People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 109 Three Corpses Brain Pill [Please subscribe]

"It's a pity that Zhu Changling doesn't know how to use the Luoying Divine Sword. Orchid's acupoint brushing hand is exquisite but feminine, which is suitable for women's practice. Emei is proficient in this method."

Zhang Jingyun put down the orchid acupuncture manual.

Because of this secret book, he was stranded for another two days, but Zhu Changling was waiting impatiently because Wu Lie hadn't brought the poison yet.

After repeatedly delaying Zhang Jingyun's departure, Zhu Changling estimated that no matter how ignorant Zhang Jingyun was, he would still find something wrong.

So, this night.

Zhu Changling called Zhu Jiuzhen into the room again and said, "Zhen'er, if you delay it any longer, Song Qingshu may become suspicious, and you may have to sacrifice something..."

Zhu Jiuzhen trembled. How could she not understand what Zhu Changling meant? It was just that it was difficult to say such words. After all, she was still an innocent girl.

"Dad, I understand."

Zhu Jiuzhen bit her lip slightly and said, agreeing. The reason why she was so happy may be that she did have a good impression of Zhang Jingyun in her heart.

When an ignorant girl meets a young talent whose martial arts and family background are far superior to hers, coupled with her handsome face, she will naturally become addicted.

After walking out of the room, Zhu Jiu walked straight to Xiyuan, paused slightly at Zhang Jingyun's door, adjusted his mentality, and then knocked on the door.

"Miss Zhu?" Zhang Jingyun opened the door.

"Mr. Song, can I go in and talk to you?" Zhu Jiuzhen raised her head and asked, her eyes a little red, looking at Chu Chu moving.

"Miss Zhu, please come in."

Zhang Jingyun asked Zhu Jiuzhen to enter the room, sniffed lightly, and could smell the pleasant fragrance of smoked grass. At this moment, Zhu Jiuzhen hugged Zhang Jingyun from behind.

"Miss Zhu, how unbecoming you are!"

Zhang Jingyun said seriously.

Zhu Jiuzhen hugged her tighter and said, "I know, you look down on me and think I'm a bad woman who bullies the weak and does mischief."

Zhang Jingyun said to her, "Miss Zhu is serious. It's understandable that she makes mistakes for a while. As long as she is kind in her heart from now on, she will be a good person."

"I... don't want Young Master Song to leave. My father said that he wants me to marry my cousin, but my cousin has someone else in mind."

"You said he was Master Wu's apprentice?"

Zhu Jiuzhen nodded, "My cousin worships Uncle Wu as his teacher and is very close to sister Qingying. They may be together in the future."

"Miss Zhu, I can't help you with this. Do you want me to tell Master Zhu to cancel the marriage?" Zhang Jingyun asked.

Zhu Jiuzhen's face turned red and he said, "Mr. Song, I... I have already treated you like this, how come you still know that, consultant, you don't like me?"

Zhang Jingyun sneered in his heart.

Zhu Jiu's thinking was really simple. He thought that he was as easy to manipulate as Zhang Wuji, and that he could be charmed by hugging him?

Just use this to test him?

Who can't stand this test?

Zhang Jingyun said with an upright face: "Miss Zhu, don't be joking. We have only known each other for less than a month. Do you want to commit to me for the rest of your life?"

Zhu Jiuzhen's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

She acted so delicate and pitiful, but in the end, Zhang Jingyun was unmoved. Did she have to force her to use all her strength?

"Young master, do you think I am insincere?"

Zhang Jingyun turned sideways and said, "You misunderstood."

Zhu Jiuzhen gritted his teeth, came to Zhang Jingyun, and suddenly untied his yellow dress, revealing his flawless body.

"Although I have known the young master for less than a month, the young master has saved my life. In my heart, I have long been married to you!"

In order to allow Zhu Changling to plan the dragon-slaying knife, Zhu Jiuzhen was willing to give up his capital, so he stood naked in front of Zhang Jingyun.

"Miss Zhu..."

Zhang Jingyun deliberately showed a slight shock on his face, staying in place, at a loss. Zhu Jiuzhen hugged his shoulders and trembled slightly.

For Zhang Jingyun to achieve this level of drama, it was natural for him to go with the flow. Zhu Jiuzhen didn't know that he was the cauldron that came to his door.

Zhang Jingyun doesn't want it for nothing.

If Zhu Jiuzhen is a woman who can do anything for her husband, Zhang Jingyun will naturally not even think about rejecting her, but she is innocent on the one hand, and a rich lady on the other.

For Zhang Jingyun, she was a furnace to assist in cultivation. She took the initiative to do this. If Zhang Jingyun refused, she was really the reincarnation of Liu Xiahui.

Zhang Jingyun stepped forward, picked up Zhu Jiuzhen by the waist, and gently placed her on the bed, smelling the girl's natural body fragrance on her body, feeling relaxed and happy.

Zhu Jiuzhen's heartbeat was getting faster and faster.

She also didn't know how complicated her thoughts were. She had a good impression of Zhang Jingyun and felt guilty about plotting to frame him.

Now lying on the same bed, all her thoughts turned into tension, and Zhang Jingyun finally saw a trace of the innocence of a girl in her.


At three o'clock in the morning, Zhang Jingyun slowly opened his eyes. Zhu Jiuzhen was sleeping soundly next to him. Thinking of Zhu Jiuzhen's charming face, white and greasy, he knew it was worth it.

If it were a woman in yellow shirt.

He couldn't bear to be so rude.

Zhang Jingyun got up and dressed and went out. A moment later, Zhu Jiuzhen came with him. Thinking of the scene last night, he turned red.

"Am I crazy? Why..."

Zhu Jiuzhen's face turned hot. It was obviously her initiative, but now that she thought about it, she didn't feel any resistance in her heart. She was even looking forward to tomorrow.


Zhang Jingyun stayed at Hongmei Villa for another five days. On the sixth day, Wu Lie and his entourage arrived. Wu Lie was slightly bloated and walked with a high head.

Behind him were a man and a woman. The man was handsome and tall. The weather in Kunlun was cold and the outside world was dripping with water, but he was only wearing a thin light yellow satin.

The girl on the other side was wearing a black mink fur coat. She had a graceful figure and quite elegant manners. In terms of beauty, she was as beautiful as Zhu Jiuzhen.

Zhang Jingyun thought to himself: "As expected, they are the two girls from the snow ridge."

These two people were Wu Qingying and Wei Bi.

Zhu Changling and his wife, Zhu Jiuzhen, and Zhang Jingyun were all waiting in the Nuan Pavilion. Wu Lie's eyes quickly swept over Zhang Jingyun.

Then he cupped his fists at Zhu Changling and said, "Brother Zhu, long time no see. This must be the Jade Face Meng Chang, Wudang Song Qingshu, and Song Shaoxia mentioned in your letter, right?"

Zhang Jingyun said politely: "My Song Qingshu has met the master of Wu Village and has long heard of the reputation of Zhuwu Lian Village. When I see him today, he is well-deserved."

"Young Master Song became famous at a young age after defeating the Divine Monk of Emptiness. Compared with you, my disciple is far inferior. Wei Bi, you should learn more from Young Master Song in the future."

Wu Lie said to Wei Bi.

When Wei Bi saw that Zhu Jiuzhen and Zhang Jingyun were quite close, he was immediately jealous. In terms of age, he was several years older than Zhang Jingyun, and he was immediately dissatisfied.

"Song Shaoxia is the first disciple of the third generation of Wudang disciples, and he was raised by Master Zhang under his watch. No matter how hard I try, I can't catch up.

It’s just that I’ve heard for a long time that Shaolin Wudang is the Big Dipper of Mount Tai. It’s rare to see a Wudang disciple. I wonder if I can ask Young Master Song to give me some advice? "

Weibi raised his head and said.

Wu Lie's face darkened when he heard this and he scolded, "Nonsense, Song Shaoxia is a guest. Is this the way Zhu Wu Lian Villa treats guests?"

Wei Bi quickly said: "Disciple knows his mistake."

Zhang Jingyun said at the right time: "Brother Wei is outspoken. Why should Master Wu scold him? Young people should communicate more and learn more to make progress."

Wu Lie said, "Since Young Master Song is willing to give me advice, then you should learn a little bit and see how many moves you can do in Young Young Master Song's hands."

Zhang Jingyun stretched out his hand: "Brother Wei, you strike first. The martial arts I have mastered are extremely powerful. I'm afraid you won't have the chance to use them once I strike."

Wei Bi: "......"

Wei Bi's martial arts skills were not weak, and he had always been the object of worship of Wu Qingying and Zhu Jiuzhen. Now that he was being said like this in front of the two women, he could not lose face, so he immediately used his signature move: Yangtze River Triple Wave!

This Yangtze River triple wave punch contains three powerful forces. If the opponent blocks the first powerful force with all his strength, he will not expect the second one to come one after another, and then the third powerful force will surge forward. If you are not a master, you will die. hurt.

Zhang Jingyun smiled, but did not dodge, allowing Wei Bi to punch the Tanzhong point on his chest, and the next second, purple zhenqi flashed!

Wei Bi was instantly shaken half a foot away.

"Cousin, are you okay?"

Wu Qingying helped Wei Bi up and asked with concern, she had never thought that the most powerful senior brother in her heart could be so vulnerable.

"Let's compete with swords!"

Wei Bi stood up with a gray face and said unconvinced. Zhang Jingyun's expression remained as usual until Zhu Changling said, "That's enough. Song Shaoxia's swordsmanship is only higher than his internal strength."

The intention was obviously to prevent him from being embarrassed. Wei Bi's face turned blue and white. Zhang Jingyun turned a deaf ear and chatted and laughed with the two village owners.

At noon.

Zhu Changling arranged a banquet, and people were drinking and drinking on the table. Wei Bi glanced at Zhang Jingyun from time to time, and then looked at Zhu Jiuzhen.

Zhu Jiuzhen did not look at him, which disappointed Wei Bi. The banquet was not half finished. Zhu Changling and Wu Lie suggested that Zhu Jiuzhen and Wu Qingying dance swords to add to the fun.

Zhang Jingyun took a second look.

Zhu Jiuzhen and Wu Qingying each held a long sword, one used the skill of Orchid Brushing Point Hand, and the other used the move of Luoying Divine Sword Palm.

Between the ups and downs, she is as graceful as a giant, with a graceful figure and a natural appearance. For others, it is a blessing to see the two girls from Xueling dancing swords for fun.

Wei Bi was dazzled. He knew that he was very greedy. As a disciple of an aristocratic family, he was handsome and gentle, so he wanted to have his cake and eat it too.

But today he discovered it.

Zhu Jiuzhen, who always liked to show off in front of him, actually ignored him and showed affection towards Song Qingshu, which made him jealous.

The beauty danced the sword to add to the fun, and the table became more lively. Under the warm hospitality of Zhu Changling and Wu Lie, Zhang Jingyun drank three jars of fine wine.

His face is already slightly red!

Zhu Jiuzhen and Wu Qingying were a little tired from the sword dance, so they said goodbye and left the table at the same time. When Wei Bi saw the two women leaving to complain, he also followed them.

Outside the courtyard, Wei Bi stopped the two girls.

His eyes fell on Zhu Jiuzhen and he said softly, "Cousin, I haven't seen you for a long time. Why do you look at me like an outsider?"

Zhu Jiuzhen had already given his body to Zhang Jingyun, so how could he still appreciate Wei Bi, who had both sides? He immediately said nonchalantly: "My cousin and Qingmei are together like a stick together, how can I disturb them so easily."

When Wu Qingying heard Zhu Jiuzhen's hint of jealousy, she just pursed her lips and smiled without explaining, as if she acquiesced.

Wei Bi thought she was really jealous, so he quickly said: "Junior sister is kissing, cousin is kissing too, the palms and backs of the hands are all flesh, no distinction is made between them."

In the past, Zhu Jiuzhen would have been extremely happy when he heard her words, but now he would only feel sick when he heard them again.

Aida ignored him, Zhu Jiuzhen was worried about Zhang Jingyun, so he found an excuse to go back. At this time, Zhang Jingyun just finished the fifth jar of wine.

The vision is slightly blurry.

Then he fell limply on the wine table in front of Zhu Changling and Wu Lie. Zhu Changling and Wu Lie looked at each other and smiled.

Although Zhu Jiuzhen couldn't bear it, he didn't say anything.

"I thought your poison was useless to him!" Zhu Changling complained, and he drank until he was dizzy waiting for the effect of the medicine to take effect.

Wu Lie said: "Song Qingshu's internal strength is rare in the world. I tried my best to buy some Tang Sect poison, which can make people lose all their internal strength.

A normal person would feel weak all over after just one bowl of wine. Even a martial arts master could not hold up a jar of wine. This guy drank five jars of wine. He is really a monster. "

"Originally we wanted him to take us to find Xie Xun, but based on our observations over the past few days, Song Qingshu will definitely not cooperate, so we can only make this decision."

Zhu Changling was willing to give away his daughter to Zhang Jingyun for nothing today, so he must take out what he wanted from Zhang Jingyun's mouth.

"He should wake up in six hours. Send him to the cell and lock him up first. Wei Bi will come back just in time. Go and see him."

Wu Lie said casually when he saw Wei Bi coming in.

"Yes! Master!"

Wei Bi was excited. He had been unhappy with Zhang Jingyun for a long time, but he actually managed to win the favor of the real girl and ruined his dream of hugging her. So when he reached out to grab Zhang Jingyun, he secretly used his inner strength to exert his strength.

With his grasp, ordinary people would have feared that his bones would break instantly, but Zhang Jingyun was unscathed, and Wei Bi even felt the pain in his hands.

"Bones are so hard?"

Wei Bi was secretly surprised, but then he stopped causing trouble. He turned around and was about to carry Zhang Jingyun on his back, but at this moment he suddenly heard a popping sound.

Wei Bi groaned, then looked down and saw a slender chopstick passing through his chest and finally nailed to the table.

"You are very soft..."

Wei Bi fell to the ground with his eyes wide open, his heart was penetrated, and he could no longer die. Zhang Jingyun stood up slowly at the right time.

"The way the two village owners treat guests is really special. First they gave me secret books, then they gave me their daughter, and finally they gave me poison. Do you think I can eat everything?"

Such changes caught people off guard.

Zhu Changling's expression changed with shock: "He wasn't poisoned? Wu Lie, didn't you say that it was Tang Sect's poison? Why was it useless?"

Wu Lie's voice trembled: "I have tried many times, but I don't know why he was not poisoned! Hurry, you and I work together to keep him, otherwise a disaster will come!"

Zhang Jingyun sneered. The two thought he had drank. In fact, the poisonous wine was taken into the system space the next second it entered Zhang Jingyun's mouth.

Five jars of poisonous wine, but he didn't touch even a drop.

"Work together to keep me? Where do you get your confidence?" Zhang Jingyun had a strange figure and used the spiral nine shadows to grab the two people's shoulders respectively.

The next second, irresistible suction poured into the Dantian, and the internal energy that the two of them had cultivated for decades was instantly absorbed by Zhang Jingyun and transformed into dense purple energy.

"Don't hurt my daddy!"

Wu Qingying attacked with a sword, Zhang Jingyun flicked his sleeves and knocked him away. Zhu Jiuzhen was in a dilemma when he saw the scene in front of him.

Zhang Jingyun looked at her and threw out a jade bottle, "Give each person one of the pills inside, and take one for yourself."

Zhu Jiuzhen didn't dare to disobey.

After a while, Zhu Changling regained consciousness.

"What medicine did you give me?"

Zhang Jingyun said, "This medicine is called the Three Corpse Brain Pill, and it contains three kinds of corpse worms. There is no abnormality after taking it, but every year during the Dragon Boat Festival...

If the antidote to restrain the corpse worms is not taken in time, the corpse worms will break out. Once they enter the brain, they will act like ghosts and monsters, and even parents and wives will bite them. "

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