Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 263 The miraculous effect of the Five Elements Mixed Yuan Jue

Not only the referee monks had such thoughts, but the three sect leaders at the VIP table were also horrified at this time.

Master Cangming, who had a happy face just now, had completely frozen at this time. Unexpectedly, under such circumstances, Gongsun Yue still failed to defeat Ye Lin!

As for Master Xuan Yi, if he didn't have to worry about his image, he would almost smile crookedly at this moment.

Being able to recruit Ye Lin is definitely the most correct thing that the entire Taixuan Sect has done in hundreds of years.

"It's no wonder that Fairy Qingyao and the Crazy Old Man think so highly of this son and let him take the lead in this territorial battle. This son Ye Lin is really a rare genius in the Xunlong Mountain Cultivation World for thousands of years!"

"If it were at other times, I should be worried that Taiji Sect and Taicang Sect would not allow Ye Lin to grow up like this. Our sect is growing based on Ye Lin, but now the enemy is ahead, and the future of the Righteous Alliance is uncertain. Hao Hao Yuan and Cangming should not be able to use any dirty tricks in this situation, but they still need to have a good relationship with Ye Lin. "

"But we can't take it lightly. After this territorial battle is over, we will go back and ask the Supreme Elder to leave a life-saving trump card on Ye Lin. This way we will be foolproof."

Master Xuan Yi has been competing with Master Haoyuan and Master Cangming for almost a hundred years, and he knows their characters very well. He has already made a series of plans in his mind to protect Ye Lin and let him thrive and become the pillar of Taixuan Sect.

Master Cangming and Master Haoyuan were so envious at this time that they even began to envy Taixuan Sect's good luck. Even though they could steadily recruit thousands of disciples with spiritual roots every year, the combined , not even as good as Ye Lin.

Master Haoyuan managed to laugh twice.

"My friend Xuan Dao, I have one thing that I don't understand. What does Ye Lin rely on to restore his mana? If he uses some secret forbidden method that we cannot detect, it would break the rules of the game. Of course, what I said is if "Ye Lin shouldn't have the ability to avoid the perception of so many alchemy monks like us and cast forbidden methods, but we need to do a little investigation."

When Master Cangming heard this, he immediately agreed: "That's right, please give a convincing reason to Daoist friend Xuan, otherwise we can only investigate Ye Lin face to face. Ye Lin's magic power is really long and far-reaching." It's unreasonable to exceed our expectations. We don't want to embarrass this guy. As long as he doesn't break the rules, we will never say another word."

Master Xuan Yi's face darkened.

This is obviously an opportunity for Master Haoyuan and Master Cangming to learn more about Ye Lin. As for investigating whether Ye Lin has violated any regulations, that is only incidental.

The key is that Master Xuan Yi doesn't know why Ye Lin can't use up his magic power. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been worried when Ye Lin and Gongsun Yue were fighting.

Seeing that these two people could not give up easily, Master Xuan Yi could only snort in his heart and use his spiritual consciousness to send a message to Ye Lin to ask about the situation.

Not long after, Master Xuan Yi showed a look of sudden enlightenment.

Master Xuan Yi said calmly: "Do you know what the inner strength and mental method Ye Lin practices?"

Everyone was slightly stunned.

Among the information, there is really very little information about Ye Lin's internal skills and mental skills. After all, although the internal skills and mental skills are important, their role in combat is not direct, but indirectly enhances his magic power or empowers other abilities.

Master Haoyuan recalled it for a while, and then said: "It seems to be called "Five Elements Hunyuan Jue". We Taiji Sect and Tai Cang Sect don't really have this skill. It is an extremely partial internal skill and mental method. It seems that it can be practiced by the Five Elements." , but it is extremely difficult to practice, and almost no one reaches the first level.”

"Moreover, this technique is still incomplete. It is said that the ancestor of your sect obtained it from an ancient monk's cave, so the level cannot be confirmed."

"Is it possible that Ye Lin's continuous magic power has something to do with this internal skill and mental method?"

Master Cangming also cast a curious look.

Master Xuan Yi stroked his beard and said slowly: "Of course it has a lot to do with it. All fellow Taoists should know the characteristics of the Five Elements Internal Strength."

"The metallic mind method can speed up the release speed of spells and slightly enhance the power. The wood attribute mind method can accelerate the speed of mana recovery. The water attribute mind method can reduce mana consumption and make it easier to break through bottlenecks. The fire attribute mind method can greatly Enhance the power of offensive spells, and the earth attribute heart law can greatly enhance the power of defensive spells!”

"The "Five Elements Hunyuan Jue" is a specialty that can combine the five five elements internal skills and mental methods. Ye Lin has already practiced the "Five Elements Hunyuan Jue" to the second level, which can not only speed up the recovery of mana, but also reduce the mana. Its power consumption is even better than Gongsun Yue's Thunder Fan, and its magic power is naturally longer than Gongsun Yue's."

When Master Haoyuan and Master Cangming heard this, their expressions changed slightly.

Master Cangming exclaimed: "I always thought that the function of this technique was just a lie, but I didn't expect it to be true and so powerful!"

Master Haoyuan rolled his eyes: "Such a powerful technique, if it is complete, I'm afraid it should be at the top level of the earth level, or even above the heaven level. Is Taoist friend Xuan interested in making a deal with our sect? Our sect is willing Come up with a top-notch Xuan-level technique that your sect doesn’t have in exchange for it.”

Master Cangming immediately echoed: "Our sect is also willing to make such an exchange. My friend Xuan Dao, this is a profitable business. Although this technique is strong, the conditions for cultivating the chain are harsh, and the cultivation is extremely difficult, and it is still Only the first three levels of formulas are missing, which is actually not valuable. "

Master Xuan Yi laughed when he heard this: "Two fellow Taoists are joking. This technique is left by the founder of our sect. How can it be easily passed on to others... Exchanging only the top-level Xuan-level techniques, I'm afraid the ancestor will crawl out of his grave." Come out and whip me..."

When Master Haoyuan and Master Cangming heard this, they immediately cursed Master Xuan Yi for this old fox.

There is no way to exchange this. It is clear that the price is too cheap.

"Three profound-level top-notch techniques, no more!"

"Yes, our sect is also willing to pay the same price!"

I saw Master Haoyuan smiling faintly.

"Two fellow Taoists, although the Five Elements Spiritual Roots are rare, we can always recruit one or two every year, and the training conditions are not necessarily too harsh. If you also use them to cultivate a bunch of Ye Lins, then But it will make a lot of money. Our sect does not have the secret skill of body training. If you two exchange the secret skill of the low-level earth class, I will consider it carefully. "

When Master Haoyuan and Master Cangming heard this, their noses were almost crooked with anger. If they hadn't been in front of tens of thousands of monks, they would have started to curse Master Xuan Yi for being greedy.

To exchange an incomplete skill for their treasured earth-level secrets, it was a loss-making deal no matter how you looked at it.

However, Master Haoyuan thought carefully again, and then gritted his teeth.

"It's settled. After this competition, I will convene a meeting of elders. There should be no problem in passing this decision."

When Master Cangming saw Master Haoyuan, she agreed. She couldn't lag behind, so she immediately followed.

Master Xuan Yi had a bright smile on his face: "The two fellow Taoists are very happy, so the matter is settled like this!"

Master Haoyuan and Master Cangming still don't know that although Ye Lin relies on the "Five Elements Hunyuan Jue", more importantly, he hides his mid-stage foundation building cultivation, and the mana recovery ability of the Insect King's body is exaggerated enough. .

Relying solely on "Five Elements Hunyuan Jue" would not be enough to consume Gongsun Yue.


It’s the weekend, here’s an extra chapter for sneak attacks! Thank you all for your gift support and five-star praise!

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