Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 1023: Opportunity to Become a God

Ye Lin added: "Besides, everyone has their own ambitions, just like you. Not everyone's ideal is to ascend to immortality. I don't want our children to be born with such a mission. I just hope that our children will be born with such a mission." He can be happy and live a meaningful life.”

Fang Qingya burst into laughter upon hearing this.

"Yes, yes, what my husband said makes sense. In that case, how about our baby, regardless of gender, call him Ye Xiaoyao? Although this name is very common, it is the most in line with your expectations."

Ye Lin nodded and smiled.

"Then it's settled, Ye Xiaoyao, what a good name."

Wearing a pink dress, Tang Xiaodie, who still looked like a girl, came bouncing over and said to Ye Lin happily.

"Reporting to Master, Song Lingtian and Wang Changsheng have come together. Master Qingyao has already gone to greet them. It seems they want to say goodbye to Master."

Ye Lin was slightly startled when he heard this, and then showed a look of surprise.

"That's true. In a few days, the Blood Food Gate will be completely closed and the rules of the spiritual world will come. At that time, the monks in the transformation stage can go to the space turbulence layer and open the spiritual world to the spiritual world. Door, ascended to the spiritual world.”

"Song Lingtian is probably the one who can't sit still the most. He has had no enemies in this mortal world for sixty years. He is the one who can't wait to ascend to the spiritual world the most."

"On the other hand, fat man Wang Changsheng, why is he so anxious?"

Ye Lin said.

"Go and inform the other master wives, go out with me to greet them, and say goodbye to them. After ascending to the spiritual world, I don't know when we will see each other next, or even whether we will see each other again in this life."

Tang Xiaodie stepped forward to help Fang Qingya, who was pregnant, and said with a smile.

"Junior sister Wan'er has already gone."

Ye Lin nodded.

Now Tang Xiaodie and Jiang Waner have both reached the early stage of spiritual transformation, which is higher than his master's level of cultivation. Naturally, they can quickly transmit spiritual consciousness, but the meaning of spiritual consciousness transmission is naturally different from that of going to the spiritual transmission in person. , you can meet and greet each other in person, care about each other, and chat along the way to enhance your relationship.

The three of them strode toward a reception hall in Jinling Palace. Not long after, Ye Lin saw his senior sister making tea. Song Lingtian, Wang Changsheng, and Wang Changsheng's Taoist companion were sitting cross-legged.

Seeing Ye Lin's arrival, Song Lingtian, Wang Changsheng and his wife came to greet him.

Wang Changsheng burst out laughing.

"You must be so powerful, Sir Ye, with such a high level of cultivation and a special physique. In less than a sixty-year-old, sister-in-law Qingya's belly has grown a lot. Congratulations! I also want to leave a bloodline in the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent, but My daughter-in-law will not fight..."

Before the word "qi" came out of his mouth, Wang Changsheng bared his teeth and his Taoist companion, the shrew Fairy Girl, had already pinched the fat around Wang Changsheng's waist and said angrily.

"It's not like your useless thing makes your legs weak when you see the bed!"

Song Lingtian also smiled and congratulated.

Qin Jin'er, Situ Yu, Qin Qing, Jiang Waner, and Xiaobai also arrived.

Ye Lin also laughed loudly, and everyone took their seats together. Not long after, the hot and fragrant spirit tea was brought to them by the senior sister.

Song Lingtian went straight to the topic without being polite to Ye Lin.

"Brother Ye, in three days, the Blood Food Gate will be closed. I plan to ascend to the spirit world that day, so I came here to say goodbye and will not ascend with Brother Ye."

Now that Fang Qingya is pregnant, Ye Lin still has a lot of things to deal with on the road to the world, so naturally he cannot ascend in three days. Ye Lin at least has to wait until Fang Qingya gives birth to Ye Xiaoyao, and also waits for Ye Xiaoyao to grow up. It takes at least a hundred years for a talent to ascend.

Song Lingtian himself is a fighting maniac and a pursuit of the ultimate in swordsmanship. Naturally, he cannot wait for Ye Lin for another hundred years. For him, every extra day of waiting in the mortal world is torture.

He desperately wants to go to the spiritual world, to that world where there are countless strong people and countless opportunities, where he can pursue ascending to immortality, change the rules, and resurrect Taoist companions.

Ye Lin nodded and asked Wang Changsheng.

"I understand that Brother Song is anxious to ascend. Why are you, a fat man, so anxious? Don't you like the feeling of being tortured the most? To ascend to the spiritual world is to be tortured by others."

Wang Changsheng hesitated for a while.

"Ah,'s like this. Originally, Fatty, I planned to enjoy a thousand years in the human world and was thinking about ascension, but as you know, I obtained the inheritance from a certain great master of talisman and seal script in the spiritual world, and now I have I feel that the core inheritance place of any great master may be opened within a thousand years, and I must rush to the spiritual world to improve my strength within this thousand years, so that I can defeat other inheritors. "

"Of course, there is another reason why I can't let go. You also know that Brother Song acts in extreme ways and always leaves no escape route for himself. Since he started practicing, if it weren't for my advice, Fatty, this guy would have died long ago. How many times have I thought about flying up with him and keeping an eye on him for a while, so that he could be cautious and commit suicide."

Ye Lin nodded repeatedly when he heard the words, feeling slightly moved in his heart.

Although Wang Changsheng said that he wanted to ascend to the spiritual world and seize the inheritance, the main reason was that he wanted to keep an eye on his brother Song Lingtian, who was really affectionate and righteous.

A flash of light flashed in Xiao Bai's hand, and a silver flying sword appeared.

"Fellow Daoist Song and my husband have supported each other since they started practicing cultivation. This Bright Moon Sword is presented to Friend Song. This is also my husband's heartfelt wish. I hope Friend Song will not refuse."

Song Lingtian shook his head helplessly when he heard this.

"Over the past few hundred years, Brother Ye has taken a lot of care of Song. He has provided him with top-grade Taoist tools and training resources. This is harmful to Song's path of swordsmanship."

"The flying sword of the best Taoist weapon is good, but if you have it too early, it will not help you hone your sword will."

Ye Lin could only smile bitterly,

Xiao Bai had to take back the Haoyue Sword and sighed slightly.

As a sword immortal, no one is more pure than Song Lingtian in the pursuit of the sword.

Ye Lin said: "Since you don't accept the best Taoist weapon, you can accept these life-saving items."

As he said, Ye Lin took out a storage ring and wrapped it with magic power and sent it to Song Lingtian and Wang Changsheng.

"There are some elixirs and some one-time powerful treasures in it, which can save lives at critical moments."

This time, the two of them happily accepted it.

For Wang Changsheng, Ye Lin didn't have any particularly good best Taoist weapons to give him, and finally gave him Xiao Fu's ancient character research insights.

Next, everyone had a dinner, and the guests and hosts were all happy.

Three days later, above the core area of ​​the Demon Sea, the needle-sized Blood-Food Gate once again released an ominous light, and then slowly expanded. After a few hours, the Blood-Food Gate had occupied the entire core area of ​​the Demon Sea and continued to spread to the outer area of ​​the Demon Sea.

This time, the Blood-Food Gate covered a very large area.

After more than ten hours, the Blood-Food Gate began to shrink, and the light gradually dimmed. Ye Lin was wrapped in golden light, and he felt that his body and soul were gradually sublimating. With the return of the induction with the spirit world, he would realize the leap of life level.

One step into the God Transformation Stage!

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