Zeng Pingping was so ashamed that she quickly shouted through the intercom:"The camera crew is ready. As soon as Qin Yan gets out of the car, take pictures of his whole body from bottom to top, and then take a close-up of his face.""

"It will definitely show his handsomeness and temperament perfectly.

Zeng Pingping knew Qin Yanshuai, so she repeatedly told the cameramen not to make him look ugly.

After the camera crew shouted that they had received it, Zeng Pingping asked again

"Tell the camera crew what car Qin Yan is driving and what the license plate number is, so that you don’t take the wrong picture!"

The first person who saw Qin Yan rubbed his dazed eyes and answered hesitantly,"Uh, Mercedes-Benz...What a big Mercedes-Benz logo!"

When the program team heard this, they silently sighed that Qin Yan's family seemed to be very rich!

He was handsome and his family conditions were not bad. Zeng Pingping felt that such a person would be very happy in the drama.

The cameraman was waiting in the parking lot next to the villa. From a distance, they finally saw the huge Mercedes-Benz logo. The Mercedes-Benz logo, which was larger than a plate, was too conspicuous.

This also attracted the attention of passers-by.

People who came to this high-end resort were all rich and distinguished. Speaking of which, buying a Mercedes-Benz is not easy.

The key is that no one has ever seen a Mercedes-Benz driven by Qin Yan.

Many people are racking their brains to think about what series this Mercedes-Benz is and how it can be so high-end. There was no need to put on the license plate.

As Qin Yan's car got closer and closer to the cameramen, everyone finally saw clearly what configuration Qin Yan's car had.

"Damn it, a Mercedes-Benz with three wheels? ? This is not a Mercedes-Benz at all, this is Laotou Le!!!"

"Can you still see Lao Tou Le in Shanghai now? Why are you driving here?"The cameramen are all convinced now, and they are all complaining in their hearts, are there any people who came here to participate in the love show? Those who came to the show before, those who have a lot of money, all drive various luxury cars, and those who don't have cars want to not be left behind. It’s not all taxis that take advantage of people’s reputation.

This is the first time we’ve seen someone driving an old taxi.

The key is that it has a fake"Da Ben" logo on it.

Facing the dumbfounded expressions of the cameramen, Qin Yan was very satisfied. What he wanted was this effect and what he wanted was to be despised.

In this love story, if anyone likes to show off, let them do it. Qin Yan is willing to be a green leaf.

Although Old Manle is now completely prohibited from driving in the city, you can still drive it casually in the suburbs.

Director Zeng Pingping also said that she vomited, why is this kid so happy to act like an old man? He is still a copycat! How can you have an advantage in competing among guests?

Recalling Qin Yan's information, Zeng Pingping silently comforted herself

"This kid is indeed an informal person! Maybe he drove the car for the elders in the family this time!"

"The camera crew stood still and pointed the camera at the car door. They waited for the child to get down and took more close-ups of him. This child is still handsome!"

Zeng Pingping felt that it didn't matter what kind of car someone drove, as long as the person was good enough, he would still get extra points.

Finally, as the door of Lao Toole's car opened, the cameramen collectively focused on the other person's feet.

Sandals with socks!!

When they saw Qin Yan's feet sticking out After that, the cameramen were sweating again. What kind of death outfit is this? The camera glanced upwards. The big pants and polo shirt were just a combination of death. Finally, the camera focused on the collar of your polo shirt.

On Qin Yan's face, his striking red hair and long bangs covered his eyes.

"Is this guy here to make people laugh!!!"

The cameramen secretly took the intercom and wailed:"Director, I have tried my best to find his shining point, but I can’t find it, help!!"

"Sister Ping, are you sure this is the Qin Yan you praised so much?"

"How is he a top student? How is he handsome? ?"

Looking at the image of Qin Yan coming from the camera, Zeng Pingping held her forehead and said she had a headache.

At this time, Qin Yan tightened his stand-up collar polo shirt and locked the door of Lao Tou Le's car. The key point is that he felt it was not safe to lock the car with a car lock, but he didn't expect that there was a lock on the door of his car.

After fastening the lock, he hung the classic"Yonggu" brand padlock on it.

Hanging the key chain on his waist, Qin Yan smiled at the camera and walked into the villa. Only the cameramen were left in the wind, and they seemed to hear crows flying above their heads.

Many people wailed in their hearts that this season's heart-warming love might be in Qin Yan's hands.

He Jiong was in the love observation room. After receiving the live camera from the scene, he sat up straight and began to watch the scene over there with the audience with relish.

Seeing Qin Yan's car coming from afar, Du Haitao was delighted:"We can see that the first guest has arrived!"

Yang Chenglin exclaimed:"The Mercedes-Benz logo on this guest's car is so big. What series of Mercedes-Benz is this? How come I have never seen it before!"

Yang Mi, He Jiong, Tianxian Sister, and Xiao Hao all shook their heads to indicate that they had never seen it before.

When the car finally arrived in front of everyone, He Jiong, who was drinking water, couldn't help but spray it out. This was the first time he lost his composure in so many years of working in the industry.

What kind of Mercedes-Benz is this? This is an old man's car!

After Qin Yan got out of the car, Yang Mi felt a headache. When the front camera was sweeping Qin Yan's feet from bottom to top, she was still speechless. Which male guest could be so different. This is the outfit. It would be a ghost if girls liked it.

The girl who could like this kind of boy must have been kicked in the head by a donkey.

When the camera swept Qin Yan's face, Yang Mi was ashamed. Well, isn't this her husband?

Thinking about two days ago, Qin Yan patted his chest and abdomen to promise that he would never let other girls like him, Yang Mi felt a little confused. It turned out that Qin Yan's coquettish operation was this.

Now Yang Mi was shouting in her heart, it's not necessary!

She would rather Qin Yan be liked by many girls than to see Qin Yan make fun of himself like this.

The audience was numb at this moment!

[What kind of death outfit does this guy have? Oh my god, it’s so eye-catching!]

[Is this guy here to be funny?]

[It’s so funny, I just laughed it off. This is the first time I’ve seen such a low-end outfit after watching so many episodes of Love Drama!]

[You can tell by his outfit that this guy is not very educated. He doesn’t think he can attract girls just by dressing differently!]

[There are locks on the doors of the old man's car. This operation makes me laugh to death. No one can steal this car without locking the doors.]


PS: This book is mostly about female protagonists, and the male protagonist is invincible at the beginning, so his system may have a little sense of existence...If you like it, you can give me free flowers and review votes. Thank you....

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