Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 270 Generous rewards and triumphant return

Generally speaking, the annual output of a small spiritual stone vein is about 100,000 spiritual stones, while a medium-sized vein is 1 million spiritual stones, a large spiritual stone vein is 10 million spiritual stones, and a super-large vein is 100 million spiritual stones. Above the super-large vein is the legendary spiritual stone vein.

In the entire Xunlong Mountain Range, except for the Xunlong Secret Realm and other secret realms of ancient cultivators, there are no large spiritual stone veins. The three major sects control some medium-sized and small spiritual stone veins, which is also the largest source of income for the three sects.

Most of these veins are in dangerous caves, and strong people need to be sent to guard them all the time. Ye Lin's master, Elder Sun, is now guarding one of the medium-sized spiritual stone veins in the cave.

The spiritual stone veins on the surface are very rare, and the cost of mining is extremely low, so when Cangming Zhenren lost Yusanzhou, he was almost heartbroken and could hardly breathe.

The output of the spiritual stone vein comes from the spiritual stone mother in the core of the vein. The spiritual stone mother is a treasure of heaven and earth. It has been nurtured deep underground for millions of years, or even tens of millions of years, and has a certain amount of wisdom.

In other words, the spiritual stone mother is a living thing!

But the mother has magical characteristics such as being untouchable, invisible, and ignoring obstacles. Even if it is a being in the out-of-body stage above the Nascent Soul, it is difficult to capture it.

According to ancient records, the spiritual stone mother sleeps all year round, and unless it is disturbed, it will not wake up once in thousands of years.

Therefore, as long as the mother does not nest, the output of spiritual stones is almost very stable and endless, and Taixuanmen does not have to worry that Taicangmen will immediately dig up the spiritual stone veins after losing the game.

In addition to giving the three people spiritual stones as rewards, Xuanyi Zhenren also allowed them to go to the Transmission Pavilion to select a Xuan-level top-grade technique or spell for each person, and at the same time reward each person with an extremely precious top-grade spiritual weapon.

Among so many rewards, the most valuable one is naturally the top-grade spiritual weapon.

The best spiritual weapon is not only powerful, but also full of spirituality. It is only one step away from giving birth to the spirit of the weapon and advancing to become a real magic weapon. Even many Jindan cultivators may not have it.

It can be seen that in order to cultivate them, Xuanyi Zhenren really spent a lot of money this time and took out all the rare things in the sect's treasury.

In addition to these three public rewards, Ye Lin, who performed well, also received some private rewards.

Xuanyi Zhenren informed him that he used the "Five Elements Hunyuan Jue" to exchange the body forging skills with Taiji Sect and Taicang Sect, and promised that as long as the exchange was completed, he would record a copy for Ye Lin.

Ye Lin was surprised and speechless after hearing the news.

He was the only one who practiced the "Five Elements Hunyuan Jue" to the second level, and he knew the difficulty of practicing it clearly.

If there was no ancient ring space to continuously cultivate the spiritual herbs with extremely abundant five elements for him to practice, it would take him a long time to reach the second level. Now he is still worried about practicing the third level.

"I really feel sorry for the children of the three sects who will practice the "Five Elements Mixed Yuan Jue" in the future... However, once this technique is mastered, the strength of the mana will increase greatly, and the five attributes of the mental skills are even more useful. It can be said that the more you pay, the higher the reward will be."

It is a pleasant surprise to be able to obtain two earth-level body-building skills. The earth-level body-building skills may not be as good as his "Nine-turn Demon God Body", but it is also a rare high-level skill in the Xunlong Mountains, which is extremely precious.

Moreover, the third turn of his "Nine-turn Demon God Body" is extremely difficult to practice. Ye Lin's current practice speed is as slow as a snail. It is estimated that he will not be able to practice the third turn within ten years.

If he can obtain two earth-level body-building skills to fill the window period at this time, it will definitely be a great thing.

His physical strength can be greatly improved!

Ye Lin is not in a hurry to improve his physical strength to match that of his senior sister... After all, his senior sister's experience of entering a dream is similar.

The physical strength has been improved again, which not only means that Ye Lin is safer and stronger, but also means that Ye Lin can withstand the majestic spiritual energy entering his body, and the speed of cultivation has been improved again, and the day of forming a pill has been greatly shortened.

In addition to these rewards, Xuanyi Zhenren also told Ye Lin that he would report Ye Lin's deeds to the Yuanying ancestor of the sect, and pray that the ancestor would leave a mark on Ye Lin to provide more comprehensive protection.

This kind of good thing of having one more life and being able to hug the thigh of the Yuanying ancestor, Ye Lin would not refuse it no matter how much, and he thanked Xuanyi Zhenren at the first time.

Just over an hour later, Xuanyi Zhenren's flying boat had already flown over the sky of Taixuan Gate.

At this time, Taixuan Gate was already decorated with lights and colors, and large groups of male and female cultivators were either driving various flying instruments, or riding flying boats and spiritual cranes, waiting in the direction of Ye Lin and others' return.

It seems that the news that Ye Lin and others won the battle for territory and obtained territory for the first time in more than two hundred years has been passed to Taixuan Gate early.

In fact, most of the monks who watched the whole game in Taixuan Sect have not returned yet. Their speed of flight cannot be faster than that of Xuanyi Zhenren's flying boat. Those who are waiting here are because they have duties to attend to or are disciples who did not go to Taiji Sect to watch the game for other reasons.

Seeing the flying boat carrying Ye Lin, Song Lingtian, and Han Lingyue coming, bursts of cheers came from the sky.

Many monks began to beat gongs and drums wildly and shouted desperately.

"Let's welcome our heroes to triumph!"

"Welcome, welcome, warm welcome!"

"Senior Ye Lin, I love you, I want to give birth to a baby for you!"

"Senior Song Lingtian, I, I, I also want to give birth to a baby for you!"


It is no wonder that the disciples of Taixuan Sect behaved so enthusiastically and exaggeratedly. After all, this battle for territory was enough to make the entire Taixuan Sect proud. Not only did it increase its reputation and gain face, but more importantly, it actually got a piece of territory. Every year, Taixuan Sect can have many more disciples, and at the same time, it can also obtain many more spirit stones and resources.

The fact that all the major sects have been preparing for the battle for territory for more than ten or twenty years shows its importance.

In addition to these Qi Refining disciples, many Foundation Establishment cultivators also flew into the sky to greet them. Their faces were also beaming, but their expressions were not as exaggerated as those of the Qi Refining disciples.

For them, Taixuan Sect obtained twelve places in the Dragon-Seeking Secret Realm, which was four more than the previous eight. Those who had no chance to enter the secret realm before now had a chance.

After the Foundation Establishment period, the three peak masters stood in the air, and the three of them also looked at Ye Lin and the others with smiles on their faces.

Ye Lin was very happy to see his senior sister as soon as he returned to the sect.

"I wonder if Senior Sister will give me some special rewards. I'm really looking forward to it!"

After everyone's cheers were over, Xuan Yi Zhenren coughed dryly, and the scene suddenly became quiet.

"To celebrate our sect's victory in this territory battle, the monthly salary of all sect monks will be doubled this month!"

Immediately, the surrounding monks cheered again.

They shouted so hard... but they were just waiting for the words "double the monthly salary".


Today's extra and supplementary updates have been completed, a little tired...

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