People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 113 The duel between Wudang Clan members [6k please subscribe]

As Zhang Wuji took action, Zhang Jingyun knew that no one from the six major sects could be his opponent. If he attacked them all in one fell swoop, he might still have a chance.

One-on-one is Calabash Baby saving Grandpa.

The reason why the six sects have a one-on-one duel is because of the Shaolin monk Kongzhi. The White-browed Eagle King provokes emptiness. What's the point of relying on a large number of people?

If you have the ability, challenge him alone.

So the six sects started a wheel battle with the White-browed Eagle King and others. All the masters of the Sky Eagle Sect were injured and disabled one after another in the wheel battle.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Wuji came out of nowhere.

Wheel fighting is the most suitable way for him. Even though he has not practiced the Nine Yang Magic, Zhang Wuji is already an innate master.

The inner strength is extremely strong.

It is almost equivalent to inexhaustible internal energy.

Here, the sleeves of Zong Weixia of the Kongtong sect were chopped off. Before Zhang Wuji had a chance to breathe, four more figures came besieging him from all sides.

The person in front was so fast that it was staggering, but everyone in the six major sects was slightly shameless. This person was obviously here for a sneak attack.

However, the methods used to deal with the Demon Sect are a bit despicable. As long as the obstacles are removed for the six major sects, other sects will probably not say much.

Chang Jingzhi holds this idea.

The punch he punched was the Seven-Injury Fist of the Kongtong School. Compared with Zong Weixia, Chang Jingzhi had been practicing the Seven-Injury Fist for a longer period of time. He was nicknamed the "Punch Breaking the Mountain" in the world.

However, when he punched out, Zhang Wuji dodged and didn't even touch the corner of the person's clothes. Chang Jingzhi failed to make a sneak attack, so he punched three times in succession, all of which failed.

At that time, the other three people also followed.

Seeing that he was about to be surrounded by no one, Zhang Wuji jumped on his toes, lifted several feet out of thin air and then folded in the air to get out of the encirclement.


On the Wudang side, Song Yuanqiao and others were all stunned. The sloppy young man in the field was obviously doing the Wudang Ladder Cloud Movement.

However, if you look closely, it just looks like the Ladder Cloud Zong. The Seven Heroes of Wudang all practiced Ladder Cloud Zong, and no one has ever been able to escape from the siege by twisting and turning in the air.

It is true that Zhang Wuji has never really practiced Tiyun Zong. The only Wudang Kung Fu he knows is the Thirty-two Shi Chang Fist. He used this Tiyun Zong after watching his uncle and uncle perform it too many times. Fu Lingxinzhi generally used it.

Anyway, Zhang Wuji has deep inner strength that few others can match. Coupled with the development potential of the Great Shift of the Universe, martial arts schools all over the world can imitate him at a glance.

Of course, it's just imitation.

It is still different from the arbitrary driving effect of Xiao Wuxiang Gong. This kind of effect can basically be achieved by warriors who have entered the innate world.

"Seniors of the Kongtong sect, who can't fight alone, still want to bully the minority with more?" Zhang Wuji asked coldly, standing in front of Yin Tianzheng and others.

Chang Jingzhi said: "No one in the world knows that the five elders of Kongtong are inseparable, and the five of us always fight together.

If this young hero thinks it's unfair, then please find four helpers. Let's have a fair fight between the five of us. "

Chang Jingzhi's words were extremely shameless. Even Zong Weixia, who had just been defeated, had a burning face at this moment.

Zhang Wuji's expression didn't change when he heard this and said: "Haha, I've heard about the Kongtong Sect's famous Seven Injury Fist for a long time, and today I just want to see how many of our seniors have gained some true inheritance."


Chang Jingzhi scolded angrily.

Each of the five people present could be regarded as his uncle. Zhang Wuji imitated how adults speak at a young age, but regarded them as his juniors.

Although Zhang Wuji's expression remained unchanged, in his heart, he had long been dissatisfied with the five elders of Kongtong. Chang Jingzhi only attacked them secretly, but now he actually said that five versus five is a fair fight.

Who among the Ming Cult can fight again?

Zhang Wuji immediately said to Chang Jingzhi: "I heard that senior Chang Jing had a nickname in the world of martial arts that broke mountains with one punch.

And just now Senior Chang Jing punched me four times in a row. I wonder what the four punches meant? "This remark was an irony that Chang Jingzhi said he was arrogant.

Zhang Wuji practiced the Sunflower Book and Xuanming Divine Palm, and his personality was vaguely affected by the exercises, giving him a bold and domineering temperament.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking.

The five elders of Kongtong immediately attacked from five sides. All five of them used the Seven Injury Fist, leaving Zhang Wuji with no way out.

Zhang Wuji could have easily escaped from the siege, but now he had no intention of dodge. Five people were attacking him, and he remained motionless.

Yin Tianzheng quickly reminded, "Zeng Shaoxia, the Kongtong Sect's Seven Injury Fist should not be underestimated. You must not take it lightly."

"Senior Yin, don't worry, this junior will know."

Zhang Wuji could still speak at the critical moment of the competition, and even had a calm tone. No one knew what other powerful methods he had.

The next second, everyone's eyes widened.

Zhang Wuji never thought about hiding from the beginning to the end, but let the five and seven-injury punches hit his body, and the surging energy set off waves of wind in the field.

A piece of white mist rises above the heads of the five elders in Kongtong. It is obvious that they have used their internal energy to the extreme. How strong is the internal energy of the five people together? Even the best Wudang man in the world, Zhang Sanfeng, dare not say that he can defeat one against five.

Zhang Wuji did it.

Of course, he didn't just use his internal strength to strengthen the five people, but used the kung fu in the Great Shift of the Universe to mobilize the five people's internal strength to compete with each other.

Therefore, no matter how strong the inner strength of the five elders of Kongtong was, they could only fail in the end. After a moment, Zhang Wuji's whole body was shaken with energy!

The five elders of Kongtong flew out together.

Five people were lying on the ground.

"What kind of magic is this?"

"Could this person have mastered the Shaolin Temple's indestructible Vajra Body?"

"This child is so terrifying, we must not keep him!"


The masters of the six sects do not know the mystery, but the masters of the Mingjiao know it very well. This is clearly a great shift in the world of the Mingjiao's magical power.

"Seniors, I have accepted it!"

Zhang Wuji said with his fists clasped.

The five elders of Kongtong stood up and looked livid, "Can the Seven-Injury Fist, which the Kongtong sect is so proud of, not even be able to break his clothes?"

Seeing the despair on the five people's faces, Zhang Wuji thought for a moment. He was here to resolve the hatred between the Ming Cult and the six sects, not to offend all six sects with his overwhelming strength.

Zhang Wuji immediately said: "Seniors, it's not that the Seven Injury Fist is useless, it's that you have practiced the Seven Injury Fist poorly."


It would be okay if Zhang Wuji said that his skills were inferior to others, but if he said that the five people practiced the Seven Injury Fist wrongly, it would be a slap in the face. Is there anyone in the world who knows the Seven Injury Fist better than Kongtong Wu Lao?

"Several seniors should know that the Qi of the five elements regulates yin and yang, damages the heart, lungs, liver and intestines, hides the essence in a state of frustration, and causes the soul to fly..."

Zhang Wuji was reciting the unique formula of Seven Injury Fist, and at the same time he punched a tree on his right, causing the ancient tree to break in an instant.

The five elders of Kongtong were not only shocked that Zhang Wuji knew the Seven-Shang Fist, but also saw that all the veins in the broken tree trunk were shattered. It was shocking that this was the skill of the Seven-Shang Fist that had been practiced to the deepest level.

"Why do you know the Seven Injuries Fist?"

Zhang Wuji said: "Juniors happen to have learned some. The reason why I say that the seniors have made mistakes in their practice is because the Seven Injury Boxing is a boxing technique that hurts oneself first and then hurts others. Without profound internal force, it will only damage the internal organs."

Zong Weixia pondered and asked: "If it's like you said, why did Mu Lingzi, the founder of our sect, survive to the age of ninety-three by relying on the Seven Injury Fist?"

"Senior Mu Lingzi has deep internal strength, and the Seven Injury Fist can actually nourish the internal organs and prolong life. Several seniors practiced the Seven Injury Fist forcefully before their skills were up to par.

Now there should be a slight pain in Yunmen point on the shoulder, numbness and unbearable itching in Qingling point on the upper arm, and soreness in Wuli point on the leg when it rains... These hidden dangers can be eradicated by the seniors after the juniors solve today's matter. "

Zhang Wuji spoke eloquently.

After hearing this, the five elders of Kongtong fell to the ground, clasped their fists and said, "Thank you so much, young hero, for the rescue. Otherwise, I would have returned to the underworld after a few more years of training. I, the Kongtong sect, will not have anything to do with what happened today."

Zhang Wuji nodded lightly, and in a few words, he resolved the grievances of the Kongtong sect, leaving only five sects out of the six.

"Hmph! My senior brother Baiyuan was killed by the Demon Cult. Today, we must eradicate the Demon Cult no matter what. Do you really want to risk your life?"

The speaker was Xian Yutong of Huashan School.

Zhang Wuji looked at him carefully and suddenly said: "You are such an ungrateful person, but you still have the nerve to be the head of the Huashan Sect?"

"You dare to slander me?"

Xian Yutong was furious.

Zhang Wuji immediately revealed what happened to Hu Qingyang, "It's clear that you coveted the position of leader and abandoned Hu Qingyang who was pregnant with you. Bai Yuan wanted to tell the leader about you but was killed by you! He was killed again! It is right and wrong for you to blame Mingjiao!"


Xian Yutong's soul trembled.

This matter was the deepest secret in his heart, and now that someone had said it casually, Xian Yutong was so frightened that his hands and feet became weak.

"I'll kill you!"

In panic, Xianyu Tong targeted Zhang Wuji. As long as he killed Zhang Wuji, no one in the world would know about it.

"Too slow! Too slow! Faster!"

Zhang Wuji's figure flashed, leaving behind a series of afterimages. When Xian Yutong came to attack, he had already printed several palm prints on Xian Yutong's chest!

In an instant, Xian Yutong felt a chill, and a green palm print was printed on his chest, which was Zhang Wuji's Xuanming Divine Palm.

"You have ten breaths to tell what happened, otherwise even if the Great Luo Immortal comes, you won't be able to save him!" Zhang Wuji said coldly.

Zhang Wuji knows best the feeling of cold poison entering the body. There are few people in the world who can resist it. Xian Yutong's cultivation is naturally of little use.

"It's me! It's me! It's me who killed Bai Yuan. Who told him to report me..." Xian Yutong seemed to see Bai Yuan's soul in his confusion, and was frightened all over: "Senior Brother Bai Yuan, I was wrong. !

Although I killed you, over the years, I have burned so much paper money for you and done so many rituals for you. I have always taken care of your wife...

Why are you here to claim my life? "

These changes made the six sects look at each other in disbelief. Who would have thought that the leader of the Huashan sect, who has high moral character and respected status, would be such a person?

"Boy! How dare you insult the leader of our sect?"

It was too late to tell, but at that moment, two figures rushed over, one tall and one short. These two people were the real powerful figures of the Huashan sect. They joined forces to perform the anti-Liangyi sword technique, and there were few enemies in the martial arts world.

"My sword skills are good, but it's a pity it's useless to me!"

Zhang Wuji reached the extreme speed, and while he was breathing out his sword energy, the big swords in the hands of the two veterans of the Huashan School were shot down. It was really a ghost-like method.

"What kind of swordsmanship are you doing?"

The tall and short asked in horror.

Zhang Wuji said, "My swordsmanship has a great background and cannot be discussed without the permission of the person who taught it. However, I can tell you the essence of this swordsmanship."

"What is it?"


Zhang Wuji stood on the field with the air of a master. He had practiced the Sunflower Book to this point, and the person who created this skill was only like this.

"There are great martial arts skills in the world, but the only one that can't be defeated is fast! Since the reverse Liangyi sword technique can't defeat you, let's try the positive Liangyi sword technique of my Kunlun sect!"

While talking, two more people flew out.

It was He Taichong, the leader of the Kunlun Sect, and his wife Ban Shuxian. The couple performed the Liangyi Sword Technique. The two Yiyi transformed into four images, and the four images transformed into Bagua. Eighty-sixty-four moves, even Zhang Wuji secretly admired him.

"The combination of the positive Liangyi swordsmanship of the two men and the negative Liangyi swordsmanship of the Huashan School can produce sixty-four times sixty-four, a total of 4,096 changes. There are so many changes in martial arts in the world that no one can Outmatched."

Zhang Wuji could still talk easily during the sword fight, and both his cultivation and swordsmanship had exceeded the limits of He Taichong and Ban Shuxian's combined strength.

It was up to He Taichong and his wife to lose. At this time, the two elders of the Huashan Sect suddenly had an idea after hearing Zhang Wuji's words.

"Then combine positive and negative."

In an instant, the four of them joined forces to besiege Zhang Wuji.

Zhang Wuji relied on the swordsmanship from the Sunflower Book to deal with the enemy, and finally felt a bit of pressure. The combination of forward and reverse swords was truly the most complex martial arts in the world.

But it was of no use to him.

"No matter how many changes you make, I will defeat them all with one sword!" Zhang Wuji's swordsmanship can only be described in one word: fast, extremely fast, which is the most exquisite martial arts.

When the swords collided, the four blades shattered.

Zhang Wuji used an ordinary iron sword to smash the sharp weapons of Kunlun and Huashan. This kind of martial arts stunned all the martial arts.

"Failed, actually defeated!"

Even the Kunlun Huashan team is no match for Zhang Wuji. Three of the six major sects have been eliminated, leaving only Shaolin, Wudang and Emei.

"The poor monk comes to try the young knight's boxing and kicking skills!"

The person who spoke was none other than the Monk Kongxing of Shaolin Temple. Seeing that Zhang Wuji’s swordsmanship was the best in the world, he simply competed with fists and kicks.

Since Kongxing was defeated by Zhang Jingyun ten years ago, he has spent all his sleep and food, intensively practicing the Shaolin Dragon Claw Hands, and now he has completely achieved success.

Zhang Wuji had a sharp sword in his hand, but he was not afraid of it. In addition to fighting moves, his boxing and kicking skills were more about fighting for his internal strength. His internal strength was a combination of yin and yang, and Zhang Sanfeng might not be able to defeat him in person.

After only a dozen moves, Kong Xing was struck by a palm. The two forces of yin and yang in the palm exploded instantly in Kong Xing's body, defeating him on the spot.


Song Yuanqiao and Master Miejie couldn't help but look at each other. With such strong internal strength and fierce swordsmanship, who else in the world could be his opponent?

"Master Tai, if we and the Seven Wudang Heroes fight one by one, they will definitely consume this boy's internal energy. When the time comes, Master Tai will rely on the power of the Yitian Sword to win."

Song Yuanqiao thought for a while and said.

The Wudang Sect has always been known for its long-lasting internal strength. If the Wudang Seven Heroes fight one by one without giving Zhang Wuji a chance to breathe, he will be exhausted no matter how deep his internal strength is.

Mie Mie understood what he meant, and immediately shook his head and said, "Even if we win, it will be extremely disgraceful. Could it be that the head of Emei can take advantage of this and deal with a junior like this?"

After saying that, Master Miejie came on stage.

It's just that although the extinct Emei swordsmanship is also exquisite, it is still inferior to the positive and negative Liangyi formation composed of four masters from Kunlun Huashan.

The only advantage of Extinction is the Heavenly Sword.

Zhang Wuji obviously also knew how powerful the Yitian Sword was, so there was only one way to deal with Miejie Shitai, which was to make him unable to pull out the Yitian Sword.

This coincides with Yang Xiao's original idea. When Yang Xiao fought against Gu Hongzi, he was afraid of the Yitian Sword, so he could only find ways to prevent Gu Hongzi from pulling out the sword.

It's just that Yang Xiao was young and energetic at that time.

It was just a matter of defeating Gu Hongzi, but he actually talked too much and said: Yitian Sword is so famous! In my eyes, it was like scrap copper and scrap iron. After saying that, I threw the Yitian Sword on the ground and walked away.

Gu Hongzi was so angry that he died.

Zhang Wuji learned from his experience and used strange movement skills to bully him into standing in front of Miejie Shitai and slapped her away without waiting for her to draw her sword.

Master Miejie held his sword horizontally and was knocked several meters away. As for the Yitian Sword in his hand, it fell apart under the violent force of Zhang Wuji's palm.

Zhang Wuji picked up the Yitian Sword and handed it to Miejie: ​​"Master Tai's Yitian Sword is really powerful. I didn't mean to offend you, so I had to make this move."

Miejie took back the Yitian Sword without saying a word.

At that time, only the Wudang sect was left in the square but did not participate in the battle. Song Yuanqiao was wary of Zhang Wuji's strength and thought that if he faced the enemy with the Zhenwu Seven-Section Formation, he would have a six or seven-level chance of winning.

But seven against one is really disgraceful.

"Let's use up his internal strength one by one as planned. Even if we can't win with force, eradicating the Demon Cult is important. We can't care about our reputation at this time."

Yin Liting said.

Ever since he came to this square and faced the Ming Cult people, Yin Liting had never taken his eyes off Yang Xiao. He must take revenge on Yang Xiao.

"Uncles, father, just let me go!" The girl in yellow suddenly said. Her cultivation had just broken through the innate realm and she was capable of fighting.

"Qingshu is not here, how can we let you take risks!" Song Yuanqiao immediately shook his head and said: "Even if you want to play, you have to wait until we lose."

The woman in yellow shirt's heart sank, Zhang Wuji was too strong, even Song Yuanqiao and others couldn't drain much of his internal energy even if they went up one by one.

"It would be great if Qingshu was here."

The woman in yellow shirt sighed slightly, Song Yuanqiao and others also looked helpless. Ten years ago, Zhang Jingyun could easily defeat the Shaolin Kongxing Divine Monk.

Ten years later.

His martial arts skills will never be inferior to anyone else's.

"Juniors, let me try his kung fu first!" Song Yuanqiao stood up and said that as the leader of the Wudang Sect, he must take the lead.

But at this moment.

A white shadow flashed in front of Zhang Wuji. After a closer look, it turned out to be a masked, thin and unknown master.

"Eh? What a handsome Qinggong!"

Wudang Sect, Song Yuanqiao and others were slightly surprised. Not only Wudang, but also Wei Yixiao, the Green-winged Bat King from Mingjiao, who was famous for his Qinggong.

"Bat King, you were not surprised by Shaoxia Zeng's Qinggong. Why did you look shocked when you saw this man wearing a mask?"

Yin Tianzheng couldn't help but ask.

Wei Yixiao said: "Zeng Shaoxia actually doesn't have any advanced qinggong skills. He is just fast and looks weird.

As for this masked man, the Qinggong he performs is truly unparalleled in the world. Every step he takes has thousands of changes, which is unheard of. "

Yin Tianzheng was shocked: "Is Qing Gong better than you?"

Wei Yixiao shook his head: "My Qing Gong is three-thirds based on my technique and seven-tenth based on my talent. Others can't learn it from me. This person's Qing Gong is indeed much better than me."

Zhang Wuji looked at the weirdo in front of him and asked, "I wonder what kind of sect your senior is from, and what kind of hatred does he have against the Ming Cult?"

The one wearing the mask is naturally the white ape.

When asked by Zhang Wuji, he had no response.

Zhang Wuji added: "Senior doesn't want to give his name, so that's okay, but if I win, will senior give up?"

The white ape remained indifferent.

Zhang Wuji's face darkened slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "Since senior doesn't want to talk to me, then let me see the real chapter!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Wuji attacked Bai Yuan with his sword. Although he was also good at fists and kicks, his sword skills were obviously more advantageous.

Although the White Ape has achieved innate breakthroughs by practicing the Nine Yang Magic Skill, it has never seriously practiced any sword skills. Thinking about Zhang Jingyun's usual sword training scenes, the White Ape used several sword skills in a crooked way.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Wuji's expression changed drastically.

"It's a good idea that the enemy has the first opportunity, and the last attack will arrive first!"

Zhang Wuji has a unique vision. White Ape's sword skills attack his weaknesses at every turn. Among all the sword skills in the world, he has never heard of such evil moves.

Speaking of the evil-proof swordsmanship contained in the Sunflower Book, it is not without flaws. It can even be said that there are many flaws in the swordsmanship, but with the amazing speed, all the flaws have been made up.

Speaking of which, Bai Yuan was really the first master who could hit the flaw in Zhang Wuji's swordsmanship, so Zhang Wuji had to be careful.

Suddenly, after ten moves.

Zhang Wuji discovered that this master was very good at swordsmanship, but he obviously had not mastered the skill. He kept repeating the same moves over and over again. Besides his swordsmanship, he seemed to have no skills in boxing or kicking.

Zhang Wuji immediately took advantage of the change of sword moves and struck the white ape with a Xuanming God's palm, and the internal energy of Zhiyin poured into the opponent's body instantly.

Unexpectedly, the next second, the white ape was still jumping around, as if it hadn't been hit at all. How did Zhang Wuji know that the person in front of him was a master who had mastered the Nine-Yang Divine Art? Resolved.

"Who is he?"

Zhang Wuji's heart became heavier and heavier.

The other party's internal energy is mellow, long and unfathomable, and he is not afraid of the Xuan Ming Divine Palm. This is the first time he has encountered such a situation.

Fortunately, after Zhang Wuji fought with him for dozens of rounds, his opponent's chances of predicting the enemy were no longer very good, and his swordsmanship became more and more clumsy.

Zhang Wuji seized the opportunity and slashed his sleeve with his sword. Only a handful of hair fell down. Zhang Wuji's eyes were strange and he thought to himself: "This senior has such thick body hair, no wonder he is covered up so tightly."

White Ape knew he was outmatched, so he used Qing Kung Fu to escape. He was so fast that even Zhang Wuji was helpless. Fortunately, he won, and he was relieved.

"It's our turn this time!"

Song Yuanqiao was about to go on stage when he suddenly felt the breeze blowing on his face. He blinked and saw an extremely familiar figure in front of him.

It is Zhang Jingyun,

Zhang Jingyun said seriously: "Madam, father, and uncles, I have made you worry. Leave this Wudang fight to me."


The girl in yellow shirt, Song Yuanqiao and others shouted softly.

Before he finished speaking, he saw Zhang Jingyun's ethereal figure, covering a distance of seven to eight feet with each step, and the distance of dozens of feet passed by in the blink of an eye, leaving only afterimages.

"Is this still Qinggong?"

The expressions of the six major sects and even the Ming Cult were shocked. Zhang Wuji did not want to confront the Wudang Sect. After all, his father Zhang Cuishan was right across the street.

As for Zhang Jingyun...

That was the person he least wanted to see.

Zhang Wuji possesses two great magical skills. The Sunflower Book and the Xuanming Divine Palm were both taught by Zhang Jingyun. How should he face Zhang Jingyun?

The last thing he wanted to see was a duel between his fellow sects. Zhang Wuji said with a bitter look on his face, "I have heard for a long time that the Wudang Sect's Jade Face Mengchang Song Shaoxia is famous..."

Zhang Jingyun interrupted directly, "Junior Brother Wuji, no one else can see your identity. Do you think you can hide it from me?"

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