For Hua Siyuan himself, Actor Yu is indeed doing better than himself!

He has won numerous awards as an actor, and the key is that his family is also very wealthy.

Actor Yu relied on his own ability to start a company and was worth billions. From Hua Siyuan's point of view, Actor Yu had been cheating since he was born.

Hua Siyuan is somewhat famous on the Internet because of his black and red reputation. Maybe everyone in the singing circle has heard of his name, but none of the ten Hua Siyuan's net worth can compare to one actor Yu.

So even if you give Hua Siyuan some courage, he won't dare to confront Yingdi Yu.

Although Hua Siyuan was wary of the prestige of Actor Yu, he couldn't help but send it to Liu Shishi when he sent the text message. This woman was really too good.

As long as you get this woman, you will have nothing to worry about for the rest of your life.

Hua Siyuan admitted that Reba and Bai Lu are both good-looking. The main reason is that these two people are too little famous. Liu Shishi has a halo blessing and is much better than Reba and Bai Lu.

Liu Shishi has been dancing since elementary school. Although Granary is not as good as Damimi, her body flexibility is definitely one of the best.

This woman is a beauty in everyone’s eyes!

Liu Shishi's family members are from Beijing circles, and many chaebols and directors have to be polite to her. Liu Shishi is also doing her best, and has become famous in the entertainment industry with her outstanding acting skills.

Although the company Liu Shishi founded was inferior to Yang Mi's company, it was also famous and prestigious. In everyone's eyes, Liu Shishi was definitely no worse than Yang Mi.

Thinking that as long as he could get Liu Shishi, he would save himself decades of detours. Hua Siyuan still gritted his teeth and sought wealth in danger.

If he really wins the bet and wins Liu Shishi's heart, he will have everything he needs to lie still for the rest of his life.

It’s exciting just thinking about it!

The main blame lies with the girls Yang Mi, Liu Shishi, and Liu Tianxian, who are each better than the other. It is normal for them to lose their minds in order to win over them.

Six of the seven people announced their answers.

He Jiong guessed that he would be a trapeze artist and succeeded. Xiaohao guessed Bailu and succeeded. Du Haitao guessed the best actor and succeeded.

Yang Mi guessed Liu Shishi, but failed. Wen Guixia guessed Reba and failed. Yang Chenglin guessed Hua Siyuan and failed!

Everyone's eyes finally turned to Sister Tianxian. Needless to say, the one who drew her card was Qin Yan.

"This is a big problem for you! Yang Chenglin shook her head and expressed that she was helpless:"Qin Yan's situation is really difficult to guess.""

Qin Yan wanted to draw this card for Sister Tianxian, but when she actually drew it, she had a headache. She has always been very observant, and she can guess the thoughts of the male and female guests in the drama. Liu Tianxian, who is eight, really has a headache when facing Qin Yan.

Don't guess what the man is thinking. At this time, Liu Tianxian is a little unsure who Qin Yan will choose.

"It should be Bai Lu, the two of them play very well together! Du Haitao replied.

He Jiong couldn't help but also said:"Maybe it's Shi Shi. Maybe Qin Yan suddenly realized that Shi Shi was also doing it for his own good?"

Yang Chenglin even laughed and joked about Yang Mi:"Maybe Qin Yan deliberately curry favor with Reba in order to get close to Yang Mi?" After all, Yang Mi is Reba’s boss!"

Although Yang Chenglin knew that this was absolutely impossible, she couldn't help but make this joke.

For a moment, the heartbeat observation room was filled with joy and thought this idea was too interesting.

The audience was all moved by Yang Chenglin's idea. It's funny, everyone thinks that if Qin Yan really follows Yang Chenglin's script, it will be very dramatic.

Only Yang Mi knows in her heart that this is impossible. If Qin Yan wants to get it, he will have to go through so much trouble. It was over.

While everyone was laughing, Sister Tianxian was still thinking about who Qin Yan would choose.

Her mother was surprised. It was the first time that her daughter was so interested in a male guest.

Fortunately, Liu Tianxian was very observant. After she saw He Jong and others analyzing Qin Yan, Yang Mi didn't express much opinion. On the contrary, she seemed confident about Qin Yan's choice.

What do you think of honey?

"Do you have a different idea from everyone else?"Liu Tianxian couldn't help but ask Yang Mi!

Yang Mi could n't help but admire Liu Tianxian's good observation skills. She had been with Qin Yan for so long, so of course she knew Qin Yan better. Originally, she didn't want to help Liu Tianxian. They were secretly competing with each other.

There was no benefit for her to help Liu Tianxian.

But now that she saw that Liu Tianxian really wanted to know the answer, she couldn't help but reveal a cunning look in her eyes. At this moment, Yang Mi really looked like a charming fox.

"I have some idea about Qin Yan, and my intuition tells me that this answer is also very stable. But I really want to see you speak in a clip tone, or you can say something nice to me in a clip tone!"As soon as Yang Mi finished speaking, the audience exclaimed that she knew how to play.

The barrage was praising Yang Mi for being really good, and it was very interesting to think that she could make Sister Tianxian speak in a clip tone.

Liu Tianxian has always looked like she was not worldly, and it would be so fun if she spoke in a clip tone!

He Jiong, Yang Chenglin, Du Haitao, and Xiao Hao couldn't help but laugh and applaud when they heard Yang Mi's condition. They sighed that Yang Mi's request was really amazing. She is worthy of being a famous fox in the entertainment industry.

Sister Tianxian is indeed not someone who can't afford to play, but before that she still said:"You have to make sure that your ideas are different from theirs."

Yang Mi said confidently:"It will definitely refresh you!"

Finally, Sister Tianxian brewed for a while, looked at Yang Mi eagerly, and said softly:"Please, if you get the answer right, I will treat you to a meal!"


Seeing Sister Tianxian turn into a gentle girl, the audience cheered excitedly.

[Wow, my heart will be melted by the fairy sister]

[I can't control my protectiveness.]

[Sister Tianxian is so cute that I am bleeding.]

[Yang Mi really understands the audience, really cool!

Seeing that Sister Tianxian really used the clip sound obediently, Yang Mi smiled and sighed that it was quite fun. She didn't expect that Sister Tianxian, who rarely eats fireworks from the world, would also bow her head.

Yang Mi's request was not too much, and she was satisfied as long as everyone was happy.

At this moment, she didn't keep the suspense but said directly...

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