Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 1020: Peaceful and Prosperous Times

The Three-Headed Saint King is now in a backward state, his mana is almost completely exhausted, and his soul is also seriously damaged, but this does not mean that he has completely lost his fighting power and has become a fish at the mercy of others.

On the contrary, the Three-Headed Saint King's fighting power at this time is not only not weak, but still cannot be underestimated.

All this is because he has a terrifying body in the Great Perfection of Return to the Void.

Ye Lin was not idle while tracking the Three-Headed Saint King. Instead, he kept observing the seal released by the Three-Headed Saint King and told all the ancient characters of the seal to Xiao Fu, who is best at studying ancient characters, spells, and seals.

With the brains of hundreds of millions of spirit insects, Xiao Fu finally figured out the way to crack the seal of the Three-Headed Saint King.

Ye Lin saw a flash of light in front of him, and a huge centipede with a length of two or three feet appeared in front of him. Each leg of this centipede turned into a human hand, and began to cast a spell.

The Three-Headed Saint King was shocked. It turned out to be the way to crack the Nine Nether Demon Fire on his tail. Once the Nine Nether Demon Fire was released, it would definitely be a disaster for him.

The three-headed saint controlled the golden flying sword and scissors to shoot towards the centipede Xiao Fu, as if to interrupt Xiao Fu's spell, but how could he do it as he wished? Xiao Qiang and Xiao Bai appeared in front of Xiao Fu in a flash, waving their swords and swords, and easily beat the golden flying sword and scissors back step by step.

The strength of the three-headed saint is not there now, and anyone can bully him.

The magic formula aura flew towards the tail of the three-headed saint. The three-headed saint flicked his tail, as if to avoid the magic formula, but unexpectedly, a large net completely wrapped his body. The three-headed saint felt that his whole body was sticky, and layers of spider silk and silkworm silk kept entangled on his body, and he could only struggle randomly.

It must be said that the body of the powerful person who has returned to the great perfection of the void is really terrifying. Dozens of layers of spider silk were actually stretched by his struggle. Fortunately, these silkworm silk spider silks are extremely flexible and have strong adhesion, so the three-headed saint moved more and more slowly.

Xiao Fu took the opportunity to cast hundreds of spells in succession, all of which hit the tail of the three-headed saint.

With a "boom", the strange pink flame burned again, and the fire spread very quickly. The three-headed saint was burned and screamed. He flicked his tail and tried to force his way out of the siege. More than 100,000 silk spiders and snow silkworms were dragged by the three-headed saint and moved slowly.

Xiao Qiang shouted loudly.

"Three-headed saint, if you don't surrender, this Nine Nether Demon Fire will turn everything you have into ashes!"

The three-headed saint laughed crazily.

"Surrender? Absolutely impossible. I, the three-headed saint, am the master of the Taiyutian Demon Realm. Even if my soul is torn apart, I will never surrender to you ant-like alien cultivators!"

Ye Lin snorted coldly.

"In that case, then as you wish, let your soul be torn apart!"

Ye Lin waved his sleeves, and thousands of flaming scorpion cultivators wearing red Taoist robes appeared.

Boom boom boom...

Thousands of Nine Nether Demonic Fires turned into pink skulls and bit at the three-headed saint's ten-thousand-foot-long body.

If the three-headed saint was in his prime, he would have a chance to escape even if tens of thousands of Nine Nether Demonic Fires surrounded him, let alone thousands of them. But now his whole body was entangled by spider silk and silkworm silk, and he really had no chance to dodge.

The three-headed saint roared in despair.

"The soul is leaving the body!"

He was going to abandon his body and try to use the soul's elusiveness, which was between illusion and reality, to escape.

A flash of light appeared on the forehead of the ten-thousand-foot-long giant snake, and a black gas appeared. It was the demon spirit body. The strange thing was that these demon spirit bodies were also entangled by spider silk and silkworm silk, but the demon spirit bodies could slowly break free from the shackles of spider silk and silkworm silk.

Ye Lin waved his sleeves and snorted coldly.

"Now, whether you surrender or not is not up to you."

Two spiritual lights shot out, one was the Ten Directions Ghost Kings' Rosary, and the other was the Asura Buddha's Relics Beads.

Although the Ten Directions Ghost Kings' Rosary has not yet reached the level of the best Taoist artifact, it is already a top-grade Taoist artifact. The ten ghost kings devoured hundreds of billions of demon spirits in the Great Demonic Tribulation, and all of them have long broken through the Spiritualization Stage. Among them, there is also an extremely beautiful female ghost king, who is gifted and has reached the middle stage of the Spiritualization Stage.

The Asura Buddha's Relics Beads of the Six-armed Asura Buddha had also long been wiped out of the will of the artifact spirit, and completely refined his treasure.

The Ten Directions Ghost Kings' Rosary expanded rapidly, and the heads of the ten evil ghosts were extremely hideous. Each evil ghost uttered the low-level, suppressed, and mysterious ancient words.

The Asura Buddha Relics Rosary released dazzling Buddha light. Anyone who was illuminated by the Buddha light felt warm all over, lost their fighting spirit, and wanted to put down their butcher knives and become Buddhas on the spot, giving up all resistance and struggle.

At the same time, the sound of countless enlightened monks chanting Buddhist scriptures rang in everyone's mind.

Two strings of prayer beads, one Buddha and one ghost, flashed away, and when they appeared the next moment, they had already covered the three-headed saint king's soul who wanted to break free from the spider silk and escape.

In theory, these two sealed treasures restrain each other and cannot work together, but now they are all dominated by Ye Lin and controlled by Ye Lin.

One by one, the ancient characters seemed to come alive and crawled all over the cocoon. Ye Lin cast a series of spells into the two sealed treasures.


Ye Lin shouted softly.

The Ten Directions Ghost King spit out blood-colored ancient characters that came alive one by one, quickly crawling all over the three-headed saint king's soul, and the Asura Buddha's Buddha bone relics shot out countless ancient characters, which fell on the three-headed saint king's soul one by one.

Ye Lin sat down cross-legged, holding a series of spells in his hand. As each spell he put into two strings of rosary beads, the breath of the three-headed sage became weaker, until nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine spells were entered. After the spell, the aura of the three-headed sage completely disappeared.

Ye Lin glanced at the huge cobra body of the three-headed sage. At this time, the body of the three-headed sage was naturally not burned by the Nine Nether Demonic Fire. Xiaohong and the others were not stupid either. Seeing the three-headed sage's soul leaving his body, he acted decisively. Extinguished the Nine Nether Demon Fire.

This is the body of a demon cultivator who has returned to the Void Dzogchen Perfection. The whole body is full of raw materials that can be used to refine the best Taoist tools. They are all treasures. Not to mention the mortal world, they are equally valuable even in the spiritual world.

"Congratulations, husband, for capturing the Three-Headed Saint Lord's spirit alive!" Senior sister, Xiaobai, Qin Jin'er, Ao Lingshuang, and everyone else were extremely happy and excited.

Ye Lin finally breathed a long sigh of relief and laughed heartily.

"The great calamity of the devil has finally passed. From this moment to the next, we can all enjoy the peaceful years!"

After sacrificing billions of monks and hundreds of millions of spiritual insects, we finally achieved peace and prosperity!

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