“Don’t say that you three people are sent to the Psychic Wonderland, even if you send three hundred people, there is no problem, don’t underestimate me.”

After saying this, the big snake pill bit his finger, and then drew a strange rune on the ground, and as the big snake pill poured a chakra into the palm of his hand, he slapped it fiercely towards the ground.

In the next second, Uchiha Yanfeng and Wu Shige had already disappeared in place.

After seeing these three people leave, Orochimaru laughed softly and said to the medicine master next to him: “Uchiha Yanfeng, this little guy is really a newborn calf and is not afraid of tigers, but he also took this opportunity to kill Uchiha Yanfeng’s sharp qi.” ”

“I have just told the King of Ten Thousand Snakes, no matter what, you must protect the safety of Uchiha Yanfeng, others can die, but the King of Ten Thousand Snakes, this guy is really a very hateful existence, he actually asked me for a thousand sacrifices, as for this thousand sacrifices, you will arrange it.”

After hearing the words of the Great Snake Pill, the medicine master said to him with some embarrassment: “Lord Great Snake Pill, it’s not that I don’t want to do what you ordered, but there are not many prisoners in our prison now. ”

“Can’t we discuss with the King of Ten Thousand Serpents and reduce the number of people a little? The big snake pill slowly shook his head and said to the medicine master: “I think it’s better not to bargain with the king of ten thousand snakes, you don’t know that guy’s temper, if you bargain with him, in the end, it will be our own that suffers.” ”

“As for the fact that there are not many prisoners in the prison, do you still need to report to me about such a trivial matter? Aren’t there many failed experiments in the lab? Just take those to sacrifice. ”

“I’m going to find my beloved apprentice now, after all, I haven’t seen each other for so long, naturally there are a lot of things I want to have a good chat with him, you go and deal with it.”

After dropping this sentence, Yakushi Pocket also left the office very wisely, and at this time, in this office, there were only two people left, Orochimaru and Mitarai Red Bean.

Mitarashi’s gaze stared at the big snake pill tightly, and his fist clenched involuntarily. Looking at the appearance of Mitarashi red beans, Orochimaru laughed softly and said to him: “You seem to hate me very much.” ”

“It’s ridiculous, do you really hate me so much in your heart? Or is it because I abandoned you in the first place, so you want to come to see me? ”

Mitarashi Red Bean looked like he was gritting his teeth, looked at the big snake pill and said to him: “Why was I abandoned by you?” I just chose to leave you, don’t give me black and white, I remember all this. ”

The big snake pill laughed coldly, and said to the Mitarashi red bean: “You can even remember this kind of thing, it seems that this Heavenly Spell Seal I planted for you at the beginning did not have much effect.” ”

“But it doesn’t matter, aren’t you still back to me now?”

“It’s just Mitarashi Red Bean, what is going on in your heart, I can naturally understand, but I advise you not to have that thought, do you think that with the weapon in your hand, you can hurt me?” It’s been so long, are you still so stupid? ”

Mitarashi Red Bean frowned tightly and said to Orochimaru: “How am I stupid, I must kill you for the sake of the entire Konoha Village, even if the strength is not as good as you?” ”

“What did you think in your heart when you brought me to the lab this time, do you think I don’t know?”

Orochimaru laughed coldly and said to Mitarashi Red Bean: “It seems that you have already guessed my purpose, it is estimated that you have already told Uchiha Yanfeng about this matter.” ”

“After all, you are all from Konoha Village, as for what Uchiha Yanfeng is thinking in his heart, I also know that it is nothing more than wanting to kill me, but if you really have this ability, I also welcome you to challenge me.”

“On the contrary, you Mitarashi red beans, there is no need to make such a stalemate between you and me now, anyway, I am also your master, so I can’t be so desperate.”

“I really wanted your body before, but now that I have Uchiha Yanfeng, this is a better choice, and I naturally won’t hit your body anymore.”

“I believe that as long as I get Uchiha Yankaze’s body, I will definitely be able to survive in this world for a long time, so there is no stake between the two of us, so how about you help me?” Hahaha. ”

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