“I… A group with Alice? ”

Erina, listening to such a decision, instantly fell into hesitation.

There were only four people in a group.

If you play for a few hours, you will be assigned to a group sooner or later.

Erina’s heart really felt nothing.

But from the beginning, the two have been bickering.

If she agreed at this time, would it make Alice feel that she was deliberately sarcastic?

I thought about it for more than ten seconds.

Alice said first:

“No problem, as long as some people don’t hold me back, I won’t lose.”

Invisibly, Alice gave Erinai a step.

As the two young ladies of the Xue Che family.

During their childhood, the two were almost always with each other.

Even if there is a bickering, the relationship is still in a very good state.

Recalling when she was a child, Alice played games with herself, and she would often say:

“Sister, don’t hold back!”

“Alice, today you are dragging your feet again!”

“Alice, why are you always holding back?”

Pictures from childhood.

Once again, it appeared in Erina’s mind.

She couldn’t help but smile, and immediately did a good job of expression management.

Suddenly, in Alice’s gaze, one walked aside and picked up the table cards.

“We’ve already chosen our side.”

“Everyone, I, Erina, will bring my little sister Rina Hirai, who has little talent.”

“Come and take on the challenge of any of you!”

Alice shook her head funny and complained:

“Really, even the opening must be so dishonest.”

“Come on, who is on the side of Xiaohui and Yumei? Hey! ”

Qianye looked at the smile on the faces of the two women.

My mood became very relaxed.

Being able to make Erinai open up in such a situation.

With his sister, who used to have a very good relationship, he regained his childhood memories little by little.

It’s a good thing no matter how you look at it.

Moreover, Alice stood at the table with Erina.

The sense of oppression given to the other party is very strong.

The painting style is particularly eye-catching.

If you retire in the future, surrounded by such a girl, you will definitely win in life.

“Erina-sama, I’m here with Yuhime to be your opponent!”

Mito Yumei took a deep breath to calm his good mood.

“Mito-san, it’s really good to see how confident you are now.”

“Just let the horses come!”

Erina ruffled her long hair behind her and was ready on the side of the table.

“Oh la!”

“Two high-ranking ladies, come and try my beast Asura Dao ping-pong!”

“I can’t win against you, so I must win this time!”

Yoshino Yuhime looked very imposing and said loudly.

Under Senya’s permissive gaze, Sadazuka Nao walked weakly to the side of the table.

Raised his voice as much as possible, and said gently:

“Table tennis competition, 11-point system, one set to determine the winner.”

“The player on the left hand side will serve first, now on!”

After Nao Sadazuka’s announcement.

Yuhime Yoshino tossed the ball and pushed out a quick serve that hit Alice’s side.

“I’ll come!”

Alice called out.

Looking at Erina, who had already retreated tacitly to the side.


“Erina’s reaction speed is fast, almost at the same time as Alice!”

“The tacit understanding between the two sisters is really good!”

When Ryoko Sakaki saw such a scene, she couldn’t help but say in surprise.

“yes, it looks like the choice is right!”

Even Qianye couldn’t help but smile.

The Tsutsuki family received an elite education from an early age.

The two grew up together again.

The tacit understanding between each other is better, and there is no disagreement at all.

“With such a high ball, don’t you know that I will whip?”

Finding the moment of the attack, the moment the ball arrived in front of her, Alice quickly shot out.


A powerful swing struck the air.

Yoshino Yuhime’s serve fell directly to the ground.

Thousand Nights: “…”

Ryoko Sakaki: “…”

Erina: “…”

Alice herself still maintains the epilogue of a vigorous pump.

The extremely embarrassing atmosphere made her dare not look up.

“One to zero.”

Sadazuka Nao waved her hand and pointed at Yoshino Yuhime and Mito Yumei.

Signaling that the two got a point.

“Sorry for my question.”

Alice said simply.

Erina’s face blushed and said:

“If you can’t hit it, don’t make such a big move, the small action will receive the ball first, ah hey!”

Sisters flower shot.

Just gave the other party a feeling of being a great enemy.

Alice’s air pumping broke in an instant.

The aura created by the two sisters was instantly greatly reduced.

“Alice, didn’t you fight before?”

“Why can’t you touch the racket?”

Qianye followed and stood up, and couldn’t help but say.

A large part of Alice’s table tennis was taught by Chiye.

Now everything that seems to have been learned has been returned to him as a teacher.

“It’s been too long, I haven’t fought for almost half a year, it’s just a little rusty.”

“Hmph, the state will be adjusted back immediately!”

Alice replied unyieldingly.

Erina, who was on the side, showed a wise gaze.

Haven’t played for half a year!

I used to play!

It shows that Thousand Nights and Alice are indeed old acquaintances in Northern Europe.

And the relationship is quite good.

Otherwise it would be impossible to play together.

Even in the fierce battle, Erinai is still collecting information in her own way.

Immediately after, the scene was once again put into shape.

“Here it comes, here it comes! My second goal! ”

“Hee-hee, Alice dear, watch out, I’m locking you up!”

Yoshino Yuhime had a bad smile on her face and immediately entered the state.

Locked in a score by the opponent.

It is easy to directly form a weak point attack.

Alice’s whole nerves tensed.

Yoshino Yuhime took a deep breath.


Hit the ball quickly.

The series of serve movements is very mature.

Even if you can’t play the spinning ball skill.

With speed alone, it can still be used as a powerful weapon in the amateur group.

“Hey, hey.”

The moment he struck, Yoshino Yuhime showed an intriguing smile.

Alice’s tense nerves moved, and her figure followed closer to the table.

Then, her movements were stuck in half of the amplitude, and she couldn’t help but exclaim:

“Not my side! Erina, your ball! ”

On the other side, Erina, on the other side, took two steps back and stood on the left side.

“Yoshino-san, your micro-expression has betrayed yourself.”

“I had expected that you would target me this time!”

“As long as the distance is large enough, a quick shot is not a threat”

“Alice and I… It’s different! ”


Erina’s powerful swing hit a strong spin.

“Huh? Worst! The power is not quite right! ”


Next second.

The ping-pong ball stroked in an eerie arc, right in front of the table with her back to Alice Tun of Erina.

On the scene, there was an immediate strange silence.


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