Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 290 The powerful cockroach

At the same time, the five demon cultivators slapped their Qiankun bags, and a large banner with a blood-red skull painted on it appeared in their hands. It was the Hundred Ghost Banner, one of the representative magic weapons of the Xuanming Sect.

The five people offered the Hundred Ghost Banner, chanting something, and injected magic formulas into the banner. Ten, a hundred, or even thousands of fierce ghosts flew out of the banner with their fangs and claws bared!

This Hundred Ghost Banner is just a name, and it does not mean that it can only drive a hundred fierce ghosts. The number of fierce ghosts driven is only related to the magic weapon grade of the Hundred Ghost Banner and the magic power of the cultivator.

These demon cultivators are all at the foundation-building stage, and the Hundred Ghost Banner is also a top-grade spiritual weapon. It is not surprising that Ye Lin can drive thousands of fierce ghosts together.

"Die!" Seeing the three refined corpses attacking, Xiaoqiang shouted, and a huge blade appeared in one of its pincers, and a huge magic sword appeared in the other pincer.


A half-moon-shaped Gengjin sword energy and a Gengjin knife energy were stimulated, and the three huge corpses carrying the blood coffin suddenly paused, and the protective evil spirit on their bodies was easily cut by the knife and sword energy like cutting tofu!


The huge corpse fell to the ground with a bang, and its body disintegrated into several pieces. The black corpse blood gushed out like a spring. The three corpses in the middle stage of foundation building had no room to fight back before they were killed by Xiaoqiang in the form of wild beasts.

The five people were extremely shocked when they saw this scene. It took them many years to refine each corpse, and it also consumed a lot of resources. Now they were completely wiped out without any success after they were released.

Except for the saint of Xuanming Sect, the other four people looked at Ye Lin who seemed to have been watching the show on the side and the white-scaled demon python beside him, and they were immediately afraid.

"Saintess, this boy is too strong, probably far beyond our imagination. We can't defeat him. Let's retreat first and notify the Blood Shadow Sect to send the Jindan masters to capture him!"

The Saintess of Xuanming Sect gritted her teeth, seeming extremely unwilling.

"If we do this, we will be giving away a great opportunity!"

"You don't need to panic. Judging from the footage of this person participating in the battle for the righteous territory, the strongest spiritual insect of this boy should be the cockroach in the form of a wild beast. Now that cockroach has transformed into a wild beast and cast two sword qi, its magic power may be only one tenth of it. As long as we work together to get rid of this cockroach, the white snake is nothing to be afraid of. Even if we want to retreat, we have to wait until we have no other options before retreating. Are you willing to leave now?"

"Ye Lin is more than three million spiritual stones. If he can be appreciated by the Holy Lord, it is possible for him to go to the Holy Church in the future, condense the Nascent Soul, and even go further!"

"This is our supreme opportunity. If we can't catch it, we will never have it again in this life!"

The other four people heard this and gritted their teeth. Their eyes looking at Ye Lin became extremely greedy, as if they had seen a supreme treasure.

An opportunity to achieve the Nascent Soul or even a higher existence is really irresistible to the Foundation Establishment cultivators. Even if they know that staying and continuing to fight may be life-threatening, greed occupies their brains!

Seeing that the four teammates were stabilized, the Saint of Xuanming Sect spurted out a mouthful of blood, which turned into purple flames and burned before it hit the ground!

"The Ghost King is out of the cage!"

The Saint of Xuanming Sect grabbed the Hundred Ghosts Banner with her jade hand and swung it violently. Thousands of evil ghosts flying around them gathered together under her command. In a moment, a super ghost king with green face and fangs, more than ten feet tall, holding a black iron chain, and surrounded by a rising evil spirit, was formed.

After the ghost king condensed, the Saint of Xuanming Sect pointed the Hundred Ghosts Banner at Xiaoqiang, who was also huge in size!


The ghost king roared, and the thick iron chain was swung towards Xiaoqiang like a whip.

Xiaoqiang just snorted coldly, and his figure flashed to avoid this extremely fast whip.


The ground hit by the whip suddenly sank, and the bursting air waves mixed with stones and soil stirred up.

The next moment, Xiaoqiang's huge body had already flown high into the sky, and his dark shell reflected cold light in the sun.

"Meteor Slash!"

Xiaoqiang's body was spinning at high speed, and his figure fell straight down from the sky. The magic sword and blade in his hand tore the air to generate high temperature, and soon Xiaoqiang was wrapped in the flames.

When the Saint of Xuanming Sect saw this move, her heart trembled violently. She almost died from this move of Xiaoqiang at that time.

"This damn cockroach, what kind of horrible state has its flesh reached that it can support such a huge body to perform this move!"

"We must stop this disgusting big cockroach!" The Saint of Xuanming Sect shouted softly, and pointed at Xiaoqiang who was falling rapidly from the sky with the Hundred Ghosts Banner.

Swish, swish, swish!

The huge ghost king threw the iron chain in his hand directly into the sky, and the iron chain turned into a large iron chain net with evil spirit. The five demon cultivators cast several spells in a row, and poured magic power into the net crazily.

The iron chain that made up the net became thicker and thicker, and even sharp ghost claws stretched out from each section of the iron chain.

After the net was successfully condensed, it covered the cockroach that was falling rapidly from the sky. The flame streamer and the net made a loud metal collision sound at the moment of contact, and sparks flew and air waves rolled.

"This cockroach is extremely powerful and is about to break the soul-locking net. Cast spells quickly to bless it!" At the moment of the fight, the face of the Saint of Xuanming Sect changed.

The five demon cultivators once again cast a stream of magic power into the net, and at the same time their faces became paler and paler, as if their magic power had been consumed a lot.

Just when the newly solidified net was about to completely wrap Xiaoqiang's figure, a sharp silver-white sword energy flashed by, and the whole net was cut by the sword energy, but it was not immediately broken by the sword energy.

The iron chain, which was as thick as a waist, seemed to have suffered huge damage after encountering the sword energy attack, and it became as thick as an arm. Xiaoqiang, who was attacking at high speed, seized the opportunity, and the magic blade in the pliers danced wildly. With a high-frequency chopping sound, the iron chain net was completely broken. Xiaoqiang passed through the net and slashed at the leading Xuanming Sect Saint.

The Xuanming Sect Saint was horrified, and disbelief flashed in her beautiful eyes. The soul-locking chain of the King of Hundred Ghosts condensed most of the magic power of the five of them. She was confident that even a cultivator who had reached the great perfection of foundation building could be easily bound, and even a cultivator in the early stage of Jindan could not easily break it.

But now it was broken by the cockroaches with only the mid-stage foundation building cultivation. And so far, the cockroaches that have transformed into wild beasts for such a long time have no signs of running out of mana. They are simply getting braver and braver!

It's simply outrageous!

"Ghost King, stop it for me. This insect is invincible. We will withdraw immediately!"

No one expected that the six masters of the demon sects would ambush Ye Lin, but Ye Lin killed one of them first, and then the remaining five people joined forces and were defeated by a cockroach under Ye Lin.

Moreover, these six people are not simple foundation building demon cultivators. One of them is the saint of Xuanming Sect, who is a foundation building genius. The other five are warriors trained by the Holy Church. They are all authentic foundation building, with strong mana and rich combat experience.

Now they have completely understood it. No wonder Ye Lin did not turn around and run after noticing their ambush. Instead, he fought them head-on without panic.

Because with Ye Lin's strength, there is no reason to be afraid of them!

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