While everyone was dancing to the music, Xiang Long quietly retreated behind them.

He knew that with the personalities of the Running Man team, they would never dance honestly.

Sure enough, after everyone twisted a few times, they began to enter the mud battle stage again.

Seeing this, Xiang Long quickly hid back for a distance.

However, this time, whether it was because of the added effect of the music or the atmosphere was already in place, the fight between the crowd was not like before, where they threw mud at each other. They directly started to fight each other in the mud.

What kind of hugs, wrestling, suppression... all were used.

In just a moment, there were few normal people on the field.

At this time,

Bai Lu also saw Xiang Long hiding aside to watch the fight, and she winked at Baby and Chen Qiaoen.

The two women also nodded in understanding, and then pretended to fight while slowly approaching Xiang Long.

Xiang Long didn't notice it at first, and when he realized that something was wrong, the three women had come not far from him.

"Sister Baby, Sister Qiaoen, don't learn bad things from Bai Mengyan!"

Xiang Yu looked at the three of them warily and said

""Xiang Lili, what do you mean!"

Bai Lu was unhappy:"What do you mean don't follow me and learn bad things? I'm a good person!"

Xiang Long didn't say anything, but just gave her a look, letting her understand for herself:


Seeing Xiang Long's contemptuous look, Bai Lu couldn't help but burst into laughter.

But the next moment, she rushed towards Xiang Long with the mud in her hand:

""Xiang Lili, you dare to scold me, watch out!"

At the same time,

Baby and Chen Qiaoen also rushed towards Xiang Long.

But the speed of the three of them combined was no match for Xiang Long. Xiang Long was like a loach. He used his arms to cover his face to avoid being splashed by mud, and turned nimbly and continuously, easily avoiding the siege of the three women.

Seeing that Xiang Long could avoid the three Bailu women so easily, the audience in the live broadcast room exclaimed:

【Young man, you have great skills!】

【Xiang Long really maxed out his agility!】

【Can Xiang Long dodge this?】

【Xiang Long is really a straight man. If it were me, I would just let the three of them bully me.】

【Xiang Long is not a straight man, he is just afraid of dirt】

【Xiang Long: Boys should protect themselves well when outside.

During the live broadcast, just as Xiang Long was dealing with Bai Lu and Baby, the music suddenly stopped and the camera pointed to the high platform in the middle.


Seeing this, everyone ignored the fights and rushed to the platform.

The three Bailu girls also rushed over to help their team.

To be honest, Xiang Long didn't want to go over, because everyone was covered in mud at this time, and he would inevitably get hurt by mistake. But if he didn't go, he would seem too unsociable, so he hesitated and slowly approached.

When he came near the platform, the scene had entered a white-hot stage. Everyone almost didn't distinguish between enemies and friends, and just wanted to push the people around them down.

Xiang Long's heart moved: 'This is a good opportunity to fish in troubled waters.'

After thinking about it, he seized the opportunity, grabbed the ankle of baby who was already kneeling on the platform, and pulled hard.

In an instant, baby was unstable and staggered. Chen He on the stage saw this and pushed baby in the face without hesitation.


Baby fell off the stage with a scream.

But Baby didn't know that it was Xiang Long who pulled her. She only remembered Chen He's big hand, so she came to the side of the stage, hugged Chen He's waist and pulled him down.

On the side, seeing that his tactics were effective, he began to pull people from the high platform.

Of course, he kept in mind his undercover duties, and almost all the people he pulled were from the East Factory.

In the end, under Xiang Long's secret betrayal, the first game was won by Jinyiwei.

【Family members, who noticed Xiang Long?】

【Hahahaha, that's what I was going to say, Xiang Long is so cunning】

【Strike quietly in the dark and leave immediately after the effect is achieved】

【The most important thing is that after a game, no one noticed him.】

【Xiang Long is worthy of being the king of the game. How could he succeed in this?】

【Look, except for Xiang Long, there is not a single spot clean on the rest of the people.】

【Hahaha, it's true, Xiang Long's painting style is really different】

【Clay figures, clay figures, clay figures, clay figures... Normal people, Xiang Long seems to be playing a different game with them】

At the recording site, the second game started soon.

Just like before, Xiang Long still chose the strategy of staying in the early stage and sneak attacking in the later stage.

In this way, the Jinyiwei team won again in the second round.

Then the third round.

This time Xiang Long's strategy worked, but the Dongchang team broke out and won another round.

After the fourth round,

Deng Chao and others gradually became tired and did not have the energy for the first three rounds.

It was at this time that everyone finally discovered Xiang Long, who was"out of the mud but not stained".

Looking at Xiang Long, who was almost"spotless" compared to himself, the running men's team secretly exchanged glances, and then no one said anything and continued to pretend to play the game.

Xiang Long was unaware of this and still planned to copy the strategy of the first three rounds.

So, when dancing, he still quietly retreated and hid behind everyone.

But soon, Xiang Long found something wrong- he found that even if he retreated, he did not distance himself from them.

Just when he was secretly wondering, he saw Deng Chao secretly winking at Chen He.


Xiang Long suddenly felt alarmed and subconsciously wanted to run to the side.

But it was too late for him to react. Both the East Factory Team and the Jinyiwei members rushed towards him together!

"Xiang Long, join us!"

"Welcome to the Quagmire Wars!"

"Feel the passion of mud!"

"Come and hug me!"

Seeing the mud-covered figures running towards him with their arms open, Xiang Long shouted:

""Go away!"

Then he quickly covered his face with his arms and shuttled through the gaps between the crowd again.

But the difficulty this time was completely different from that of Bai Lu, Baby, and Chen Qiaoen. After all, there were nine people surrounding him!

So, after running for a while, he found that he was still surrounded by people.

"Brother Chao, Brother He, please don't go too far."

Xiang Long pretended to be angry and said,"Honest people also have tempers!"

"Fine, fight back!"

Deng Chao laughed loudly, and then he rubbed the mud on his face:"Anyway, I have no image anymore, so who is afraid of who?"


Xiang Long was stunned.

Chen He followed suit and washed his face with muddy water, then shouted at Xiang Long:

"Come on, Xiang Long, let's have a fair fight!"

Bai Lu didn't wash her face with muddy water, but she also scooped up a handful of mud and sprinkled it on her body, laughing:

"Xiang Long, we are so dirty, today you have to follow the flow whether you want to or not!"

Xiang Long opened his mouth and said speechlessly:

"Big sister, that's not how you use 'going along with the crowd'... Besides, it's a derogatory word, how can you use it with pride?"

"Then don't worry about it!"

Bai Lu waved her hand and said,"I just want to ask you, are you going to obey or not?"

"I won't! I absolutely won't!"

Xiang Long shook his head decisively.

"That being the case——"

Chen He shouted,"Brothers, there is no need to talk about the code of conduct with this heretic. Let's fight together!"

Then, everyone rushed towards Xiang Long again.

Looking at the aggressive crowd, Xiang Long sighed, and then did not sit still and wait for death, but rushed directly towards Li Chen.

If it were normal, seeing Xiang Long rushing towards him, Li Chen would definitely choose to dodge, but now, looking at himself covered in mud, he was not afraid at all, and shouted"Come on", opening his arms to meet Xiang Long.

Just when he and Xiang Long were about to make contact, he saw Xiang Long's hand suddenly reached out, lightly pinched his wrist, and then pulled hard, his body involuntarily staggered forward a few steps, and then he felt his chest tighten, Xiang Long's other hand had grabbed the clothes on his chest.

The next moment, Li Chen felt his vision spinning, and his brain followed with a dizziness.

When he came to his senses again, he saw that he had somehow fallen into the mud.

"What happened?"

Li Chen had a puzzled look on his face, not understanding what happened.

But then, he looked up at the field, and his doubts were solved - he saw Xiang Long had come to Zheng Kai just like he had just caught him, and simply stretched out his hand to grab his wrist, then grabbed his collar, and then lightly exerted force, Zheng Kai's body was thrown away involuntarily, and fell into the mud.

Then, Deng Chao, Chen He, Wu Qilong, Zhou Shen... one after another, were easily solved by Xiang Long as if they were playing with clay.

Seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room were all dumbfounded:

【My scalp is tingling!】

【Crushing strength!】

【Is this Xiang Long’s true strength?】

【Oh my god, I feel like I'm watching a fantasy drama!】

【What is the Great Devil King? I want to ask you, what is the Great!! Devil!! King!!】

【Xiang Long, invincible!!!】

【From today on, I declare that I am a fan of Xiang Long!】

【Brother Chao and the others are all strong, but they are just like children facing Xiang Long!】

【It’s better to praise children than to say they are just like quails!】

【Is this fake? Is it really that exaggerated?】

【First time watching Running Man?】

【Xiang Long has already demonstrated his strength before, okay?】

【Do you want to watch the video of Xiang Long picking up Bai Lu and Baby with his two hands? 】

At the recording site, when Xiang Long threw Chen Qiaoen and Baby aside (but did not throw them into the mud), Bai Lu was the only one left in front of him.

Facing Xiang Long who was chopping melons and vegetables, Bai Lu did not show any fear on her face, because she knew that Xiang Long would never hurt her.

So, when Xiang Long rushed in front of her, she stretched out her right hand and asked with a smile:

"Lili, I want to play rock-paper-scissors with you, do you dare to agree?"

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