Rhodes felt the slowly expanding destiny of destruction for a while, and after confirming that there were no more Star Gods coming to his door, he took back all apparent divinity and returned to the Star Dome Train happily.

"Welcome back."

Heita raised her head and said hello casually, and continued to focus on tapping her personal terminal.

Before that, she was a little worried about Rhodes.

After all, he was going to challenge the most powerful void star god.

Black Tower She has even secretly prepared many backup plans. Although they may not be the deciding factor in the Star God game, they can quietly add light weight to the other end of the scale.

You must know that she is not a weak woman like a vase!

As the 83rd member of the Genius Club, she is a true intellectual!

As a teenager, she successfully solved the solitary wave algorithm problem and the Spark model conjecture. In her youth

, she discovered the transformation method of sigma baryons.

During this period, she proposed the Black Tower sequence and published a paper on rejuvenation. In her old age, she successfully rejuvenated her planet and paid homage to the Star God twice.

If you lose interest midway, you will immediately lose all your previous efforts.

Therefore, several key advancements in civilization have come to an abrupt end because of"no interest"..

Heita wanted to show her erudition and value in front of Rhodes, but now she was frustrated again. She wanted to proudly tell Rhodes how smart the woman you just slept with is in this universe. He will not live up to the favor of the Star God!

But the man in front of him seems to be the nemesis in his life.

The four star gods have died one after another, and even the imaginary fight has wiped out the whole world.

They didn't show up, and each Star God just said a few words to Rhodes and then ended it on his own.

What could he do? He didn't even have the chance to help!

The Black Tower villains all waved to Rhodes, and continued to look serious in front of the combined light screen, clicking on the keyboard.

A series of symbols and numbers flashed across the light screen.

Rhodes blinked and squeezed in confusion.

He sat down next to Heita and saw that Heita was actually playing a game called"Star Core Outbreak".

He watched it quietly for a while and roughly understood the content of the game.

This game was similar to Plague Company in the previous life, using infiltration and storming.

Different strategies will be used to place star cores with different properties on the planet.

The length of time it takes to destroy each initial galaxy and the number of creatures destroyed will determine the ranking after the star core is spread outside the galaxy.

A special racing mode.

If the expansion is too slow, the operator's hometown will be blown up by an NPC called Foehn.

If the expansion is too aggressive, a slayer will fall from the sky and kill the operator.

Who is this crazy bastard who makes this inhumane game? Are you not afraid of being reported by the parents of children who always appear out of nowhere? Rhodes searched the Internet and understood instantly.

It turned out to be the Lord of Annihilation under that guy Nanook.

Could it be that because the anti-matter army was destroyed by him, the Lord of Annihilation had to use the game to recruit good ideas for the sake of safety? This guy could come up with such an idea.

But with a smile, Rhodes suddenly realized that it was wrong.

Except for Huanhu, the other six idiots are now his subordinates!

Bengtie Universe is now also his private territory.

Lord Annihilation's destruction is tantamount to infringing on his property!

Rhodes quickly used the family link to notify Huan Hao

"Ask your six former colleagues to stop all their current acts of destruction and come to see me at the Black Tower Space Station. 々"

"I will forget all the past and let it go. You told them that they will go to another world to continue to implement their aesthetics of destruction."

After receiving Huanhu's excited reply, Rhodes refocused his attention on the concentrating black tower next to him, and rolled his eyes at her angrily.

"You have such a rare opportunity to observe the fall of the Star God up close, and you are actually playing a game?"

Heita naturally leaned his head on Rhodes' shoulder and rubbed it slightly, but his eyes never left the personal terminal in his hand, and his voice was as cold as ever.

"Even Bo Shizun died because of asking you a question. I still want to live for a few more years."

"You don’t want your poor arrogant little lover to fall into nothingness after enlightenment, right?"

Rhodes has experienced inner torture, and so is Black Tower who is watching.

When you have a computer that can answer all your questions, you will probably no longer have any interest in scientific research.

Even the arrogant Ms. Black Tower Now she has fallen into confusion and lost interest in everything.

She is even considering whether to stop the research and development of the simulated universe.

After all, she just slept with a guy who can really create the universe. Xiang sighed slightly.

If nothingness still exists, Heita, who is now in ruins, may be able to embark on the path of nothingness now.

He played with the flowers on Heita's head and twisted her hair around his fingers casually.

"I plan to forge their own artifacts for all destiny paths, including bows and arrows for hunting, holy spears for preservation, and jade purifying bottles for fertility. Do you have any other recommendations?"

A glimmer of light flashed in Heita's eyes. He turned around and put his two white calves on Rhodes' knees, restlessly clasping his feet inwards.

This guy had skin-to-skin contact with Rhodes and was keenly aware of it. After understanding the attitude that Rhodes wanted to get along with, he adjusted his own personality model to ensure that his actions, words and deeds were just right and would not offend Rhodes.

"` 〃This is a question worth studying, but I suggest you leave bows and arrows to breeding"

"Ruan Mei happens to have a slice of the breeding order in her hand, I think you can use it."

Rhodes tilted his head and subconsciously touched it with his right hand.


"Don't you think it would be cool to have a weapon that makes someone pregnant?"

".......It makes sense. Judging from your expression, it seems like you want to use this weapon on someone?"

"Of course it was the stupid silver wolf who tried to provoke me!"

Heita gave an answer without thinking, but then frowned again, his expression hesitant.

".......Or just forget it, maybe she will think of it as a reward."

Rhodes asked curiously

"Why did you two meet again?"

The relationship between Black Tower and Silver Wolf has maintained a certain tacit understanding because of the existence of Rhodes (Zhao Zhao).

Both are technical masters, and naturally they are also aware of each other's relationship with Rhodes.

Black Tower snorted arrogantly.

"The guy took a special photo of me to show off to me, and then I just sent her a message, but she became anxious and is still trying to hack into my terminal."

Rhodes was suddenly curious about what Black Tower said to let Silver Wolf break through the defense.

"What message did you send her?"

Heita simply brought up the chat interface and handed it to Rhodes.

Rhodes looked down and couldn't help laughing.

[Heita: Silver Wolf, you really blamed me wrongly. I also don’t have common sense. I have always felt that my body is defective. I saw a dent in my lower body, so I wanted to find something to fill it. I saw an extra piece on Rod’s body, so I put it in and tried it. husband]

[Silver Wolf: Do you think I'm a fool?!!]

[Heita: Isn’t it true that there are people who haven’t found out about online dating these days? No way, right?!]

[Silver Wolf: Ahhhhhhh, Black Tower, just wait for me! ].

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