People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 119 Super Gene【Please subscribe】

"Survivors of the old world, the lighthouse welcomes you!"

Zhang Jingyun looked at the sound.

A woman of about 20 years old said calmly. Her facial features are exquisite and clear-cut, her eyes are big, bright and deep, and her lips are rosy and slightly raised, giving people a confident and elegant mature charm.

Just go to that stop.

A slender figure with graceful curves stood out in front of his eyes. Zhang Jingyun could see the nobility and maturity on her face. There was no doubt that she was a woman like a royal sister.

"Who are you?" Zhang Jingyun asked.

"Jingnan, the commander of the lighthouse navigation control." Jingnan said slowly. She was at least 1.75 meters tall, and she wore high heels that made her even taller.

"My name is Zhang Jingyun."

After Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, Jing Nan just smiled slightly. The man in front of him might not know that not everyone on the lighthouse has a name.

"There is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?" At the right time, Jing Nan asked Zhang Jingyun.

"Then bad news?"

"The bad news is that not long after you entered the dormant cabin, an unprecedented disaster occurred on the ground. There were countless human casualties. Only the lighthouse survived the disaster."

"The good news is I'm at the lighthouse, right?"

Jingnan nodded and said: "The lighthouse has been sailing in the sky for decades and has escaped countless disasters. It is the last hope of mankind.

You are lucky. You hid in the hibernation cabin before the catastrophe. The hibernation cabin was buried tens of meters deep underground and was not discovered by the pole-devouring beast. "

"The Devouring Beast?"

Although Zhang Jingyun has some impressions of the spirit cage world, as a survivor of the old world who has been dormant for decades, he should have this reaction.

“After the catastrophe, a new ecosystem gradually appeared on the fragmented earth. Weird plants shimmered in the night light, and ferocious monsters hunted humans everywhere, namely the Devouring Beast.

I know this will be difficult for you to accept for a while, and it will take some time to get used to it. This watch currently does not have any permissions, and it stores some information about catastrophes decades ago. You can view it.

After you accept the reality, then come out of the dormant cabin. I can take you to visit the lighthouse and then decide whether you want to stay or go. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Jingyun stood up and came to Jing Nan while checking the information about the catastrophe on his watch.

I know almost the same thing as Zhang Jingyun.

Humanity almost became extinct because of violent natural disasters. At first, geological disasters occurred all over the earth, and then the moon phase changed, and the disasters intensified.

Later, a terrifying plant appeared on the surface. After the disaster, the ecological environment of the earth was particularly suitable for the growth of this plant. Horrible monsters closely related to this plant emerged from the underground. After years of evolution, the Mana ecology was finally formed.


Zhang Jingyun was watching by himself without paying any attention to him. He walked out of the dormant cabin with nothing covering his body, just wandering around in front of Jing Nan.

"Do you want to put on some clothes first?"

Zhang Jingyun followed the sound and saw a hint of embarrassment on the cold sister's face. Only then did he realize that he was dangling his three legs in front of others.

Fortunately, he had gone through many hardships and became thick-skinned. He didn't blush, and breathlessly asked Jing Nan to find something for him to change into.

Zhang Jingyun does have clothes in various styles in his system space, but he will definitely not open them in front of others.

It’s Jingnan.

This scene seemed to be imprinted in her mind.

The Lighthouse completely abandoned the rules and order of the old world and formed a set of rules suitable for survival in the end of the world, including the consideration of racial continuation.

In order to have a more high-quality population and continue civilization, the reproductive system adapted to Lighthouse is matched breeding. Lighthouse matches men and women and performs the breeding task.

Of course, breeding is the right of the superior people.

Shangmin has excellent genes and can resist many diseases and has a higher survival rate in the apocalypse. As long as the Shangmin of the lighthouse reaches a certain age, he will be matched by the life formula to perform breeding tasks.

On the lighthouse, there is no love, marriage, or parent-child relationship. Women who become pregnant after performing breeding missions and give birth to children will be raised by the lighthouse.

Jingnan has a special status.

She is the commander of the lighthouse navigation control room, a senior figure in the lighthouse, and has a heavy responsibility. She has never performed a breeding mission so far.

So how could he see this scene before him? After Zhang Jingyun put on his clothes and called her, Jingnan immediately took him to visit the lighthouse.

"You have to adapt to the new world faster than I thought. Even if the technology of the old world is highly developed and you can sleep in a hibernation chamber of this size for decades, not everyone has this condition, but you may be able to do so on the lighthouse. Feel the huge gap and be prepared.”

Jingnan reminded as he walked.

She guessed that Zhang Jingyun was a descendant of the plutocrats of the old world. This kind of people grew up in fine clothing and fine food, and were taken care of by others. Now that civilization has collapsed and the good times are coming to an end, she needs to remind Zhang Jingyun that times have changed.

Zhang Jingyun smiled and said, "You don't know, I am very adaptable. Besides, you said you want to decide whether I will stay or go?"

“The lighthouse has not received surface survivors for many years, and of course, there are no traces of human activity on the surface today.

You are a survivor of the old world, so you are relatively special. Otherwise, I would not be hosting you. If you want to stay on the lighthouse, you must show your worth. "

While talking, the two came to an area.

What you can see are rows of firearms and weapons, as well as many scientific researchers who are immersed in research, either repairing weapons or designing something.

Zhang Jingyun is dazzled. He is also proficient in marksmanship and has a superb 762 magic skill. The American Iai is also proficient in firearms and has a natural understanding of firearms.

However, the guns Zhang Jingyun used before were completely different from the guns here. The lighthouse had high-tech weapons such as electromagnetic sniper rifles.

Jingnan said, "In addition to the navigation commander, I am also in charge of the lighthouse scientific research department. Do you have relevant design experience in high-precision weapons?"

Zhang Jingyun shook his head: "No."

Turning his eyes, Zhang Jingyun looked at several mechas. The main body of the mecha was snow white, with triangular engineering stripes branded all over the body.

Several mechas are equipped with crawler marching systems on their feet, which are flexible, and the jet propulsion device on the back can provide high acceleration and increase the time in the air.

"This thing is kind of interesting!"

Zhang Jingyun licked the corner of his mouth. In the world of spiritual cages, the pole-devouring beast is an invincible existence. The lighthouse's combatants can only compete with it by driving heavy three-dimensional mechas.

Although Zhang Jingyun already has strong combat power, what man doesn't love mechas? The power of machinery is still very fascinating.

Seeing Zhang Jingyun's curiosity, Jing Nan was not surprised: "This is the MU-2 heavy three-dimensional White Shark, a dedicated combat vehicle for the Hunter.

Mechas are a very rare combat resource for Lighthouse. The heavy-duty White Shark you see is based on the rare old-world power armor and is modified with energy and attack and defense modules.

Heavy three-dimensional weapons are matched with different types of ammunition to achieve functions such as protection, sniping, blasting, etc. The anchor gun can play a good role in restraining large beasts so that troops can retreat at any time. "

Zhang Jingyun looked up and down, and then said, "The gun body seems too bulky. The more important thing about driving a mecha is agility."

Jing Nan was quite surprised, "You are right. Some hunters have already put forward their opinions, and the scientific research department is currently making improvements."

"If I join Beacon, will I be assigned a mecha?" Zhang Jingyun asked casually, but the result was clear before he asked.

"Not all hunters have heavy three-dimensional mechas. Besides, the person driving the mecha must be a citizen of the lighthouse."

"Is it difficult to become a superior?"

"Shangmin identity is determined by the life formula. The life formula will determine your worth based on your genes. This is one of the three survival laws of the lighthouse."

"Three rules of survival?"

Jingnan said: "The three survival rules of Lighthouse can be summarized as genetic optimization, hierarchical classification, and the elimination of family relationships.

Gene optimization divides upper and lower citizens based on genes. Upper citizens have the right to breed. Through lighthouse matching, men and women take the breeding task. If the child is born to a upper citizen, there will be a high contribution point reward, while lower civilians have no breeding rights.

According to the hierarchy, upper-level citizens have names and are responsible for management, combat, scientific research, etc., while lower-level citizens only have numerical codes. All materials are distributed according to contribution points, and the elderly need to travel far.

Abolition of family relationships. After verification by the lighthouse, it can be confirmed that in the apocalypse, family relationships in the old world are unreasonable and all family love must be abandoned. "

Zhang Jingyun had a weird look on his face. This bullshit law could actually be enforced. The people of Lighthouse even followed it for decades. Have humans forgotten that princes and generals like Xiang Ning have such a kind?

Jing Nan saw the change in Zhang Jingyun's face and said, "Do you think it's ridiculous? Facts have proved that this is the best way to survive. We have no choice in the end."

There was one sentence that Jing Nan didn't say.

Is it the end of the world even if there is a glimmer of hope?

The lighthouse has been sailing in the sky for decades. Such a large floating fortress consumes a huge amount of energy every day.

Moreover, the lighthouse does not have the ability to self-sustain energy. The reason why it can sail for decades depends entirely on hunters going to the ground to collect supplies.

But there was no one on the ground.

Although there is a lot of fusion energy left in the old world, it can only get out and not get in. The energy on the ground will one day be completely exhausted.

Will the lighthouse still be able to sail by then?


"This is the hunter training base. If they hadn't gone to the ground to collect supplies and picked you up, you might have been absorbed by the Devouring Beast and turned into flesh and earth."

Zhang Jingyun looked around. Some people were practicing fighting, some were rolling iron, and some were driving mechas. The most conspicuous one among them was a man who was 1.9 meters tall and burlier than Zhang Jingyun.

"Mark, you really pick up everything. You can even find rare species like survivors from the old world. It looks like you are an Oriental."

The speaker was an old man with a gray beard, who looked to be in his sixties or seventies. Although he was old, he was a god-like figure in the training base.

Because he is a hunter instructor.

Mark, the leader of the Hunters, was trained by him. He had to endure countless beatings from instructor Elon since he was a child to develop his skills.

"Oriental?" Mark stopped and was slightly confused. At this moment, instructor Elon, who was sparring with him, punched Mark in the abdomen so hard.


Mark's burly body was beaten loudly, and he took two steps back to regain his balance. If it weren't for his abnormal physical fitness, he would have fallen to the ground at this moment.

"Teacher, you attacked again!"

Mark was helpless. Elon was never merciful to him and always fought to the death during battles. However, he did not dare to strike hard because of Elon's old age and frailty.

Elon smiled proudly and said: "If you were a pole-devouring beast, you would have died just now. You must remember that you cannot take it lightly at any time."

Mark was about to punch back, but Elon ducked and said, "No fight, no fight. If you have a chance, go fight that Oriental."

"Is he good at fighting?"

Mark glanced at Zhang Jingyun and asked.

Elon said: "When I was a child, there was a big country in the east. This country is countless times older than you think, with a history of five thousand years. It was from this country that kung fu spread throughout the world."


In front of Zhang Jingyun, a mecha stood in front of him. As the mecha opened, a petite loli jumped out of it.

Jing Nan introduced: "This is Erica. Don't underestimate her. She has killed many pole-devouring beasts in a heavy three-dimensional mecha."

How dare Zhang Jingyun underestimate her.

The one who can drive the mecha must be the superior citizen of the lighthouse, which shows that the little loli's genes are very powerful. Erica just jumped out of the mecha and it was confirmed.

Her genes are indeed strong.

So big that even Zhang Jingyun had to admire him.

Especially the moment Erica landed, Zhang Jingyun did not dare to look down upon her due to the back and forth feeling.

Almost fainted.

Erica is eighteen years old, 1.6 meters tall, and has a figure that makes people want to commit crimes. Not only is she slim and fruitful, but she also has a childish look.

"Are you the survivor of the old world? Captain Mark and I picked you up. If you become a citizen, remember to thank me."

Erica said, habitually bending her body, revealing half of her white skin. At such a young age, she had not yet realized how lethal this could be.

"What if you are a subordinate?" Zhang Jingyun asked her.

The little Loli's face was startled, and she hesitated and said: "If you are a subordinate, don't rely on me, just ask me to contribute something. A superior citizen is different from a subordinate..."

Zhang Jingyun is very helpless, this damn beacon, even the innocent and helpless Loli knows the class antagonism, doesn't this lead to bad children?

"Let's go. If you decide to stay in the lighthouse, I will take you for a genetic test and assign you the status of a superior or a subordinate.

If you don't want to stay, you have no choice but to return to the ground. You should understand what will happen if you return to the ground. "

Jingnan finally asked for advice.

Zhang Jingyun has already made up his mind. If he is a superior, he will go to the Golden Hall naturally. With his extraordinary strengths, he will definitely be the next model of breeding.

If you are a commoner...

This possibility is extremely slim.

With Zhang Jingyun's current strength and continuous transformation, his genes have long been optimized, unless there is something wrong with Beacon's genetic testing machine.

Jing Nan took Zhang Jingyun to the genetic testing department, and Dr. Carrie drew blood for testing herself. All that was left was to wait for the test results.

Half an hour later.

Dr. Carrie was slightly startled, "No results yet? The genetic test normally ends in ten minutes. This is the first time I have encountered such a situation."


Jing Nan also looked curious.

Finally, another fifteen minutes passed.

The testing instrument dinged.

The next second the entire lighthouse flashed for Zhang Jingyun.

"Super gene detected!"

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