or bad!"

He Tong glanced disdainfully to wake up.

"what did you say?"

Wake up with an inaudible look.

"Cut!" He Tong's face was full of contempt, but she looked at the sky and said with some confusion: "Why do you like to say that the sky is white and round?"

Gu Shanying next to her was ruddy, but she couldn't explain anything.


"Well! When you grow up, you will understand."

Su Xing glanced at it, He Tong's flat chest, and he spoke lightly.

"Don't talk about being pulled down, who is rare!"

He Tong was too lazy to ask.

In the next time, everyone was still collecting Baoshan.

Although the demon monarch encountered was stronger than before, but in the end they were defeated by two fists and four hands. They were defeated by the hands of a group of awakened people, and then had to choose to surrender.

Gradually, there were as many as ten monsters around him.

The momentum is stronger than before.

It is worth mentioning that the Golden Eye White Tiger actually made a breakthrough during the battle.

Its strength is the most powerful among the ten demon kings.

This gave him a lot of confidence that he could find his place in the golden bull and regain his little bull sister.

It's a pity that Golden Bull doesn't care about it at all.

This caused Jin Tong Baihu to have a suffocated feeling of punching the cotton.

Waking up, he took another look at the golden bull.

He didn't think that the golden bull could not beat the golden eyed white tiger, but that old bull had always liked to hide the clumsy, and his mind was many times deeper than the golden eyed white tiger, and would not easily reveal his strength.

This day.

The group gradually discovered that the number of gods in the area ahead was extremely large.

Looking around, there are tens of thousands of people in black.

It is very unusual for so many gods to gather together. It must be something wrong or a major discovery.

Soon, after listening to everyone, they already knew something.

In the area ahead, there is an unprecedented huge mountain, which is called "Nine Dragon Baoshan" by the gods.

The awakened figure leaped to the sky, shining in his eyes, looking forward.

Sure enough, at the end of the sky, there were nine huge mountains, like a croaking dragon, and the stars arched over the moon, guarding a towering mountain.

The peaks exude colorful treasures, extremely sacred.

It is not difficult to imagine that there must be so many natural treasures in Baoshan, enough to make people crazy.

"The great opportunity is here!"

The golden bull and the others were all bright.

"I have observed a lot of very good auras. There must be real masters in this area. This time, we don't choose to push horizontally and act with the foresight."

Wake up finally made a decision.

In the past, they found a treasure mountain, they all let the golden bull and other demon monarchs show up and push them all the way.

But this time is different.

There are real masters hidden in this nearby area.

What can be valued by Awakening must be possessing the combat power level of a god.

He Tong and Gu Shanying are not the only ones who can use the cultivation base of the Divine King Realm and possess the combat power of the Divine Sovereign level.

Naturally there will be other Tianjiao generations who can do it.

In addition, people such as Jiulong Taoist and Tianjue Sword Sovereign, even if their cultivation level is not exposed, they can only use the power of the **** king level, but it does not represent their combat power level, and they are also in the **** king Level up.

After all, they are the second-order gods, and the camel to die is bigger than the horse.

For example, the realm of Taoism, the magical arts mastered, etc., are not comparable to the **** kings.

Also, there are too many gods here, reaching tens of thousands, which is also a force that cannot be ignored.

However, the mystery man's previous reviews were not good. If he chooses to push horizontally, it is likely to become a target of public criticism and attract everyone's siege.

So the most appropriate way is to hide first.

After all, no one knows that they are mysterious people, just hide the golden bull and other demon kings.

Soon, after waking up, the golden bull and other demon monarchs all returned to the Chaos Pool.

Soon after, he flew forward with He Tong, Gu Shanying, Yanfeng, Yue Zhijun, Wei Si and others.

Wangshan ran to death.

Although he awakened his party and did not fly at full speed, he did not use space to teleport, but the speed was quite good, and it took most of a day to reach the vicinity of Baoshan in Kowloon.

Then, I met an acquaintance, a Taoist in Kowloon.

"When Jiulong Baoshan met Jiulong Taoist, is this... quite appropriate?" Yue Zhijun couldn't help but smile.

"Look, Tian Jue Sword Lord and the others are also here, what do these people want to do?" He Tong's eyes gradually brightened: "Could it be that they are preparing to'return to their old profession' again?"

The four words of re-doing the old karma immediately reminded everyone that when they were in the capital of the ghosts in the fog, the Jiulong Taoist, the Heavenly Sword Sovereign and others, incited all ethnic groups to cultivate together to attack the city.

As expected, He Tong did not expect it.

On several mountain peaks ahead, Jiulong Taoist, Tianjue Sword Sover and others are talking to many gods.

However, there are more divine cultivation, flying towards them one after another.

After hearing it for a while, Su Wake was sure to stir people's hearts.

This kind of thing, Jiulong Taoist, Tian Jue Sword Lord, they are all familiar with it!

They have no school or school, they are casual cultivators.

He often patronizes various secret realms and places of opportunity without a helper around him, so he will use his identity as a casual cultivator to stir people's hearts and hunt for treasures with them.

The end result is naturally that the Jiulong Taoists benefited.

After all, their strength is even stronger. When everyone is fighting for treasures for danger, how many people will be their opponents?

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