After the show was over, everyone went back to the hotel to change clothes.

On the way back to the room, Bai Lu was still very excited, chirping like a little bird to"Hehe":

"It's hard to imagine that I actually tore off Lili, it's incredible!"

Hearing this, he glanced at her:

"Do you really think you were the one who tore off Xiang Long?"


Bai Lu was startled:"If it's not me, then who is it?"

"Yes, it was indeed you who tore off Xiang Long’s name tag with your hands, but if Xiang Long hadn’t let you do that, would you have been able to tear it off?"

Hehe, with a speechless expression,"Silly girl, can’t you see that?"


Bai Lu opened her eyes wide.

Hehe was speechless about Bai Lu's late realization. He rolled his eyes and ignored her, walking towards the room.

"Wait! Wait!"

After a while, Bai Lu came back to her senses, and quickly ran two steps to Hehe and asked,"No, do you have any evidence to prove what you said? Couldn't I have torn it off when he wasn't paying attention?"

"Xiang Long didn't notice?"

Hehe shook his head, took out his phone and found a video:"Here, this is the video before your mud battle just now, take a look for yourself!"

Bai Lu took the phone suspiciously and clicked on the video, only to see that it was a video clip of Chen He and her sneak attacks on Xiang Long before the mud battle.

"Please see why I say Xiang Long is like a cheater.——"

"When Chen He was secretly pushing Xiang Long, it was impossible for Xiang Long to see him from his perspective. In other words, Xiang Long did not realize that someone was trying to attack him until Chen He pushed his body."

"At this time, everyone pays attention, Xiang Long's body has obviously been pushed forward by Chen He - if it were an ordinary person, at this time there would be no other way to go except jumping into the quagmire, because their bodies would not have time to react."

"But, he is Xiang Long, a big devil with cheats"

"Let's watch this slow-motion replay. In a split second, Xiang Long first leaned forward along with Chen He's force, trying to get rid of the force as much as possible. At the same time, he took a step forward, turned his head and looked back to see who was attacking him."

"Note: this action is very important. You will be tested later."

"Well, Xiang Long turned his head and found that the person who attacked him was Chen He, so he instantly reached out, grabbed Chen He's arm, and then swung it hard. While throwing Chen He out, he also used the strength borrowed from him to stabilize his body!"

"Brothers, I don’t know what you think now, but for me, a sports enthusiast who has been doing fitness for ten years, Xiang Long’s reaction can be said to be world-class!"

"Yes, you heard it right, it is world-class!"

"Only world-class athletes can react so quickly in such a short time."

"I know, at this moment someone might say, UP host, are you bragging? Xiang Long is just lucky... Hey, don't worry, there will be a control group experiment coming soon."

"After Chen He, Bai Lu also prepared to attack Xiang Long"

"Okay, everyone, pay attention, just like before, how Xiang Long did it"

"He leaned forward first, trying his best to relieve Bai Lu's force pushing him forward, then took a step forward and turned his head to observe - hey, at this time Xiang Long saw that the person who attacked me was actually my wife!"

"This is how to do?"

"I can't drag her into the water!"

"Besides, Bai Lu's inertia is still acting, and Xiang Long cannot resist gravity."

"Xiang Long thought about it for a long time and simply slapped his thigh. Come on, I'd better go down into the mud by myself. It's better than kneeling on the washboard at night, right?"

"Then, this time it was Xiang Long who fell into the quagmire."

After watching this analysis video,

Bai Lu blushed slightly:

"Bah, when did I become Lili's wife?"

He said this, but his finger honestly nodded.

Haha, I was speechless:

"Sister, is your attention a little off?"


Bai Lu was stunned for a moment before she reacted. Haha, letting herself watch this video is to let herself know how strong Xiang Long is.

And thinking back to the video analyzed by the UP host just now, Bai Lu also fell silent.

Indeed, according to the reaction ability shown by Xiang Long in this video, it is absolutely impossible for her to tear off Xiang Long's name tag!

"And there is more than one."

Hehe took the phone and pulled out another video:"Look at this one, this is the episode where Xiang Long recorded the Bell Messenger"

"Where did you get so many videos of Lili?"

Bai Lu complained while opening the video.

In this video, Chen He used his salary to trick Xiang Long into coming to him, and then tried to secretly tear off his name tag when Xiang Long wasn't paying attention, but Xiang Long dodged it instantly (those who forgot can go back to Chapter 8).

If the previous video only showed that Xiang Long reacted quickly, then this video was almost a replica of Bai Lu's sneak attack on Xiang Long.

But the result was completely opposite.

Xiang Long dodged Chen He's sneak attack instantly, but Xiang Long didn't seem to notice his own sneak attack at all.

"How about it, do you understand now?"

Hehe said:"If Xiang Long hadn't let you go, with your athletic ability, how could you have possibly torn off his name tag?"

Hearing this, Bai Lu couldn't help but puff up her lips, feeling happy and a little annoyed. She was happy that Xiang Long was willing to let her go, but she was annoyed that she was still so stupid that she really thought she had torn off Xiang Long's name tag with her own ability.

"No, I have to ask him later!"

Bai Lu snorted and said,"Am I the kind of person who can't afford to lose? Do I need him to let me?"


Hehe, he shushed her directly,"Please, when you say this, can you please hold back the smile on your face? Isn’t that hypocritical?"

"Who's laughing?"

Bai Lu put her hands on her hips and glared. She was about to retort, but she couldn't help laughing.

"Look, look, Xiang Long was so happy when he asked you to tear off the name tag, but you still insisted on asking for clarification. I am not someone who cannot afford to lose... Are you kidding me?"

Hehe, he started to mock me.

"I just drink tea, I like tea, what's wrong with that?"

Seeing that she was exposed by Hehe, Bai Lu simply stopped pretending to be a white lotus and raised her little face proudly:

"Who made my Lili willing to give in to me? Hehehe……"

"Is this your Lili now?"

Hehe slapped his forehead and said loudly:"Bai Lu, your name is Bai Lu, not Bai Gei, OK?"

"I didn't give it to you in vain."

At this time, the two of them had returned to the hotel room. Bai Lu took off her clothes and said,"We haven't even confirmed our relationship yet - help me unzip my zipper, it's too tight, I can't reach it."

Hehe came over to unzip Bai Lu's zipper, and in an instant, a large area of her fair skin was exposed.

"Girl, I'm serious. Even if you like Xiang Long, don't confirm the relationship too quickly, or Xiang Long won't cherish it."

Haha said seriously

"Well, I know, I'm not a little girl who has never seen the world."

After saying that, Bai Lu turned around and giggled, hugged Hehe's round face and kissed him hard:

"Besides, even if Lili, the mistress, wants to become her permanent wife in the future, she should at least let my first wife, hehe, do some more investigation, right?"

"It's good that you know it in your heart."

Seeing that Bai Lu didn't have a love-brain, Hehe was relieved and said with a smile:

"Otherwise, where do you think I, the"first wife", got so many videos of Xiang Long on my phone? Aren't I helping you investigate?"

As she said that, she opened her favorites list, and saw that it was full of videos about Xiang Long.

Bai Lu was stunned and murmured:

"Haha, I feel like you seem to worry more about my relationship than I do."

"Nonsense, I promised my auntie that I would take good care of you."

He laughed and said,"Otherwise, I'm afraid you will be sold and have to help count the money."

Bai Lu laughed loudly and was about to say something when her eyes suddenly stopped on one of the videos and her face changed:

"Wait, why does this video say Lili jumped off the building?"

Hehe, I glanced at my phone:

"Oh, you mean this, Xiang Long jumped directly from the second floor to tear up Baby and Chen Qiaoen... Wow, to be honest, I was also shocked when I saw it, Xiang Long jumped from such a high building... Hey, what are you doing?" Before she finished her words, she saw Bai Lu put on a piece of clothes and ran out.

"No, I have to ask Lili what she thinks. How dare she do such a dangerous thing!"

Bai Lu said as she disappeared outside the door.

"Wait, slow down, you haven't showered yet!"

He called out a few times, but didn't see Bai Lu coming back, so he couldn't help but sighed:

"With this much concern, she still claims that she is not a young girl who has never seen the world...If Xiang Long suddenly confesses his love to her one day, will she be able to control herself?"

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