People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 127 Attribute points soared【Please subscribe】

Zhang Jingyun checked the information of the lighthouse through his watch, and Jingnan gave him the permission to be a civilian, allowing him to have a more comprehensive understanding of the history of the lighthouse.

The development of the lighthouse for more than fifty years can be said to be magnificent, and it has experienced several crises, but in the end the lighthouse survived without any danger.

Among them, the contribution of City Lord Morgan cannot be underestimated. It was his implementation of the three survival rules that completely stabilized the situation of the lighthouse.

The survival rate of hunters has also skyrocketed.

However, Zhang Jingyun's focus is not on Morgan. In his view, the promulgation of the three major laws is an urgent need for the living environment.

The natural law of survival of the fittest also applies to lighthouses. Since lighthouses can survive, the emergence of a system like the Three Laws is inevitable.

Even without Morgan, there would still be three laws, and the person who discovered that the Devouring Beast could capture intense emotions was obviously not Morgan.

There are experts behind the lighthouse.

Zhang Jingyun remembered that in the original plot, the Lord Morgan had a particularly respected teacher who told Morgan to discover the secrets of Mark.

The lighthouse had very few records about this person. Zhang Jingyun looked through the information in his watch and found only a few records.

"According to the system of the lighthouse, all old people will travel far to find hope on the ground and contribute their final strength to the lighthouse."

Zhang Jingyun thought in his mind that the so-called long-distance travel system means that the lighthouse cannot support so many elderly people, so they are sent to the ground to let them fend for themselves.

It's called a long journey, and it's quite sensational.

In fact, this is a chilling system. Even those who have made outstanding contributions to the lighthouse will not die well and will be abandoned in their later years.

Of course, Zhang Jingyun is a time traveler after all, and he does know some secrets, that is, people who travel far are likely to be accepted by the ground camp.

Over the years, Bai Yuekui's team has been chasing the lighthouse. Almost everywhere the lighthouse goes, Bai Yuekui is always there, following behind.

Although Bai Yuekui most likely did it for Mark, she would definitely not stand idly by when she saw batches of people being sent to the ground by the lighthouse.

Therefore, it is possible that Morgan's teacher also went to the ground camp after getting off the lighthouse, so Bai Yuekui and others knew everything about the lighthouse.

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved, "If that's the case, then the lighthouse has actually established a subtle relationship with the ground, but it's just very secret.

Elderly people can only wait for death if they stay on the lighthouse, which will also waste a lot of resources. But if they are sent to the ground, they can practice and extend their lifespan.

Moreover, the application of these people's lifetime knowledge can also help the ground camp build a base. Could it be that these were all planned by Morgan's teacher? "

Zhang Jingyun feels that the possibility is not small.

If this is the case, then the existence of the lighthouse is equivalent to a talent replenishment base for the ground forces, and the water here is very deep.

Shaking his head, Zhang Jingyun stopped thinking about it. Anyway, these secrets would eventually surface as his strength improved.


Still growing in the lighthouse.

Moreover, Zhang Jingyun is very satisfied with his current life. Last night he pushed Fanti, the Light Bearer, to continuously replenish attribute points, but this is not enough.

A Light Bearer only needs one or two attribute points every day. Zhang Jingyun practices a skill that requires 60 attribute points even if he only reaches the first five levels.

It would take several months to accumulate these sixty attribute points. Zhang Jingyun could no longer meet this speed and he needed to take the initiative.

In addition, light bearers are also a problem.

"Charles brainwashed the Light Bearer very thoroughly. He asked her to carry out the breeding mission without any hesitation. His woman still has to listen to other people's orders?"

Zhang Jingyun cannot tolerate this kind of thing.

Charles can brainwash, Zhang Jingyun can correct it. He has already experienced the nourishment of the Light Bearer, and he really doesn't want to do it with his hands.

In the Chenxi Hall, Zhang Jingyun thought about the Light Bearer and casually opened the study materials he had recorded with her last night to review.

However, he soon realized something was wrong.

"Huh? Who touched my work?"

Zhang Jingyun remembers clearly that the video was two hours long. The last time he watched it temporarily, he stopped at one hour and thirteen minutes.

Now it's one hour and eighteen minutes.

Zhang Jingyun suddenly had a strange feeling. There was actually a computer repairman on the lighthouse. It was unbearable to watch his five-minute video for nothing!

But who can peek at his video?

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved, and he suddenly thought of one person. There was only one person who could touch the watch, and it was Jing Nan, the lighthouse navigation commander.

Moreover, when Zhang Jingyun received his identity card in the morning, he also gave her access to his watch. Later, he was temporarily called by Dr. Carrie to draw blood.

"Exactly five minutes, he really repairs computers!" Zhang Jingyun's face was so wonderful that he turned out to be Teacher Guan Xi!

Speaking of which, Zhang Jingyun had a very good impression of Jingnan. As the navigation commander and director of the scientific research department, Jingnan had great power, but he did not have his tail raised to the sky like Charles.

The way she treats people and conducts herself is remarkable, and she has a particularly good view of the overall situation. She is not frightened by favors and humiliations, and she has the temperament of a royal sister, like a cold goddess.


Zhang Jingyun's eyes suddenly lit up. She was very good, so couldn't it be that only his own excellent genes could be worthy of her?

The day before yesterday, when Zhang Jingyun was having a drink with the hunter team, he heard people talking about Jingnan being one of the most attractive women on the lighthouse.

And Jingnan has never performed a breeding mission. Lighthouse's system is that women over the age of 18 are obliged to perform breeding missions.

However, women in some special positions are very important, such as Jingnan and some hunter women. They are busy with work and have no time to perform breeding tasks.

But this time, the hunter team returned with a full load. The lighthouse did not have to consider material issues for two years, and there was suddenly plenty of time.

Lord Morgan gave Zhang Jingyun ten places.

Isn’t Jingnan one of the best candidates?

"How can you watch my five-minute video in vain? I'll show you something awesome if I get the chance." Zhang Jingyun thought in his heart.

Zhang Jingyun spent this whole day in the Golden Hall, thoroughly understanding the Golden Hall from top to bottom, and knowing the breeding system of the lighthouse.

The golden hall is connected to the central intelligent system of the lighthouse. The system records all the information of the residents, including genes, positions, etc.

Breeding tasks are assigned by the system based on genes, and excellent genes are matched first. To put it bluntly, it is a strong alliance.

The probability of a child born to two people with excellent genes to be a good citizen will be greatly increased. This is the genetic optimization link.

Zhang Jingyun can't change anything about this. He doesn't just follow whoever he wants to perform tasks with. Apart from ten quotas, the rest is system matching.

But Zhang Jingyun also has advantages.

If he has good genes, the system will give priority to matching him, and the matched women will be relatively better, which is genetic advantage.

"What an emperor's treatment!"

Zhang Jingyun understands that his genes are in the lighthouse, just like the emperor in ancient times, all outstanding women in the world can belong to him.

After understanding the breeding tasks and listening to the work reports from his subordinates, Zhang Jingyun officially took office and became the master of the golden hall.

Time flies and it's night.

Send the breeding mission information to Fanti, the Light Bearer. A moment later, the Light Bearer appeared in front of Zhang Jingyun in a "fine outfit".

The so-called "powerful dress" means a hot dress.

It's still the same as before, her upper body is very tight, and her lower body is particularly unrestrained. The two completely different temperaments of coldness and unrestrainedness appear on her body, which really makes people's light and shadow values ​​soar.

"Your light and shadow value..."

Zhang Jingyun interrupted her: "I know you're high again. Who told you to dress so coolly? Wear pants when meeting people in the future. I don't want others to look at you like me."

The Light Bearer's voice was calm, "I understand."

Zhang Jingyun came to her, looked at her and said, "I noticed last night that the device behind you is not only the weight-bearing and electromagnetic gun charging, but is it also your life support system?"

Last night, Zhang Jingyun fought with the Light Bearer, and he discovered that the Light Bearer needed to connect to the cylindrical mechanical device behind it every hour.

Equivalent to fully charging the battery before fighting Zhang Jingyun again, the Light Bearer charged the battery six or seven times while adding 2.8 attribute points to Zhang Jingyun.

The Light Bearer nodded, "Yes."

"Can you take off the mechanical mask? You know, this way I can only kiss your lips, not your forehead." Zhang Jingyun asked.

The Light Bearer shook his head: "No."

This time Zhang Jingyun could feel the fluctuations in her voice. The mechanical mask on her head was different from Feixue. In addition to assisting sniping, Feixue's mask was also used to cover the scars on her face, so it could be taken off.

The Light Bearer's mask is considered a life support system, integrated with the mechanical device on the body. The black cylinder is the energy source, so it will be fine for a while if you take it off, but it will be really fatal if you take off the mask.

Zhang Jingyun smiled slightly and did not force it. Others could not see the appearance of the light bearer, but he could see it clearly with his golden eyes.

Zhang Jingyun wouldn't be able to do anything if it was Grandma Qiao's face under the mask. Fortunately, the Light Bearer gave him a big surprise.

The most stunning thing under the mask is a pair of smart eyes, which are captivating. If it were not covered by the mask, I don’t know how many people would be fascinated.

In addition to the eyes, the slender eyelashes and the flawless skin are as crisp as snow and can be broken by a blow. They are absolutely stunning.

The person with the light was so beautiful that Zhang Jingyun had no time to look elsewhere, and his frivolous and hot figure made him even more impeccable.

"By the way, what benefit did Charles give you to make you so determined?" Zhang Jingyun asked as he walked into the tree-lined path with ease.

The Light Bearer's voice was trembling.

"The leader of the meeting, he has a favor for me. He gave me my life. Everything is arranged by the Lord of Light and Shadow."

Zhang Jingyun snorted and said, "Lord of Light and Shadow, have you seen it? You have good genes, but your body has been severely damaged. Charles gave you this set of life support equipment to make you loyal to him, right?"

The light bearer did not speak, obviously acquiescing.

Indeed, in the apocalypse, although the genes are very good, the body is still worthless if it is lost. Charles gave the Light Bearer the opportunity to change her life, and she would naturally repay the favor.

"Is that big dog Sharif the same as you?"

Zhang Jingyun was talking about the strong man next to Charles, carrying a larger set of mechanical equipment, similar to the situation of the Light Bearer.

"That's right!" The Light Bearer admitted.

[Practice once, attribute points +0.2]

Zhang Jingyun finished a training session, and the system prompt sounded in his mind immediately. The body of the light bearer was covered with fine beads of sweat, and a faint body fragrance wafted over him.

She sat up with difficulty and connected the energy device. Her breathing was still rapid at first, but it soon became slightly undulating.

"This thing is also a kind of torture for you, right?"

Zhang Jingyun didn't blush or breath.

The Light Bearer said calmly, "I have been used to it for ten years, and the energy device can be used as a weight-bearing training, which helps me a lot."

Zhang Jingyun nodded. The Light Bearer was very strong. Even with such a heavy energy device on his back, he could compete with Feixue. He would be even stronger after removing the weight.

"I've recovered, do you want to continue?"

Zhang Jingyun asked energetically.

Hearing this, the corners of the Light Bearer's mouth trembled slightly. Sometimes she wondered, was the man in front of her still a normal human being?

"Look at you!" the Light Bearer said through gritted teeth.

Zhang Jingyun was not polite either. His plum blossoms opened several times and his attribute points continued to increase. Before leaving, Zhang Jingyun even used the aura of the golden eyes to soothe the pain of He Guangzhu.

"If you want to get rid of this life support device and become a normal woman, you can tell me and I will help you."

Zhang Jingyun said suddenly.

The Light Bearer paused, but said nothing, and then left the golden hall without looking back. The next day, Zhang Jingyun noticed that she was wearing a pair of combat pants.

In fact, although the Light Bearer's body was severely damaged and could only be maintained mechanically, for Zhang Jingyun, it could be easily cured with spiritual energy.

But Zhang Jingyun didn't do that.

He Guangzhe's temperament will have to be endured for a while. Even though she yells fiercely with Zhang Jingyun every day, if Charles asks He Guangzhe to kill him, He Guangzhe will definitely carry it out.

Those who face the lotus light.

Zhang Jingyun is like taming a fierce horse.

But time waits for no one.

Zhang Jingyun needed a lot of attribute points to upgrade his skills, and the Light Bearer couldn't satisfy himself at all, so he immediately arranged a new breeding task.


Lighthouse, navigation control room.

Jing Nan was sitting on the commander's seat, leaning on her cheek. She had two long legs, with her right leg naturally resting on her left leg. She looked like a queen.

The lighthouse is developing smoothly and has sufficient material reserves. It has brought back a lot of combat equipment from the starship, and its scientific research department also has many projects.

Jing Nan knew that the lighthouse could undergo such big changes because of one person. The arrival of Zhang Jingyun even changed the pattern of the lighthouse.

When I think of Zhang Jingyun.

Jing Nan's face turned slightly red.

Jingnan has repeatedly watched the learning materials saved in Zhang Jingyun's watch. She has never seen such a domineering video.

"Unexpectedly, he doesn't look too strong, but he has such explosive power. The strength of the Light Bearer cannot be underestimated, and he is actually begging for mercy?"

Jing Nan subconsciously tightened his legs.

Then I held my forehead, the pressure of survival became less, and my mind began to think wildly. I always thought of Zhang Jingyun these days.

"Ding! Commander Jingnan, you have a mission to perform." At this moment, a message came through the command platform.

"Huh? Give me a mission?"

Jing Nan is very surprised. She has a high position in the lighthouse and she has always been the only one to issue tasks to others. This is the first time she has received a task in the past few years.

When he clicked it and took a look, Jing Nan was dumbfounded.

"Breeding... Breeding mission?" Jing Nan stood up. In theory, every superior citizen has the responsibility of breeding, but she is busy with work, and the system may not match it...

Soon, Jingnan realized.

Now that she is not busy with work, the lighthouse has sufficient energy, and she does not have to worry about survival for two years. It makes sense for the system to match her with breeding tasks.

The breeding mission is a concept that has been instilled in Lighthouse since childhood, and every citizen will abide by it. Jingnan has no objection, but is a little nervous.

Before arriving at the Golden Hall.

Rao Jingnan has been in charge of lighthouse navigation missions for many years, and her legs are a little weak because she is about to look like the light bearer in the video.

Inexplicably, Jing Nan thought of Zhang Jingyun.

"If it were him, it wouldn't be impossible..."

The next second, Jingnan dismissed this idea. This was beyond her control, and she was trying not to let the other party recognize her while wearing a mask in the golden hall.

Jingnan had just arrived at the entrance of the golden hall.

Several supervisors were slightly stunned. This was because they had not received Jingnan's mission sequence, which meant that they did not know about it at all.

This can only inform Zhang Jingyun.

Soon, Zhang Jingyun came out, saw Jing Nan, motioned for everyone to disperse, and then personally led Jing Nan to a room.

"You're not the supervisor, are you?"

Jing Nan couldn't help but ask. She was thinking just now that the person performing the task was Zhang Jingyun. It would be too embarrassing for Zhang Jingyun to suddenly become a supervisor.

She read Zhang Jingyun's study materials several times, only to turn around and return them. Is this what would happen if she casually touched Zhang Jingyun's watch?

"That's right." Zhang Jingyun motioned for her to change clothes, and at the same time he also changed into the Golden Hall suit. Jing Nan stood there blankly.

"what do you mean?"

what's the situation? Jing Nan was very confused. It was enough that Zhang Jingyun was a supervisor, but why did he want to change his clothes?

"I forgot to tell you, I am both a supervisor and an executor. Even your breeding mission was issued by me."

Zhang Jingyun's words made Jing Nan's head pound. The amount of information was too much, how could it still be like this? Is it appropriate to issue breeding tasks and go into battle myself?

Zhang Jingyun saw her thoughts and said: "Lighthouse will give priority to matching excellent genes, and your genes are the best among women.

The city lord has instructed me to select a small number of women to study the genetic inheritance effects of future generations, so you can only carry out tasks with me in the future. "

Jing Nan suddenly remembered that there was indeed a similar agreement between Zhang Jingyun and Morgan. Zhang Jingyun brought hope to the lighthouse to return to the ground. Morgan would definitely not refuse his request. It seemed that both he and the Light Bearer were chosen by Zhang Jingyun. people.

For some reason, Jing Nan suddenly no longer felt nervous. She was originally a little reluctant to perform tasks with others, but when facing Zhang Jingyun, she instinctively accepted it.

In front of Zhang Jingyun, Jing Nan changed her clothes and saw a pair of jade legs, which were warm, slender and pretty, delicate and smooth, like ice muscles and jade bones.

[Practice once, attribute points +1]

Zhang Jingyun is full of energy, while Jingnan is not as good as Fanti. He does not have the energy for high-intensity combat training. His body is a little softer and cannot be too rough.

After half a day, I added 1.8 attribute points.

At this point, Zhang Jingyun practiced more with Jingnan during the day, and at night he had to surrender to the Heguang One. The efficiency of his training doubled, and his attribute points immediately began to increase sharply, soaring by more than a hundred points in a month.

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