People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 116 Golden Eyes Upgrade【Please subscribe】

In a villa in the countryside.

Zhang Jingyun's eyes were closed tightly and he was sitting cross-legged practicing. His face was solemn, his left index finger pointed to the sky, and his right index finger pointed to the ground.

This is the state in which the World-Honored Lord Sakyamuni was born. The World-Honored One pointed one finger to the earth and the other to the sky, and said: "I am the only one in heaven and on earth!"

The exercise that Zhang Jingyun practiced was the Sovereign Art of Bahuang Liuhe. It was originally called the Sovereign Self of Heaven and Earth.

In Buddhism, this sentence is not the arrogant words of the World Honored One. It is to inspire people that "I" is actually the most noble one in the universe.

"I" is not what the Buddha calls himself, but the self that everyone has. Everyone has a self, and this self is the first cause that dominates the world.

The eight desolate and Liuhe self-respecting skills can overcome life and death, and it is not a matter of rejuvenation. It is not an exaggeration to say that I am the only self-respecting person in heaven and earth.

However, Tianshan Tonglao's skills were passed down from Xiaoyaozi, who adhered to Taoist ideals. The name sounded too arrogant at first, so he changed it to Bahuang Liuhe.

However, in Zhang Jingyun's view, whether the name is changed or not, it will not affect the domineering characteristics of this skill. The Zhiyang Qi produced by the Duzun Gong is even worse than the Jiuyang Divine Skill.

And right now.

Zhang Jingyun suddenly opened his eyes.

I saw Zhang Jingyun let out a soft hey, and then two lines of light white air came out of his nostrils and wrapped around his head.

The white mist lingered, gradually getting thicker and thicker, and finally turned into a ball of white mist, completely covering Zhang Jingyun's face, making it difficult to see his face clearly.

This skill is relatively special. Zhang Jingyun easily mastered the first two levels in a day or two by virtue of the characteristics of the Nine Yang Divine Skill.

The next three levels of skills cannot be achieved quickly, because as the internal strength continues to accumulate, the skills have already involved rejuvenation every thirty years.

Zhang Jingyun didn't panic and immediately used attribute points to upgrade, using twelve attribute points in one go to upgrade the skill to the third level of perfection.

At that time, the inner strength of Zhang Jingyun's Sovereign Skill had exceeded the limit of thirty years. There were signs of rejuvenation, and his body was actually getting smaller.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to practice Solitary Self-respecting Kung Fu, you must start practicing it from an early age. When you start practicing it at a certain age, you will turn back to a certain age when you rejuvenate.

Zhang Jingyun still relied on the system to get started halfway, otherwise it would be difficult for him to succeed in his situation. Fortunately, he is a systematic person, and his advantage lies in him.

After practicing the technique directly, the process of rejuvenation seems to have accelerated countless times, and the body has changed from big to small and finally settled at around eight years old.

Then he didn't wait for a while.

The body slowly returned to its original state.

The process of rejuvenation ended in a hurry. The whole process allowed Zhang Jingyun to see the magic of martial arts again, which was beyond words.

After practicing so many techniques, whether it is the Nine Yin Manual or the Nine Yang Manual, his self-created Great Compassion Technique can also be called a peerless magical skill.

But these exercises are not beyond common sense.

Bahuang Liuhe is completely different in its self-respecting power. Rejuvenation breaks Zhang Jingyun's cognition, and the adult body turns into a child. How to explain this?

It can only be said to be magical.

Moreover, after a rejuvenation, it was obviously found that the restored internal energy was more pure, and even the qualifications and bones were faintly improved.

"Is this internal strength? Cultivation is not as good as cultivating immortals. The older you get, the better your skills and qualifications will be. If you have to find a place to live for a thousand years, who says practicing martial arts is not as good as cultivating immortals?"

Zhang Jingyun simply became more thorough and continued to add more points, upgrading the technique to the fifth level of perfection, and at the same time experienced rejuvenation twice again.

You could hear Zhang Jingyun's joints crackling all over his body, like popping beans. After a long time, the sound of popping beans gradually became softer and thinner, and the white mist gradually faded.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the skill bar on the panel.

[I am the only one who respects the fifth level of perfection]

The fifth level of perfection is the limit of this skill. The rest is Zhang Jingyun's own practice, which requires rejuvenation every thirty years.

Without the help of the system, maybe he would have to drink blood. Child Lao had to drink blood when she was recovering her skills. It was not because she was attacked from behind by Li Qiushui.

Child Lao was only six years old and short in stature when she was practicing this internal skill. She was successful in practicing Qigong at the age of twenty-six, but was tricked by Li Qiu Shui to become as tall as a girl.

Li Qiu Shui just caused the Tianshan Tonglao's triple energizer to be out of balance and unable to regain her figure. She drank blood and practiced because the power of the Solitary Self-Advocating Kung Fu was so powerful that it was actually the ultimate internal Kung Fu.

Because there is too much qi, far more than the corresponding blood, qi is yang and blood is yin. Without blood yin, there is no way to reconcile yang qi, and eventually death will occur due to excess yang and deficiency of yin.

However, if there is too much qi and little blood, the normal solution is to replenish blood. There are many ways to replenish blood. Tianshan Tongmao is just a little extreme, drinking blood directly.

Of course, this is also the most effective way to replenish blood. It is simple and crude to replenish whatever is missing. The Tianshan Child Grandmother did not drink human blood, unlike the Green-winged Bat King.

"I wonder how long my life span will be now!"

After completing the Duzun Kung Fu, Zhang Jingyun clicked on the life span column. The life span column changed for a while and finally settled. Zhang Jingyun looked at it intently and was slightly startled.

[Life span: 27/? ,46/418】

"What's going on? How do you show two lifespans?" Zhang Jingyun blinked and was sure he had read it correctly.

The system would not make mistakes. Zhang Jingyun thought about it and thought that the 27 years old in front of him was his biological age after returning from the previous mission world.

But in fact, Zhang Jingyun's real age is much more than 27 years old. The reason for his low biological age is the benefit given by the system in disguise.

As for his actual age, he is twenty-four years old in the main world, plus all the time spent in the mission world, the total is exactly 46 years old.

Zhang Jingyun regards this age as psychological age, spiritual age or soul age. This time it is easy to understand the changes in the life span column.

Biological age has eight desolations and six hemispheres, and one can rejuvenate oneself every thirty years. In theory, immortality can be achieved.

Physiological age can no longer reflect a specific value, but soul age is limited, and practicing Duzun Gong cannot increase spiritual strength.

The spring and autumn flow is heavy, and the years are sharp.

The power of time not only acts on the body, but also on the spirit and soul. Zhang Jingyun can keep his body immortal with the help of magical skills, but his soul will gradually decay as time goes by.

"It's not that easy to live forever!"

Zhang Jingyun was slightly regretful. With just one skill, he could achieve immortality, and Xiaoyaozi would not be in doubt about his life or death.

However, this self-respecting skill is still very powerful. At least it has achieved the step of immortality, and the soul can find ways to practice it in the future.

Moreover, even so, Zhang Jingyun's lifespan is theoretically 418 years old, which is already very difficult in a world with low martial arts.

And with the completion of the Bahuang Liuhe Self-respecting Kung Fu, Zhang Jingyun can deduce the most mysterious Eternal Spring Kung Fu of the Xiaoyao Sect.

The three methods are integrated into one.

Zhang Jingyun first considers whether it is feasible in theory. As long as the theory is successfully constructed, the rest can be implemented by the system.

Everything transforms into one, and one transforms into everything.

For three days in a row, Zhang Jingyun was practicing the exercises. As the skill bar suddenly changed, Zhang Jingyun knew he had succeeded.

[Introduction to the Everlasting Changchun Kung Fu]

"Sure enough!" Zhang Jingyun's guess confirmed, "The three great magical arts of the Xiaoyao Sect are split from the Everlasting Eternal Spring Skill.

Otherwise, I would never have been able to introduce it in three days. If Xiaoyao Sect did not have this technique, maybe I would not have achieved results after several years of derivation. "

Zhang Jingyun was not wrong. He could not succeed even if he tried to deduce a technique that did not exist, because it was just an illusion. If this technique really existed, the theory would work.

The data panel is the best proof of this.

As long as it is displayed in the skill bar, the system will do the rest. It takes decades for others to create a skill, but it takes dozens of points for Zhang Jingyun.

Four attribute points.

[Perfect Level 1 of the Immortal Changchun Kung Fu]

Eight attribute points.

[Second Level of Immortality Changchun Kung Perfection]


A total of sixty attribute points are consumed.

The five layers of immortality Changchun Gong are perfect.

The inner strength of the Duzun Gong has transformed into the inner strength of the Eternal Spring Gong, which means that this exercise has been completely integrated into the Eternal Spring Gong. From now on, you only need to practice the Eternal Age Eternal Spring Gong.

"What's so difficult about making achievements?"

Zhang Jingyun compared the two exercises.

He found that the Changchun Kung Fu did not break away from rejuvenation, but only changed into a Jiazi once. So why did Xiaoyaozi dismantle it into three major magical arts?

After a brief experience, Zhang Jingyun understood that it was still due to the technique. The true energy produced by the Everlasting Spring Kung was due to the absorption of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, so the threshold was extremely high.

The Bahuang Liuhe Self-respecting Gong is slightly different. The true energy produced by this Gong comes from the grains. After the grains enter the intestines and stomach, the nutrients are absorbed by the small intestine.

The true energy is collected from the middle burner, then enters the upper burner, then enters the twelve meridians from the lungs, enters the Ren and Du meridians from the kidney meridian, returns to the lower burner and enters the Dantian.

The triple burner actually controls the collection, dispersion, storage, and use of true qi. Therefore, it is said that the solemn power is to specialize in the triple burner.

In this way, how can the energy obtained from the reincarnation of grains be compared with absorbing the energy of heaven and earth? Therefore, the limit of rejuvenating old age and rejuvenating childhood using the Sovereign Gong is half of that of the Changchun Gong.

And when recovering your skills, you can use the Beiming Divine Skill to absorb other people's internal energy to speed up recovery, so as to ensure that you will not be attacked during the period of weakness.

Tianshan Tonglao suffered this loss. When she resumed her martial arts, her internal strength had not been restored and she had no other means, so she was restricted in everything. As for why Xiaoyaozi didn't directly teach his three disciples the Immortality and Changchun Kung Fu.

Zhang Jingyun didn't know.

Or maybe it's like what you wrote in some novels. People in Changchun Valley practice martial arts with spiritual spring water. Xiaoyaozi stole the magic skills and there is no spiritual spring water.

We can only settle for the next best thing and rely on our astonishing wisdom to dismantle this magical skill to absorb the energy in grains to extend our life span.

Regardless of the truth, Zhang Jingyun achieved his goal. With the Everlasting Eternal Spring Kung Fu, he was able to explore the limits of his internal power.

Zhang Jingyun stood up and came to the balcony.

Looking into the distance, I feel relaxed.

He had just bought this villa with three floors. The previous home had a smaller space and was not suitable for his daily practice.

Zhang Jingyun naturally pays attention to the external environment when practicing spiritual practice. The pigeon-cage-like houses in the steel cities where modern people generally live have a great impact on his state of mind.

Even in the main world, most of those who are practicing are far away from the city, and they generally yearn for the kind of landscape with lakes and mountains.

Surrounding Zhang Jingyun's villa, there are not only mountains and rivers, but also beautiful scenery. It is a residence that all migrant workers long for, and it only costs 8 million.

The villa has a swimming pool, but the previous owner transformed the swimming pool into a pond, and built a four- to five-meter-high rockery in the middle. An artificial waterfall flows down from the top of the mountain and merges into the pond, which is beautiful.

Zhang Jingyun thinks about what life he lived in the past, playing mobile games and watching anime every day, rewarding himself every once in a while, collecting rent every month...

"Are you doing well?"

Zhang Jingyun shook his head. It was better to live in a villa. There were less than thirty days before the next time travel, so he could enjoy life.

Don’t push yourself too hard in practice.

Just loosen and tighten once.

A few days in the main world and a few days in other worlds. Although Jing Ruyi in the Antarctic Love world and Ma Fengyi in the Jinmen world are both pregnant, they are not suitable for dual cultivation.

But who said there is only one way to practice dual cultivation?

Jing Ruyi's cherry-shaped mouth and Ma Fengyi's delicate and fruitful lips made Zhang Jingyun thoroughly enjoy them.

The world of Antarctic love.

Jing Ruyi looked resentful, took out a few tissues and wiped the corners of her mouth. Zhang Jingyun did this on those days when it was inconvenient for her in Antarctica.

Now I feel even more confident.

Zhang Jingyun has a rosy complexion and Jing Ruyi is 28. Before the plane crash in Antarctica, she was a doctoral-level virgin and suffered from severe depression.

It turned out to be less than three months.

Moderate depression healed automatically, her virginity was gone, and there was still a little life in her belly. Sometimes Jing Ruyi felt like she was dreaming.

"I've been feeling warm in my body lately, and I feel like I have endless energy. It seems like the changes have become bigger and bigger since I came back from Antarctica."

Jing Ruyi leaned into Zhang Jingyun's arms and said.

"Let me take a look." Zhang Jingyun felt his pulse. Jing Ruyi's qi and blood were strong, and his body was full of vitality. He had developed internal energy without knowing it.

Before going to the martial arts world.

Zhang Jingyun has taught Jing Ruyi's internal boxing skills. The double cultivation can not only increase Zhang Jingyun's points, but also subtly improve the woman's physical fitness.

Jing Ruyi recovered very quickly from her leg injury because of the benefits of dual cultivation, so Zhang Jingyun taught her some inner strength exercises and breath-taking exercises, and Jing Ruyi quickly developed the skills.

"How is it?" Jing Ruyi asked.

"Of course it's great. After you give birth to the baby, I'll teach you a few sets of Chinese martial arts. It won't be a problem to fight ten with one."

"If you win, you will go to jail, if you lose, you will be hospitalized."

Zhang Jingyun smiled softly, the Antarctic Love world is similar to the main world. Many people don't even dare to help the old man, and only fools hit people casually.

Thinking together, Zhang Jingyun suddenly said to her: "When it comes to practicing martial arts, it is difficult to achieve great results if you don't fight with many people.

You like silence.

Do you want to practice some other skills? "

Jing Ruyi was surprised: "Aren't you the owner of a wedding company? How come you have so much effort?"

Zhang Jingyun said, "This Kung Fu has an advantage. After you practice it, your appearance will almost be fixed and you won't age anymore. Do you want to learn it?"

"What did you say?"

Jing Ruyi was stunned for a moment, then her eyes burned, and she said in a long voice: "You have a fixed appearance? You won't age? I was about to give birth to a child and you didn't tell me. Do you know how many years you will age after giving birth?"

Zhang Jingyun suddenly became excited.

Sure enough, even a doctor-level woman will be refreshed and her appearance will not change after hearing that she is immortal. Which woman can resist this temptation?

"It's not too late, it's not too late! Make sure you practice Changchun Gong to the basics before giving birth, and your appearance will not change again after giving birth."

Zhang Jingyun immediately taught Jing Ruyi the Changchun Kung Fu, and used his own inner strength to guide her to find the sense of Qi. This process was extremely energy-consuming. In the world of martial arts, even his own son would not be treated like this.

With Zhang Jingyun, a great master, assisting in practicing the exercises, Jing Ruyi herself has been nourished by dual cultivation, and her qualifications are very good. It only took two days to find the sense of Qi, and it was easy to generate internal power within two to three months.

Jing Ruyi naturally rewarded Zhang Jingyun severely. After a few mouthfuls, he wiped out hundreds of millions of lives, which really shocked Zhang Jingyun.

Women are so cruel for looks.

Zhang Jingyun left a part of the spiritual liquid for Jing Ruyi, which was enough for her to practice for a period of time. Then Jing Ruyi suddenly announced that she would practice seclusion and sent Zhang Jingyun away.

"This... personality has changed drastically!"

Zhang Jingyun curled his lips and returned to the main world. Then he went to Jinmen World to see Ma Fengyi, and by the way, he placed the previously hidden treasures from the Qianlong Tomb and the Western Empress Dowager's Tomb in the system space.

Ma Fengyi is very talented in Chinese martial arts and loves to practice martial arts. It will not be difficult to achieve the state of divine transformation in the future. Zhang Jingyun treats everyone equally and teaches her Changchun Kung Fu.

Unexpectedly, this little girl was even crazier than Jing Ruyi. She wanted to practice without sleeping for 24 hours. Zhang Jingyun still underestimated the importance that women place on appearance.

In the end, he just used the golden hoop to clear two mountains. Ma Fengyi threw Zhang Jingyun aside and concentrated on practicing.

Zhang Jingyun: "..."

After returning to the main world, Zhang Jingyun was speechless for a while. Now that he was a master of martial arts, he had the most leisure time. He even had time to record dozens of videos in one go and send them to his high school classmates who were responsible for helping him manage his account.

You can make a lot of money from making videos.

Therefore, it is impossible to interrupt updates.

After doing this, Zhang Jingyun originally wanted to study the boxing classics and improve his cultivation level through Wang Chao's inheritance of national martial arts.

With the data panel, Zhang Jingyun can quickly practice the boxing techniques in Wang Chao's national martial arts inheritance with just a little practice, and his cultivation level will naturally improve.

However, there are too many boxing techniques in Wang Chao's boxing classics, which require a lot of attribute points to upgrade. Zhang Jingyun currently only has less than 200 attribute points.

I was about to study the Boxing Sutra.

Suddenly, Zhang Jingyun's eyes trembled.

"The spiritual energy in the eyes seems to be boiling, rushing into the depths of the pupils. This is a sign that it is going to escalate again."

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved.

His pair of golden eyes had undergone two upgrades. The first time he absorbed spiritual energy and gave him the ability to see through it, and then he absorbed a large amount of antique spiritual energy and turned it into golden color.

Later, although he absorbed the rare treasures from the tomb of the Queen Mother of the West and the tomb of Qianlong, he still did not upgrade. Now after experiencing many worlds and absorbing spiritual energy many times, he finally needs to upgrade again.

Zhang Jingyun felt that the spiritual energy in his eyes had been compressed and became more intense. The massive amount of spiritual energy accumulated in his eyes actually seemed much empty after being compressed.

As a large amount of rich spiritual energy was injected into the depths of his pupils, Zhang Jingyun's pupils split again. There were two pupils in one eyeball, and the split pupils were surrounded by pupils that continued to split.

Until finally, all the spiritual energy was poured into his pupils. Zhang Jingyun's golden pupils were slowly transforming, and the spiritual energy also changed from golden yellow to purple gold.

Suddenly, a tickling feeling came to his heart, and then spread to his whole body. Zhang Jingyun's golden pupils seemed to have undergone some magical changes...

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