Song Yuqi, Reba, and Liu Shishi had to admit that Bai Lu's exclamation just now made them stunned.

What butterfly, what treasure unicorn, what free Pegasus?...They were just listening for fun. The three of them felt that they could not watch this mess if they liked one person or not.

If you like it, you just like it.

Even if the zodiac signs don’t match, the horoscopes don’t match, the zodiac signs don’t match, and the personality tests don’t match....Are you going to separate?

If you really believe in fate, just hold these books every day. When you meet a person with the right zodiac sign and suitable horoscope, don't be dissatisfied with how bad his character is and whether he is ugly or not....Wouldn't it be better to just love without thinking? ?

Liu Shishi, Reba, and Song Yuqi treated this personality test as a joke from the beginning to the end, and just listened to it for fun.

Originally, the three of them were about to forget about this matter.

They never expected that there were still people trapped in this personality test.

In fact, Bai Lu didn't really believe in this thing. If she really believed in it, she wouldn't like to play with Qin Yan even though she knew that he had a butterfly personality.

Bai Lu thinks Qin Yan is really interesting, more interesting than any other boy she has met.

She likes to be close to Qin Yan.

But sometimes, she is delicate and would think more. She doesn't know whether she plays with Qin Yan because she likes him or because of the personality test.

Bai Lu's situation is like, you are a person who loves cleanliness very much, but the person you hate suddenly says this to you one day.

"It's great that you love to be clean, that's how you should be, please try to keep it up, come on. Your personality indicates that you should be clean."

Normal people will think, why should I listen to this annoying guy? Why should I listen to what he says?

But you are indeed a clean person!

You have to admit, as long as you continue to keep this clean Sometimes, that annoying voice always echoes in your heart, and you are entangled by him.

Entanglements are entanglements. After Bai Lu expressed her feelings through text messages, she felt that she was about to let go of these things.

She just liked Qin Yan. , no matter what the personality test is, no matter what the horoscope is....If you like someone, just get close to them. It's really tiring to be cautious.

Just when Bai Lu thought about this and felt relieved, she didn't expect Song Yuqi's words to suddenly stir up her emotions.

"Bai Lu, are you still struggling with the personality test?"

"I thought you had forgotten this as early as me. In fact, you don’t have to worry about it at all. Qin Yan’s personality test is not a butterfly at all, his personality is a treasure unicorn!"

Song Yuqi's words surprised Bai Lu and Reba!

"Ah, Qin Yan is not a playboy? Are you sure?"

Even though Liu Shishi had expected this situation, she was still happy after hearing Song Yuqi's affirmative answer. As long as it involved Qin Yan's affairs, her inner fluctuations would be quite strong, although on the surface it was not as obvious as Reba and Bai Lu.

In response to Bai Lu's question, Song Yuqi nodded affirmatively.

"On the first day you came, I watched the live broadcast, and the program team announced everyone’s personality test results on the screen."

"Qin Yan is a treasure unicorn, Hua Siyuan is a butterfly, and the rest are the same as you know!"

After hearing these, Reba, Liu Shishi, and Bai Lu were very satisfied. They felt that Qin Yan's personality test results should be more amazing!

Treasure Unicorn (the white moonlight who walked out of the novel.)

Seeing that Bai Lu finally learned the truth from Song Yuqi, she was no longer entangled. Many viewers felt comfortable after seeing this scene.

The audience is looking forward to whether Bai Lu will be more relaxed when facing Qin Yan in the future?

At this time, the audience just had expectations for Bai Lu, and saw her jumping from the living room to the third floor in one breath.

When she came to Qin Yan's room, she knocked!

Soon, the curious Qin Yan opened the door. Qin Yan, who was brushing his teeth at this time, was ready to wash and go to bed. Who would have thought that there was a hurried knock on the door.

Qin Yan wondered if there was something urgent.

Seeing Bai Lu brushing his teeth outside the door, Qin Yan was curious:"Is the house on fire? Why are you knocking on my door so anxiously!!"

Now, the two cameramen behind Bai Lu are exhausted.

Climbing up three floors in one breath, sister, this is too fast.

And now the reason why Bai Lu ran so fast is just to convey a piece of information to Qin Yan:"Qin Yan, I just learned the information from Yuqi"

"You are not a butterfly, you are a treasure unicorn!"


Qin Yan, who was brushing his teeth at this time, was not as excited as Bai Lu imagined. After a while, Qin Yan couldn't help asking Bai Lu again

"anything else?"

"what else?"Bai Lu, who was busy with pleasure, looked at Qin Yan curiously. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Sister, you climbed up three floors in one breath just to tell me this?"

"Ah, that's it! Isn't it worth being happy about?"

"happy? where? ?"Qin Yan had to admit that he was messed up by Bai Lu. It was just a personality test. He never cared about it.

As for running over to tell you so excitedly?

It feels like someone came all the way to tell you. , He ate the same pork stew with vermicelli as you did for lunch today. It was so awesome. Do you need an award?

Looking at Qin Yan’s appearance, Bai Lu knew that she was probably the only one in the villa who was struggling with this.

It was still very pleasant for her. Knowing this would make her happy. In the end, Bai Lu couldn't help but punch Qin Yan and turned around to leave.

"Brush your teeth, I don't want to bother with you anymore!"

Qin Yan, who was brushing his teeth by the door, was a little confused when he saw Bai Lu running away in a hurry.

"No, is she sick?"

Looking at Qin Yan's shocked expression, the cameraman couldn't help but give Qin Yan a close-up of his face. This scene fully demonstrated what it means to not guess what a girl is thinking.

Bai Lu's operation confused Qin Yan.

The audience couldn't help laughing at Qin Yan's stupid expression, and they all thought that Qin Yan's current appearance was a little funny.

He Jiong and others in the observation room were smiling and explaining that no one was wrong in this matter.

It is normal for boys to often not understand girls' thoughts.

"The situation of Bai Lu and Qin Yan is just like a boy who accidentally scratches his skin while playing ball! Boys don’t care at all, scars are a man’s medal!"

"Some boys would not care about the scar, but the girl was too concerned about the boy and hoped that the boy would disinfect it to avoid infection of the wound."

"And boys will think that this small scar is nothing to worry about. Making such a fuss will make them look weak! Just rinse it with water or liquor!"

"There is no right or wrong between the two people, they just have different perspectives!"

"Sometimes this is how little friction between lovers comes about. It doesn't matter. It's just the spice of life!"

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket from [Y2 Shining], thank you for your encouragement... Son...: Tử Thủy Lam

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