
Polestar Liao 303 indoors.

Chiya took a shower and returned to his room.

The process of checking in was even easier than expected.

Because it was Sister Long Long who directly recommended it to the chief marshal, the chief marshal spoke to arrange the room.

So in the test of check-in, Aunt Wen Xu was not embarrassed.

A bowl of jasmine tea rice that warms the stomach at night passed the assessment directly.

I successfully got the key to room 303 and lived next door to Megumi Tasho.

The feeling of two people sharing a layer is very good.

Whether it’s a toilet or a bathroom, you don’t have to grab it with so many people.

In the past, it was only for Megumi Tasho, but now the two have communicated and determined each other’s use time.


Qianye lay on the soft bed, and all his exhaustion seemed to be unloaded.

He grabbed the basic idle book placed at the lampstand and flipped through it casually.

Occasional leisure time is very rare.

Quiet environment….



Just felt that the environment was quiet, and suddenly there was an inexplicable noise on the roof.

Although this level of sound was very faint, it still did not escape Qianye’s ears.


I saw a brick on the ceiling suddenly move.

Qianye didn’t want to think about it, and directly threw the book in his hand out violently.


The moment he got rid of his hand, he realized something, but unfortunately it was too late to take it back.



The book slipped through where the ceiling was lifted and hit a face that appeared in view.

In the Polestar Liao, there is an all-pervasive senior.

I was too anxious to make a move and forgot about this matter.

“What people?”

Even if he knew it in advance, Qianye still said very cooperatively.

“Oh, this is the first time that a newcomer has not been scared by me, but has scared me!”

“Hey! Senya-kun, we will be roommates in the future, please take care of us! ”

Isshiki’s face came up from the place where it lifted again, trying to greet Chiye.

There was no need for him to introduce himself at all, and Chiya also understood his identity.


The seventh seat of the Ten Masters of the Far Moon!

For their seat rankings, they are not too competitive.

Otherwise, with his strength, he would definitely be able to take a big step forward.

Moreover, after so many years of experience, Qianye came up with a theory of another world.

All the people who squint on weekdays are monsters, and none of them are easy to mess with!

“Hello senior, you are a senior among the ten masters, right?”

“My sister introduced you, and I saw your campus reports.”

Qianye directly found a reason and said that Isshiki’s identity was broken.

So as not to introduce yourself so much before and after.

Isshiki did not doubt this, but said happily

“It turns out that you are really the younger brother of Senior Sister Gentian before, and I thought the information was wrong before.”

“I really didn’t expect it, the afterlife is terrible, hehe.”

“At such a young age, he is already a little emperor of food!”


The inexplicable change in aura made Qianye very alert.

It’s really just simple envy, and it doesn’t feel like that when you say it.

Chiya even felt that Isshiki had a strong desire to fight for himself.

After feeling this, Qianye said seriously


“Can you come down and talk?”

“I’m tired of talking like that!”

“Lying down and talking to you always feels a little strange!”

This is what he wants to complain about the most.

Isshiki was unmoved, and said with a smile

“Let’s change places, Chiya.”

“Now come to Room 205, everyone has prepared a special welcome ceremony for you.”

“And there is someone who wants to talk to you very much!”

“I’ll see you in a while!”



After speaking, without waiting for Chiye to agree or not, Isshiki directly pulled the gap back.

Thousand Nights Fox pinched his chin suspiciously and muttered

“Who would want to talk to me?”



In a furnished villa.

Erina, who had just taken a shower and changed her clothes, sat on a chair next to her.

Behind her, Crimson was wearing a bathrobe and was gently blowing her hair.



The mobile phone rings on the side, interrupting the movement between the two.

Crimson picked up the phone and looked at the caller number on it, revealing a suspicious expression.

“Lord Erina, it’s Miss Alice’s call, do you want to answer it?”

Obviously, Crimson didn’t expect that Alice would call at this time.

Not only her, but Erina, too.


“What is she looking for me for so late?”

After hesitating, Erinai picked up the phone anyway.

“Hello, this is Erina, Shishikiri.”

Even if the two were so familiar with each other, when they answered the phone, Erinai still put on the tone of the eldest lady.

When Alice on the other end of the phone heard it, she immediately said loudly:

“Less coming, Erina!”

“I know you have my number!”

“Could it be that a common sister like me can no longer enter your eyes?”

“Really, when will my problems be corrected?”


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