Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3406: Luo Yuji

Chapter 3406: Luo Yuji

Everyone could see that the death of the old woman's clone and Luo Zhao's death were all because of breaking the rules of this ultimate land, and therefore, the punishment was lowered.

This has also brought everyone's understanding of natural punishment to a higher level.

The fear in my heart became even worse.

Especially for those gods who had finally deceived the secrets of heaven and got in, they quietly suppressed their own cultivation level, for fear of leaking a trace of the gods' breath.

God kings, there is no such worry.

Even if they want to attract the punishment, they still don't have that ability.

"You said, Luo Qing's luck is really good! It's all like this, and he's not dead yet."

"Ha ha ha! He is too arrogant, even Luo Zhao dared to kill, even if he escaped a catastrophe today, can he really live?"

"Yes! That old woman is obviously a powerful figure in the hidden world, she has already remembered Luo Qing, and when Luo Qing left the ultimate land, he might be greeted by death."

The priests were talking suddenly.

No one thinks how long one can live after waking up.

Most regard him as a dying person.

After all, he offended an extremely terrifying existence, as if being caught by death.

But at this moment of awakening, he stands still.

Seeing this, Long Ritian couldn't help but flew to Wake's side, and said: "Boss, it's better to practice in this ultimate land like me, and wait until you become an ancestor before going out."

"At that time, the other party can't help you."

He thought that waking up was worrying about his situation, so he gave such advice.

"talk later!"

Awaken the plain road.

Long Ritian's suggestion cannot be said to be bad, but it is not very realistic.

Although the speed of awakening and cultivation is extremely fast, it takes a long time to become an ancestor.

In addition, it is not the best policy to practice all the time.

Practicing requires a combination of movement and stillness.

Mobility refers to sharpening one's body, while tranquility refers to retreat and hard practice.

The two complement each other for better growth.

Blindly retreating, it is easy to encounter bottlenecks, which will stop repair.

Of course, what Wake is worried about right now is actually not this. The reason why he was a little fascinated is because he found that flying knife, he seemed familiar.

It was almost exactly the same as the God Slashing Flying Knife in the Timewalker Gourd.

Could it be said that it was Timewalker who made the shot in secret, not God's punishment?

If so, what is the relationship between this ultimate place and Timewalker?

But it is not necessarily a timewalker.

A character like a timewalker is enough to leave a trace of his own in the avenue.

For example, his God Slashing Flying Knife has become part of the law of the Great Dao.

Heaven Punishment simulated his God Slashing Flying Knife, thus killing a strand of avatar of Luo Zhao's ancestor, which is also very possible.

Finally, Su Xing shook his head.

In his current state, it still seemed too low.

Seeing a lot of things is like looking at flowers in the fog, you can't see it really.

Since he couldn't understand it, he was simply too lazy to think.


Xuan Tianzong, Hou Shan.

In a certain piece of vast mountains, there is an area of ​​birds and flowers.

The scenery here is excellent, the four seasons are like spring, and there is a strong breath of Shinto law flowing, and it is an excellent place for cultivation.

Buildings and halls are dotted among the mountains.

In a palace on the edge of a cliff, there was an old woman with white beard and hair sitting cross-legged.

Suddenly, the old woman's eyes opened abruptly, and her gaze showed a strong cold and harsh color, and an old face also became very hideous and murderous.

"Naughty animal, dare to kill Luo Zhao!"

"If I, Luo Yuji, don't kill you, I will swear not to be a human being."

The terrible murderous aura rose from the temple.

In an instant, the world changed color.

And such a scene was quickly alarmed. An old man practicing nearby, he immediately turned into a divine light, fell in front of the temple, and asked, "Master, what happened?"

"A kid named Luo Qing killed Luo Zhao." Luo Yuji said coldly.

"Is Luo Zhao dead?" The old man's face changed slightly, he naturally understood that Luo Yuji's value to Luo Zhao was even more trying to let the latter take charge of Xuan Tianzong in the future.

Now that Luo Zhao is dead, Luo Yuji's plan is undoubtedly disrupted.

"Master, in your capacity, if you directly deal with Luo Qing, there is something wrong, why not let the disciple do it for you? I will definitely capture Luo Qing in front of you."

The old man said.

The look is extremely respectful, and his words are even more respectful to Luo Yuji, commensurate with the respected master.

There was a long silence in the palace, and Luo Yuji's voice gradually came out: "Alright! You are the Supreme Elder of Xuantianzong after all. It is convenient for you to come forward."

"The disciple must do this." The old man hurriedly said.

"Yeah! Go ahead!"


The old man left in a hurry.

Soon after, he appeared outside a towering mountain peak.

The mountain in front has already opened a large protective formation, even with the strength of the old man's cultivation, it is difficult to directly force it.

Under normal circumstances, opening this protective array means that the owner of the mountain is mostly practicing in retreat and does not want to be disturbed by others.

However, the old man said directly: "Yan Chongtian, your apprentice is dead."

After speaking, after the old man waited for a while, the protective array of the mountain gradually closed, and then, Yan Chongtian stepped out.

He is tall and handsome, with the unique charm of a middle-aged man.

However, compared to the time when he was in the Forbidden Land, his cultivation base aura also appeared more profound.

Obviously, for Yan Chongtian, immortal substances are of great use.

In this retreat, he is also trying his best to refine the immortal matter. From the current perspective, the effect is very good.

"Elder Zhu Jia, what did you just say?"

Yan Zhongtian frowned.

"Luo Zhao is dead."

The old man named Zhu Jia said with a calm face.

"Then you should go to Senior Luo, what are you doing to disturb my practice?"

Yan Zhongtian frowned deeper.

He did not experience much emotional fluctuations because of Luo Zhao's death.

In the eyes of outsiders, Luo Zhao is his direct disciple, but in fact, this is just a name, it is Luo Yuji's choice in paving the way for Luo Zhao.

Between Yan Chongtian and Luo Zhao, there is no mentorship.

"It was Master who discovered Luo Zhao's death and ordered me to deal with the real murderer." Zhu Jia said with a cold face.

"Then you go to deal with it." Yan Zhongtian said lightly.

"The real murderer of Luo Zhao is Luo Qing."

Zhu Jia squinted his eyes and said, "Yan Chongtian, you must be familiar with this name! I heard that Senior Ye Dao has some friendship with Luo Qing."

"And you have always been close to Senior Ye Dao."

Yan Chongtian, who had always been steady, suddenly had ripples in his deep eyes.

In my heart, I was even more surprised.

He soon realized the seriousness of this matter, with Luo Yuji's temper, I am afraid that he would not easily let go of waking up.

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