If I had to give a name to the sixteenth special event in the first episode, it would be [Conan’s Desperate Beginning].

The omniscient authority still plays a role, analyzing the current information, and then based on the feedback of the omniscient authority, at this time point, Conan still has not"awakened".

Just as Haibara Ai speculated, Conan Zhoumu is indeed in another interface. What he feels and perceives is different from everyone in this world.

It's just that one after another, like moths flying into the flames, embarking on a road of no return, as well as the will and consciousness of all human beings who are determined to die and fight to the last person, and the series of crimes in the theater version The plan still worked.

On this eternal stage, except for the absolute protagonist Conan, all the other characters, whether they are supporting roles or those who serve as background, are shouting wildly, and then embark on the road to death without regrets, so magnificent, It formed a majestic"atmosphere" that enveloped the entire Eternal Stage. Conan, as one of the stage characters, also vaguely felt this.

At the same time, the performance of a stage play is not something that one person can do. The supporting roles one after another, and even the withdrawal of background actors, are enough for Conan to notice some violations.

And the most important point is that some of Mouri Kogoro's speculations are indeed correct. In this eternal stage with detectives and criminals as the theme, there are indeed game rules that can be used. Humanity's offensive is indeed on Conan."Injury" was left.

If so, the atmosphere is the trigger and the violation is the spark, then this"injury" is the decisive evidence.

Although Conan has not completely"awakened", as a detective, he has gradually deduced part of the facts through a series of anomalies.

Despair comes from this!

Gradually, Conan has reduced the frequency of his appearances outside of Rice Flower Town, and characters like Haibara Ai and Mao Lilan who are still alive have seen Conan less and less. Sometimes, they even thought that Conan had disappeared from the world..

Conan reasoned out part of the truth with reason, and then made a decision with reason.

As a detective, he... stopped solving cases!

But this choice is not the end for humans!

The stage is still running, and the endless cases and the seemingly endless time are still going on.

A day may be 24 hours, it may be 240 hours, it may be 24 times 10 to the power of 4 hours, or even a more distant and long time. This is a question that no one can give the correct answer to.

Because, since Conan stopped solving crimes, the world's"that day" has never ended!

The sun never set or even moved a little bit.

People who fall into madness will still be captured and devoured by Yoneka Town and become part of the case.

Cases continue to unfold, but no one is solving them.

Corpses gradually filled the streets and alleys of Miwa Town!

Under the leadership of Officer Memu, who has completely collapsed and gone mad and turned into a zombie puppet, the police officers of Mihua Police Station, like the"Seven Imperial Guards" in the neon ancient folklore, walked stiffly and decayed. Pace, arriving in groups at the scene of the crime.

Then, they just sealed the scene and stood silently, waiting for the eternal protagonist to stand on the stage again, once again speak the famous lines that judge everything, and promote the birth and end of the plot.

If they can't wait for someone to come, after a new case occurs, the members of the Yoneka Town Police Station will leave under the leadership of Officer Megure, and then repeat it all at the scene of the new crime...

At the same time, strange phenomena will occur. Then, those corpses were frozen by invisible forces and would not rot at all, but just kept piling up.

The world is frozen in that never-ending day!

The strange changes in the world and the endless extension of this day have led to more and more crazy people.

Without"people", the so-called human civilization is disintegrating at an accelerated rate, gradually losing its function called society.

The slogan that mankind will eventually defeat Conan is no longer mentioned, because everyone gradually has a premonition that the end of mankind is not far away.

But this war that cost all human civilization did not stop.

Sober people launch offensives again and again, trying to kill Conan, avenging human civilization and fighting for the last possibility, or killing themselves and being buried in this eternal catastrophe.

Killing and being killed are both liberations!

Conan may be able to escape the call and pull of daily cases, but when a theatrical version of a series of cases strikes, he is involuntarily pulled and cannot escape wherever he hides.

The game between detectives and criminals continues to be played out on this eternal stage.

No one knows what the scenery reflected in Conan's eyes and the cognition in his mind are like. When the theatrical crime cases appeared in front of his eyes, his actions already showed resistance and hesitation. There are even signs of passive strikes.

But this is meaningless, because the purpose of mankind is to kill Conan or be killed by him, so Conan cannot escape the offensive launched.

Attacks, more attacks, Conan passively responded, but the actions and responses he subconsciously displayed were not something that the increasingly decadent and powerless human offensive could defeat.

One mystery after another is revealed, the truth is revealed one after another, and what follows is one death after another.

However, humans, who are becoming more and more familiar with the rules of the game, have also used the rules to leave more and more serious"injuries" on Conan.

Conan still has not completely"awakened". He only indirectly understands and speculates on reality through the tool of reasoning, and every human attack provides information for Conan's reasoning.

Then, the despair in Conan's eyes became more intense!

After surviving several theatrical cases that could serve as special historical nodes, Mo Yu saw real history repeating itself in the twenty-first special event of the first episode.

Suzuki Sonoko's lover Kyogoku Makoto, in the previous movie version of the crime plan, as the main combatant, launched an attack on Conan, and then also died, Suzuki Sonoko originally wanted to join the movie version of the crime plan, life and death They all wanted to follow each other, but were stopped by Kyogoku Shin.

Although the situation has reached this point of despair, there are still some people who still have undying courage and hope.

If Conan is killed this time, perhaps others can live happily without having to sacrifice.

Hope and despair are sometimes just a thin line apart.

Kyogoku really tried his best, his fist smashed almost half of Conan's body into shattered fractures, but in the end he failed and could not really kill Conan.

In the end, Suzuki Sonoko was left alone.

Needless to say the ending, Suzuki Sonoko went completely crazy.

Suzuki Sonoko did not launch the movie version of the crime plan, she just found Conan and then attacked him.

In the past, her foolish and crazy move would not have succeeded.

However, Conan, whose eyes were haunted by despair, responded to her madness

��Minami Obei broke Suzuki Sonoko's neck and freed her!

This does not conform to the logic of the eternal stage, but at this moment, Conan's eternal protagonist role comes into play.

The world gave Conan the face to admit, or rather ignored, that the death and exit of Suzuki Sonoko was somewhat unreasonable.

At the moment when Suzuki Sonoko died, this dreamy bubble world suddenly trembled, and the color of the world gradually turned pale.

Mo Yu didn't take it seriously. Such a situation had actually happened once before when Kogoro Mouri and Fei Yingli left the stage.

This dream bubble world itself is based on the remnants of the one-cycle information of those who were swallowed by the Magical Girl Armor. When they exit their established history, it also means that the one-cycle information they carry has come to an end. The Zhoumu world that relies on this will naturally be affected.

After killing Sonoko Suzuki with his own hands, the desperate Conan seemed to have figured something out and decided something.

In the streets of Rice Blossom Town where corpses are strewn, and guarded by the zombie puppets of the Rice Flower Town Police Department that praise the glory of the God of Death, Conan drags his increasingly heavy steps, with desperate eyes, to detect one case after another. Accumulate cases.

Then, he did not escape or resist the theatrical version of the case that came from the human side. In fact, he began to cooperate intentionally or unintentionally.

In the theatrical version of the case, Conan becomes less and less reasoning and more and more hands-on.

Things that can be solved by fighting should never be solved by reasoning.

The football kicked from his feet turned into roaring lightning and blasted towards the"murderer". Intentionally or unintentionally, Conan always had some problems with the accuracy of his attacks, and by the way, those"witnesses" and"case trappers" were also killed. Even the purely innocent"background citizens of Yoneka Town" are shrouded in it. To put it simply, Conan will kick wherever there are many people.

When a football hits the ground, there will be blood flying all over the sky. When the football hits the ground, it will cause a loud explosion and collapse a building.

Theatrical version of the case, the death rate skyrocketed crazily!

But such brutal killing is good news to this desperate world.

The male protagonist on the stage opened the door of death with his own hands, giving everyone hope of liberation.

Even in a certain theatrical version, Officer Megure and others were"accidentally killed" by Conan.

This is also a special historical event, which can be named [Conan's rampage and killing]. It can also be said that at this moment, Conan is becoming increasingly crazy.

The answer to how terrifying the Death God is at full power was quickly revealed.

The noisy Yoneka Town in the past, and even the entire world, although still functioning, gradually became quiet.

On the streets, there were only human beings who looked like zombies, walking numbly and unconsciously with various weapons in their hands.

The TV program played on the TV, the host and the guests were just twisting their limbs and laughing hysterically.

The existence called"human society", in the midst of madness and despair, gradually breathed its last breath, leaving only corpses, controlled by fate, imitating every move in life in the form of a creepy zombie.

Kaitou Kidd stood on top of the tall building, his white cloak fluttering, watching everything coldly.

Human beings have conducted various studies on the rules of the evil god's game, and then they discovered that the so-called Phantom Thief is an uncertain and ambiguous setting in this stage world where detectives and criminals are the main actors.

Although it is not clear what the principle is, the Phantom Thief cannot cause much harm to detectives and criminals, and vice versa. Therefore, in various theatrical crime plans, Phantom Thief Kidd can only play a supporting role and cannot become a murderer. , causing no harm to Conan, but he cannot become a victim and will never be relieved by death.

Is this luck or misfortune? Kaitou Kidd is too lazy to think about it, because the people he cares about have basically been rescued one by one by him in the movie version. Although he is still living in this desperate world, That didn't matter anymore because he had one last thing to do.

That was the last commission given to him by mankind!

Use every possible means to steal Conan's fire of life

"Akabane Kaito, can you really do it?"

Gin's cold whisper came from the earphones, as cold as ice. Kidd smiled. In fact, he had already forgotten how to laugh from the bottom of his heart. It was just the professionalism he had honed in the past that still allowed him to smile. At this moment, the"performance" showed the proper expression and tone:

"Gin, at this time, you should call me my Phantom Thief name, or my organization code name, which will make it more formal. Also, don’t worry, Phantom Thieves are capable of doing anything that seems unbelievable. Even if it's just a lie, at this moment, I still have to confirm once again, do I really want to do this?……"

Gin's cold and stern voice has gradually lost its human emotion, leaving only an indifferent coldness:

"This is the oath of the organization and mankind. We must defeat Conan at all costs, even if we fight to the last man. Otherwise, we cannot explain to those heroes who have no return!"

"Yes, yes, okay, okay, then, as you said, I will use up all my human resources, put all my chips on the table, and use the highest and most exciting magic show in my life to fight Conan for the last time.……"

Kidd suddenly jumped off the tall building, with the hang glider unfolding behind him. Kidd was soaring in the increasingly silent Mihua Town, and with an indifferent gaze, he offered a silent prayer to this decaying city and the world!

Human civilization has actually perished, and there are not many members of the winery organization left. Then the remaining members gathered in the Mori Office in Yoneka Town, the last branch of the winery organization.

Akai Shuichi was doing maintenance on his firearm, vodka was drinking next to him, Belmod was putting on makeup, Dr. Agasa was dragged out of the basement, and he was sitting on the sofa where Kogoro Mori used to sit. Crazy laughter continued, and several other members, such as Kidd and Gin, were making final preparations outside.

With less than ten people, this is the organization and the last afterglow of mankind!

The atmosphere was silent, but also relaxing!

Anyway, this is the end.

As members of the organization, Haiyuan Ai and Mao Lilan were looking at each other silently!

"Sister Lan, this is the end. In this theatrical version, even the heroine is qualified to be free, right?……"

Mao Lilan's eyes had turned into blood-stained pure red. She touched Haiyuan Ai's head and smiled softly:"Well, we can all have a good rest during this trip.……"

Soon after, Gin's voice came from everyone's earphones:

"I don’t want to say any more unnecessary words. We are the sacrificial wine scattered on the earth to pay tribute to the heroic souls, and we are also moths flying into the fire. I wish I will never return!"

The final plan and war have thus begun!

At the other end of Mihua Town, Conan is still walking tiredly, with desperate eyes, walking towards one crime scene after another, but at this moment, he He raised his head, seemed to feel something, and then was pulled involuntarily, and gradually walked towards a certain place.

At Didan High School, the walking corpse students turned into stick figures, numbly decorating with lights, and decorating everything quietly. Passing them, we arrived at the auditorium of Didan High School.

The stage had been cast, and a graceful figure in a formal dress stood on the stage with a gentle smile.

"Conan, today seems to be the 890,000th anniversary of Didan High School. It is a good day to destroy mankind. The dance has already begun. Can you dance with me?……"

Conan stopped and looked at Mao Lilan.

With desperate eyes, he seemed to realize something, and his eyes fell on the knife held in Mao Lilan's hand.

The blade is stained with blood!

I don’t know how much blood it was stained with, it was stained, it dried up, and then it was stained again, and so on, and finally this sword was forged.

Since the theatrical version created by Kogoro Maori Ran, Maori Ran has participated in almost all theatrical performances.

As one of the heroines, she can also do some things, and many people were sent off by her personally.

Experienced countless deaths, bathed in endless blood, constantly learning and honing all kinds of killing skills.

This will finally create an edge!

Its name is killing.

And now, the blade is drawn, reflecting death.

Conan was not awake, but he knew everything. He smiled, but he seemed to be crying!

The bloody blade slashed out!

As the final plan was launched, the murderous intent contained in the blade was also drawn, from virtual to solid, turning into a sad and bloody blade.

Conan didn't hide, the sword slashed at Conan's body, causing blood to spurt out!

But this was just the beginning. Several gunshots were fired, and blood spurted from Conan's back. However, Haibara Ai also stepped onto the stage, took out a gun, and shot at Conan.

"Ah, sister Xiaolan, Haiyuan Ai, we haven’t seen each other for a long time. Your greetings are... very warm!"

Ke���Smiling, with a smile that looked like crying, he greeted Mao Lilan and Haiyuan Ai.

Haibara Ai said:"Edogawa Conan, no, Kudo Shinichi, now I can call you by all your names. Using this as evidence, I guess you should gradually separate from the world you are in and gradually wake up to reality. , then, at this last dance, as a detective, please listen to our final narration.……"

Haiyuan Ai's tone was very complicated!

It is unbearable sadness, but it is also cruel and cruel.

It is the trembling of sensibility and the condensation of reason.

Haibara Ai knew that in order for this theatrical version of the plan to reach its true finale, Conan's cooperation was needed!

The task that Haihara Ai is responsible for in this plan is to ensure this.

Regarding this, Hui Yuan Ai is confident.

Although during this long period of time, Haibara Ai has forgotten Conan's appearance and the past years spent with Conan, she also believes that if Conan really wakes up, he will definitely cooperate with her.

No other reason is needed, just because he is Conan, Kudo Shinichi, and a detective!

Even though he brought eternal despair to the world like an evil god, Huihara Ai still believed and was willing to believe it.

Of course, there is some gambling involved, but so what.

All or nothing, that's all

"The cause of the case was Kaitou Kidd's decision to steal nuclear weapons around the world.……"

As Haibara Ai said this, a card was thrown out of his hand. The card with the cartoon face of Kaitou Kidd on it said:"I won't write a puzzle this time. In short, I decided to steal nuclear weapons from around the world." , So, Conan, come and try to stop me. PS: I feel like something is missing if I don’t write about puzzles, so I’ll just ask a question: Can God die? 】

Following the game rules of the stage, the crime must be presented in front of Conan in order to have its due meaning and power!

Destiny was also pulled by it and began to work. Conan's figure gradually became a little blurry, as if he was about to teleport away to solve the crime of Kaitou Kidd.

"Ah, even Kaitou Kidd shouldn't be able to do such an incredible thing as stealing nuclear weapons around the world, so I... shouldn't have to worry about it!"

But at this moment, Conan stopped suddenly, delaying his movement and resisting the fate that was pulling him.

Haibara Ai continued:"However, Kaitou Kidd succeeded. With the incredible method of stealing the sky and changing the sun, he stole the world's treasures. Nuclear weapons and launch keys……"

At this moment, somewhere in the distance, a magician wearing silver wings rotated the nuclear weapon launch key in his hand and complained:

"All nuclear weapons are on the shelf and ready for use. The nuclear weapons launch system is undefended. The launch key is placed on the unattended office table. This is the most boring and exciting thing I have stolen in all these years. Tsk tsk. It is really terrifying for human beings to burst into consciousness when standing in a desperate situation.……"

And back on the stage of Didan High School’s school anniversary!

Hui Yuan Ai is still narrating:

"After the nuclear bomb theft, the murderer quickly appeared on the stage.

Her name was Mao Lilan.

As a stage heroine, she was destined to never find Kudo Shinichi.

After falling into madness, she joined the winery organization and worked under the codename Snow.

Together with the members of Li's winery, they formulated this criminal plan, and in collaboration with all members of the winery, they decided to launch a terminal nuclear war on the Tedan High School anniversary stage to destroy all mankind, in order to force out Kudo Shinichi.


In Haiyuan Ai's narration, Mao Lilan's eyes were shining with blood, the blood-stained blade in his hand was shining like never before, and the gun in Haiyuan Ai's hand was also condensed with serious murderous intent.

At the cost of creating the final crime of mankind, the two heroines finally succeeded in tampering with their roles and personalities, truly entered the field of crime, and became qualified to attack Conan.

"Edogawa Conan, as a detective, please deduce the undeniable truth in this case, in order to acknowledge the final death of all mankind, and be buried in eternal death with mankind. Hit it!"

Hai Yuan Ai transformed into a bird of death, telling the final fate of everything!

She is so looking forward to it!

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