After saying this, Qi Bai was a little bit unfinished, and when he was about to say something more, the crow that belonged to Qi Bai landed on Qi Bai's shoulder, interrupting Qi Bai.

"Yo, Kuromaru, why are you here, do you want some nuts?"

Hei Wan is Qi Bai's name.

Hearing this, Hei Wan flapped his wings twice, and then said: "You are enough! You are enough! I don't want to eat any nuts!"

"When will you go to the headquarters and officially become Zhu!"

"Because of this incident, I have flown back and forth many times!"

"If you don't agree, I won't leave, I'll keep yelling in your ear! Anyway, you can understand what I'm talking about!"

Qi Bai showed an embarrassed smile after hearing this.

"This, this, or Heiwan, you can wait, I will definitely go in a few days, take a look, what do you want to eat? Eat up!"

"After eating, you can go back first!"

Hearing this, Hei Wan ignored Qi Bai and said to himself, "Become a pillar! Be a pillar! Be a pillar!"

Kuromaru kept repeating these three words.

The repeated Qi Bai had a big head and finally conceded.

"Okay, okay, I'm going today, I'm going today! Don't repeat it!"

"You are a crow, not a repeater!"

"However, no one came to pick me up, how should I go?"

Hearing that Qi Bai agreed to go to the headquarters to become Zhu, Kuro Maru immediately stopped repeating.

"It's not easy! Look at me!"

I saw Heiwan calling a few times towards the distance, and then another crow appeared, but this crow was followed by a hidden person.

"The hidden person is here! Go! Qi Bai!" Heimaru said, giving Qi Bai a thumbs up.

Don't ask me how Kuromaru did it, I don't know either.

After seeing the hidden person, Qi Bai realized that he had been tricked!

All I could do was say bitterly, "You're ruthless!"

Sabito and Kyoujurou on the side watched all this in bewilderment.

From the point of view of the two of them, the crow called a few times, Qi Bai said a few words, and the hidden person suddenly appeared.

Could it be that Qi Bai understands bird language!

Si Guoyi!

Soon the hidden people came to Qi Bai's side, put down the basket, and handed over earplugs and black cloth.

"Please plug your ears and cover your eyes!"

Qi Bai took the earplugs and black cloth, and when he was about to put them on, he suddenly turned to Sabito and Kyoujurou, and said with a sad face.

"Hey Rabbit, Kyoujurou, I'm about to be crowned as a pillar, take care of you two!"

After finishing speaking, he quickly put on the black earplugs, and sat down obediently in the basket.

Let the hidden people take him away.

After Qi Bai and Yin disappeared, Kyoujurou raised his own question.

"Sabito, Qi Bai has become a pillar, why are you still so sad?"

Sabito sighed and said: "Kyoujurou, you don't understand, this kind of person is called a cheap person, I will explain it to you..."

Just when Sabito was popularizing to Kyoujurou what a cheap person is, Qi Bai was experiencing his first substitution on the road.

When the Yin person handed the Qi Bai to another Yin person, he couldn't help saying: "You look so tall, but your body is so light, and it doesn't take much effort to carry it!"

Qi Bai just smiled at this and didn't say anything.

After a long journey, Qi Bai came to the headquarters of the Ghost Killing Squad again.

Looking at the unfamiliar and somewhat familiar environment, Qi Bai still couldn't hold back and sighed.

The last time I came here by myself was to become a member of the Ghost Killing Squad.

But it's only been half a year since I became a pillar, it's really unpredictable!

After taking a few deep breaths, Qi Bai opened the door and walked in.

As soon as I entered, I saw Rengoku Zhenjuro wearing a flame-patterned feather.

He saw Qi Bai and greeted him very warmly.

"Long time no see, Qi Bai, how is your recovery?"

"Long time no see, Uncle Makijuro, I'm recovering well, why are you taking me to see Kagaya?" Qi Bai asked back.

"That's right!" Rengoku Shinjurou agreed, but corrected Qi Bai's address for Ubuyashiki Kagaya.

"You have to call the Lord Master!"

"Come on, come with me!"

As he spoke, he walked ahead and motioned for Qi Bai to follow.

Led by Rengoku Shinjurou, the two came to the place where Ubuyashiki Kagaya lived.

This time, instead of waiting outside the door, he went directly into the house.

As soon as Qi Bai entered the house, he saw Ubuyashiki Kagaya kneeling on the tatami.

When he saw Qi Bai, he greeted Qi Bai very gently.

"You are here, Qi Bai!"

"Here we come... Kagaya" Qi Bai replied without much interest.

Ubuyashiki Kagaya was a little puzzled seeing Qi Bai's appearance.

"What's the matter, you look sullen, aren't you happy to be Zhu?"

"Unhappy..." Qi Bai shook his head.

This sentence directly suppressed what Ubuyashiki Kagaya was going to say later.

This kid doesn't play by the rules!

"why you are not feeling happy?"

"Because after becoming a pillar, it means that I have a greater responsibility, and the greater my ability, the greater my responsibility! Hey..."

Ubuyashiki Kagaya wanted to say something to enlighten Qi Bai, but was interrupted by Qi Bai.

"Ah, Kagaya, I know what you want to say, but please don't say it, although I don't want to be a pillar, but the deal is done, I can't refuse!"

"Don't worry, I'll be the pillar!"

After hearing this, Ubuyashiki Kagaya nodded with a smile, and then said: "Okay~"

"Since you have become Zhu, you need to have your own title. Look, what is more appropriate for you to be called Zhu?"

Hearing this, Qi Bai's expression froze.


This is the worst thing I can do! What the hell!

After thinking for a second, Qi Bai came up with an excellent solution.

"Kagaya, hehehe~"

Ubuyashiki Kagaya:? ? ?

Why does it feel like his smile is malicious?

"What's the matter, Qi Bai?" Ubuyashiki Kagaya asked.

Qi Bai smiled again, and then said: "I don't know how to name names very much, please help me think of one! Okay!"

Upon hearing this, Ubuyashiki Kagaya immediately agreed.

"Let me think about it. The hidden people sent back information saying that you beat the evil spirits to death with your fists. Then, you are called Quanzhu! How about it?"

Qi Bai:! ! !

My worst fears still happened!

I thought about the name Quanzhu before, but it was too ugly, so forget it.

I thought that if Ubuyashiki Kagaya played it, it would sound good, but it turned out to be a fist after going around!


"Well, is there anything else?" Qi Bai asked tentatively.

Ubuyashiki Kagaya shook his head, "I can't think of anything else at the moment, or I'll call it a fist column!"

For this, Qi Bai had a black line on his face, he didn't think that Ubuyashiki Kagaya couldn't think of other names.

Because, there was a sentence written in his eyes.

Who told you to release my pigeons for so long, Quanzhu!

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