Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 251: Territory Battle Day

Although the Ice Spirit Body is powerful, it also has many side effects.

After achieving the Ice Spirit Body, Han Lingyue's other magic powers are greatly reduced. At the same time, once the mana is consumed excessively, the Ice Spirit Body will backfire, and the whole person may be frozen, turning into a real iceberg beauty.

Han Lingyue also introduced that she has mastered three low-grade Xuan-level spells, one mid-grade Xuan-level spell, and one high-grade Xuan-level spell. Among them, the high-grade Xuan-level spell is called "Xuanbing Tianzhan". The name can be imagined as the spell effect, which is to condense a huge Xuan ice from the sky. Once it hits, the power is terrifying, and the destructive power is no less than some Xuan-level top-grade spells.

But the disadvantage is that it takes a lot of time to mobilize mana and chant. If the opponent is too flexible, it is difficult to hit directly.

In addition, she is also good at some ice defensive spells, which can provide powerful protection for the team.

After Han Lingyue's introduction, it was Song Lingtian's self-introduction.

He has just reached the initial stage of foundation building, and his magic tools only include a low-grade spiritual tool robe and a high-grade spiritual tool flying sword. This flying sword was given to him by his master when the competition was approaching, despite the impulse of his heart bleeding.

Even for a Jindan strongman, it is not easy to obtain a high-grade spiritual tool. Even if you spend money to buy it, you have to spend hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones. It can be seen that Master Zhan Yue really spent a lot of money.

In fact, most ordinary Jindan strongmen carry treasures that are basically at the level of high-grade spiritual tools. Those who have top-grade spiritual tools are all senior Jindan cultivators. As for magic tools above spiritual tools, only rich Jindan cultivators can own them.

Song Lingtian is best at "Xuanjin Sword Qi". To cast Xuanjin Sword Qi, you need to absorb Gengjin Qi and store it in Dantian. It is extremely powerful, the sword Qi is fast, and it is sharp. However, every time you cast it, it is a great burden for Song Lingtian. At present, with his magic power, he can cast "Xuanjin Sword Qi" three to four times in total, and his Dantian can store Gengjin Qi for ten times of casting Xuanjin Sword Qi.

Sword Qi is sharper than sword light and has a wider range. Being able to display sword Qi is a sign of becoming a sword immortal.

In other words, Song Lingtian is now a real sword immortal.

There are many sword cultivators who cannot condense sword Qi even if they condense a magic pill or survive a thunder tribulation. However, Song Lingtian can condense sword Qi in the foundation-building stage, which shows that his sword talent is shocking.

In addition to the killer weapon "Xuanjin Sword Qi", Song Lingtian is also good at many Xuan-level lower-grade sword techniques. His melee ability is very strong. It is difficult for ordinary cultivators to resist a sword cultivator who can stimulate sword light with every sword.

Han Lingyue was shocked when she heard this and looked at Song Lingtian several more times. It seems that she has more confidence in the next game.

Ye Lin also introduced himself a little after Song Lingtian.

He has a good body refining achievement and has practiced "Five Elements Vajra Gong" to the great perfection. He also briefly introduced the basic abilities of Xiaolan, Xiaoqiang and Xiaobai.

Han Lingyue was quite curious about Ye Lin's insect control technique, and even boldly played with Xiaolan and Xiaoqiang twice, but she still had no idea of ​​Ye Lin's specific strength.

After all, Ye Lin's strength can only be reflected in actual combat. It is normal that the introduction alone sounds unsatisfactory.

Later, the three discussed the relevant issues of teamwork.

During the discussion, Han Lingyue was obviously much more enthusiastic about Song Lingtian, and often proposed some ideas to cooperate with Song Lingtian's abilities. Although she was not cold to Ye Lin, she basically asked him to cooperate with Song Lingtian or cooperate with him from beginning to end. In the team battle, it seemed that they were the main ones and Ye Lin was the auxiliary.

Ye Lin did not care, but listened carefully and discussed seriously. Through the discussion, Ye Lin could conclude that this senior sister Han Lingyue had rich combat experience and was meticulous. Many of the tactical cooperation she proposed were indeed very reasonable. In addition, she had outstanding qualifications and already had a water-attributed top-grade spiritual root. It was no wonder that she had always been highly valued by the headmaster and was selected in this battle for territory.

After discussing for more than an hour, Han Lingyue was finally satisfied and thought that everything was ready. They had said everything they should say and put forward all the plans they should put forward. The three of them left the cave of Wang the guardian and went back to prepare for the battle.

Han Lingyue left first, while Song Lingtian stayed in the No. 6 cave and went with Ye Lin.

On the way, Song Lingtian sent a message to Ye Lin: "Although we have discussed so much just now, you still have to be the main one in tomorrow's battle. If you have any cooperation needs, you can tell me directly. As long as I start to cooperate with you, Senior Sister Han can only be forced to cooperate with us. She has rich combat experience and should not lack this tacit understanding."

Although the various tactics formulated by Han Lingyue were based on him and Han Lingyue himself, Song Lingtian had seen the horror of Ye Lin's three main combat spirit insects and was self-aware. He knew that he could not be stronger than Ye Lin at present, so he directly put himself in the auxiliary position.

As for Han Lingyue, she was forced to be in the auxiliary position.

Ye Lin smiled and nodded in agreement, and chatted with Song Lingtian for a few more words before returning to his No. 5 Cave.

That night, Ye Lin did not practice again, but rested well to get enough energy to face the many challenges tomorrow.

The next morning, when Ye Lin woke up, it was just half an hour before the Si hour. He simply washed up, tidied his clothes, and walked towards the cave of Wang Hufa again.

Today is the day of the 50-year territory battle of the Righteous Alliance!

Above the sky, flying boats of various shapes, densely packed sword-riding monks like ants, and various flying monsters all rushed towards the highest peak of Taiji Sect, Qianyuan Peak.

Ye Lin saw at least more than two thousand monks at a glance, and the scene was spectacular.

"I heard that in every battle for territory, there will be at least more than 80,000 cultivators watching the battle on site, including not only cultivators from the three sects, but also many independent cultivators and some people with lofty status in the secular world. Among them are the emperors and queens of the three major countries, which means that Song Lingtian's father will also come to watch him fight with others."

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen an emperor in the secular world. However, as an emperor, it is naturally impossible to be an ordinary mortal. I heard that they are all royal bloodlines who have a certain level of cultivation in the immortal gate. Becoming an emperor means losing the status of an immortal, and at the same time, there will be no chance for the cultivation in this life to break through the realm. After one or two hundred years, it will turn into yellow earth."

"If Song Lingtian is asked to be an emperor, he will definitely not do it if he has three palaces, six courtyards and seventy-two concubines and enjoys all the wealth in the world."


Sneak attack, add one more chapter, you can't expect it!

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